(A/N: there was a typo in my previous chapter. It was supposed to be Boutique, not Boudoir. Sorry about that.)
The Black family home was pretty quiet this morning. With Parker still asleep, Piper had the TV volume turned down low. Harper and Hunter weren't due back for at least another day, and for once, Piper had the place all to herself.
It was so peaceful and quiet.
Well, except for the sounds of chewing.
Piper was once more sat upon the couch, Parker having moved it back some time after her younger sister had dragged her enormous ass to bed. She'd planned ahead, loading the end tables to each side of the long suffering piece of furniture with various goodies. Piper had also placed another large fast food order, and was currently enjoying her third greasy breakfast sandwich.
Last night's extended stuffing had been truly epic. Piper had steadily eaten her way through her massive order in between calls, leaving her feeling so full by the time her shift wrapped up. Despite the tightness in her belly, she still didn't feel like she was yet done. She made her way down the hall to the kitchen. Once there, she grabbed a plate of brownies, a lemon meringue pie and a fork, and slowly waddled to her bedroom.
Having not stopped for a break since rising from the couch in Hunter's room, she was breathing pretty hard. A sheen of sweat glistened off her loose, flabby rolls. Her legs trembled, totally unused to dealing with her mass for such an extended length of time.
Taking a moment to strip off her sweat shorts and white tank top, Piper sat down on her bed. She had debated flopping down, but wasn't sure she really wanted to pay for a new bed right now. And so, she took the gentle route, leaning against the headboard and slowly, carefully moving her legs on and move towards the middle of the bed.
Once in the position, Piper grabbed her desserts and the fork from her nightstand and dug in with a loud, "Mmm!" Her boobs and belly made a pretty large, if jiggly, impromptu table, giving her more then enough room to fit both her desserts on. The angle she was leaning on left her chin digging into her soft, pliable blubber. Along with the pace of her mouthfuls of pie and brownies, she was forced to alternate between mouthfuls of food and mouthfuls of air.
If you'd only had the noise to go off of, one could be forgiven for mistaking the sound of Piper feasting as a hog feeding from a trough.
Even as her belly started to hurt, she kept the pace up until she'd finished off both containers in their entirety. Letting out a satisfied coo, Piper placed the empty trays back on her nightstand. She rubbed her packed belly as best she could with one hand. The other, meanwhile, was picking the crumbs off her engorged breast and belly fat, funneling the delicate remains into her mouth.
Ever since she'd started her abortive diet over a week ago, Piper had been missing the sensation of a comfortably stuffed belly. And given she was now on something of an unofficial break until a new scale arrived, she intended to remind herself of that pleasure as often as she could until then.
She had to enjoy it now, after all. Once the new scale arrived, she'd be eating right, she'd stop snacking all the time, her portions would shrink down to normal, and once she'd lost enough weight from dieting, she'd start exercising again. Yes-siree, she'd be good from then on, so she had every right to enjoy being a pig now. Right? Right.
Even last night, Piper had doubted her reasoning, but she felt powerless to resist her own gluttony. Part of her worried she was too far gone already, and she couldn't help but wonder whether or not to just give in to the inevitable. "If there was ever a chance at reining this in, it would have happened before I hit 600 pounds, right? While I could still walk more then twenty yards without a break? When I didn't need a stool and car wash equipment to shower? I can't keep this up, but God, I'm so hungry all the time..."
She promptly buried those fears under another breakfast sandwich, scarfing it down in a few loud bites, trying to lose herself in the pleasures of eating.
Piper was so focused on eating more and trying to forget about the consequences that she didn't even hear the person behind her until they were right there. Who is it?