Shawna Williams was one of the most creative minds on campus. This was a girl who had written poetry that had gotten into the school newspaper, who had started a flash mob dance during one memorable finals week, and who had even managed to convince the school to let her spray-paint a mural on the school gym's wall. It had been taken down a week later, but her painting of of a wounded devil had certainly reflected how a lot of people felt when Tommy Williams had broken his leg during one particularly intense football game. It was no surprise to people who knew her, or at least knew of her, that her submission to the Theater Department for the student-directed play had been the one picked.
But then the casting call was posted in the classroom at the back of the school theater, where drama classes were held. They were always posted a few weeks in advance of the actual auditions so that student actors could try and get into the heads of the characters that they might be portraying. Shawna's play, titled The Light Side of the Moon, had an equal number of male and female roles, as well as short descriptions of each of the characters; what their personality was like, what they wanted, and so on. The lead female role, however, had an unusual caveat: "Clara has been overweight most of her life, and has had to battle the perception that she is less capable than she is because of that."
That little bit of information naturally made junior Diana Green worried. Diana's ego could be compared to that of Valentine High's cheerleading team; she was beautiful, talented, and she wasn't afraid of letting others know it. Her position at the top of the theater hierarchy had been cemented after the graduation of a class of particularly talented seniors whose underclassmen hadn't really been talented actors. Diana had picked up the slack, and her spectacular audition had gotten her the role of Abigail Williams in their school's production of The Crucible. The following year, another strong audition had gotten her the role of Lady Macbeth. She had also gotten the two leading roles in the two student-directed productions. She was expecting another guaranteed leading role this time, too. The "overweight" thing could easily be worked out, or so she thought.
The commotion in the quad when Diana had asked Shawna about the role had been very loud and very spectacular. Shawna had simply said that she had a vision for the character and that Diana, at least at the weight she was now, probably wouldn't fit it. Diana had accused Shawna that she was out to get her personally. Shawna simply remained calm, and explained her point again. The episode had ended when the bell had rung, but it was clear that Diana wasn't done.
One of the people who had witnessed that incident was Cassidy Burns, also a junior. She had entered the world of Valentine High School's theater at the same time as Diana, and yet hadn't been as successful as Diana. While she would be the first to admit that she hadn't been as talented as Diana had been in her freshman year, getting only a bit role, she had made significant strides as an actress during that year and had gotten the role of Lady Macduff as a sophomore. Cassidy was also, it should be mentioned, chubby. She wasn't enormously fat or anything, but she did have a small potbelly and a bubble butt. Her body wasn't something she usually got really worked up about, but right now it sounded like it could be an advantage. After 2 years of nothing but bit and supporting roles, now might her chance to get the spotlight for once!
The audition date was still a few weeks away, but both girls began to plan how they could best prepare to get that leading role.