"Oh, hi, I'm here to j-...Piper? That's you, isn't it?"
"Sierra! You look......well!"
Looking up from her slacking, Piper was met with the smiling face of a close friend. Sierra had always been her closest friend, and in recent times the loss of contact had gotten Piper feeling low. But here she was, in the flesh!
Quite a lot of flesh, as it happened.
Sierra had once been described as 'chubby', in high scool. A few people had called her 'thicc', whatever that meant. But what they really meant ws that she weighed more than most people, but with a good figure. That good figure was long gone. Or at least, it was buried under hundreds of pounds of pear shaped fat. Even from her seated position, Piper could see that Sierra's hips were easily double the width of her shoulders, filling out the sides of her blue skinny jeans, though there was nothing skinny about them. Her belly pushed at her floral dress, making it look shorter than it should,and the top two buttons were left unbuttoned to accomodate her fleshy chest. All in all, Sierra probably needed a gym session way more then the positively slvete Piper.
Pushing those thoughts out of her mind was the pure joy at seeing her old friend. Piper sprung out of her chair to embrace the older girl across the desk. She gripped tightly enough that Sierra actually tapped her shoulder to get her to let go.
"Jeez, Piper. You were smothering me with those puppies of yours." Sierra pulled back, broad grin on her face. "Sorry girl, but you can't seduce me that easily."
"My pup...Oh, right." Piper crossed a self concious arm over her generous bosom without thinking about it. Could Sierra see that her bra wasn't fitting properly?
Oh, who cares? It's Sierra!
"So much to catch up on! What are you up to at the moment? " Piper sat back down, closing her game lest she were to be crept up on while chatting.
"Oh, I'm working at Big Burger. Mom said something about "learning work ethic" or something. The discount helps, though" She laughed heartily, before gesturing to Piper's uniform. "And look at you! At the front of the fanciest gym in town! That's moving on up."
"Well, it's only my first day, so, you know." Piper replied, before spotting Marcy strolling over. "Hey, my boss is coming. What were you here for, hun?"
"You boss? The tall girl? Damn, she tlooks tough. Right, Mom wants her membership upgraded for a family plan. Wants us all to join her here for some reason." Sierra slid her mother's card across the desk, and carried on talking as Piper figured the system out. "If you've got no time now, how about we grab lunch tomorrow? On me, I know this great place."
"Yeah? Sounds great! I think I need to get out of the house more. Send me a message, yeah?" Sliding the card back as Marcy approached the desk, Piper put on her best customer service voice. "Is that everything, ma'am?"
Giggling slightly, Sierra nodded, waving as she waddled off. watching her go, Marcy addressed her new employee.
"Good work there. You settling in okay?" She asked, perching herself on the desk.
"Oh yeah, it's been slow, but, umm, yeah, getting through it." Piper answered, trying not to be too distracted by Sierra making faces at her from outside the window.
Oblivious to the antics behind her, Marcy continued.
"Glad to hear it! Anyway, the reason I'm here is because...You know you said you wanted some workout sessions? well, I'm running a course tomorrow night, only they've all cancelled. I've got the room anyway, so if you wanted to get some coaching without being watched, feel free to swing by." Dropping herself off the desk, she gave Piper a last look before leaving. "I hope you come. I like people who make the effort." That.....almost sounded like a test.
What a dilema! What should Piper do?