So, it started simple enough, with a beer run. They went to a 711, Piper used her fake id, they got a six pack, went back to their dorm room and split it. But between Piper and Mel, the six cans lasted about six seconds, and with Piper’s tolerance and Mel’s sheer mass, neither of them were even feeling remotely buzzed. They needed something to eat, so they went out for more beer, and walked to taco bell. All this was within two blocks of their dorm, it was amazing.
And things only got more amazing from there: it was a Taco Bell Cantina, serving alcohol all night. They had hit booze heaven. The proclaimed their undying love for this place, and for each other, and most of all for this magical elixer. Armed with drunk food, they continued in their quest to try and get drunk.
By nightfall, there was thumping music and searchlights out on the quad, and that meant red solo cops and beer a plenty, and both Mel and Piper were eager to show off just how much they could drink.
They staggered back to their dorm, proclaimed their love for each other, for this place, and for alcohol and then...
Piper woke up in the softest bed ever. It was warm, and soft, and cozy, and...kinda moist?And it was snoring. This was a person? Oh god, they were naked. Oh god she was naked. Oh god, the warm fuzzy mattress was rolling over to face her.
Mel leaned her head in her hand, the elbow against the bed, a ridiculously inflated, fattened image of classic beauty with her naked breasts spilling and drooping about from their heft and gelatinous nature.
“Good morning sunshine!” She teased.
“Ugh, how can you smile after last night.” Piper said closing her eyes and rubbing her temples.
“You seemed to enjoy it last night.” Mel said, her mood quickly souring. She didn’t have much experience, but she had some knowledge of people having sex with fatties and then treating them like trash the next day. She did not want that to define her college experience.
“What? Oh. Oh no.” Piper mumbled innocently. “I got a pounding headache after all that. How are you not...also dead.” Piper tried to cover her head with a pillow and go back to sleep. Mel snatched it away and tried to get up, causing the whole bed to shake, no, the whole house to shake.
“A strong liver used to metabolizing tons of fat every day.” Mel proudly boasted, opening up the blinds without bothering to get dressed.
“That sounds nice.” Piper murmured, trying to go back to sleep anyway.
“You’re a real good kisser, you know that?” Mel teased, trying to keep the conversation alive.
“Thanks!” Piper yawned. “I had a blast. I think. I hope I wish I could remember.”
“Maybe I’ll give your a refresher course this evening. Now get your ass out of bed, it’s 3 in the afternoon.”