Piper slowly made her way down the hallway. The grandiose measurements of her lower half forced her to adopt a significant waddle in a desperate bid to keep her feet moving forward, a task made all the harder by her knee-length belly. She was running her hands along the wall to help maintain her balance, and occasionally felt her enormous hips graze the wainscotting. At one point, there had been a couple small tables in the hall, bedecked in family photos and souvenirs by her Mom.
She said she'd moved them so Hunter wouldn't knock them over, but Piper suspected otherwise.
A slight jiggle passed through Piper's lardy body with each lumbering step. She was trying to step gently, but her sheer mass meant each footfall struck with more weight than anticipated. Piper was breathing heavily, and she took a moment to catch her breath by the bathroom door, bracing herself on the frame.
"God damn it! This is crazy! Why did I get so fat!?" Even as Piper thought it, she knew it was a rhetorical question.
The last act of her deadbeat Dad had been to knock Harper up one more time, and then he was out the door. The Black family finances had been suspect before, but now, they were downright criminal. With Harper soon to be unemployed and a new baby on the way, there was only one option left to the two elder girls; namely, they had to get jobs and help support the family.
While Piper was hesitant to give Parker props for anything, she'd really stepped up to the plate. She'd gotten a job at "Wilson W. Wilson's," a small chain of furniture stores. The pay was steady, but she also received commissions, and as it turned out, Parker was a born salesman. Her first week had seen her sell two couches and a fridge, adding a large chunk of change to the family kitty. Now employed full time, she had yet to bounce a rent check or fail to pay the cable bill, which is something Piper thought she'd never see.
Even before their Mom brought it up, Parker had also removed all her alcohol from the house and limited her party-girl antics outside, making sure her little sister never had to deal with her less child-friendly self. Piper couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Hunter in that regard, as Parker certainly hadn't shown her the same courtesy.
Piper, meanwhile, had gotten a job with "Made for TV." The company, as the name implied, made and sold products on infomercials. Piper's official title was Customer Service Representative. While they had a website where people could order their products, many still chose to call and place their orders (or just to complain), which is where people like Piper came in. The company preferred to home-source their operators as opposed to outsourcing, considering the positive PR alone to be worth it.
In a lot of ways, this was the perfect job for Piper. She could be unshowered and in her underwear, and still be dressed for work. Working at home also saved a lot of time and money on her commute. Perhaps most important, however, was it meant someone was always at home and could watch Hunter, freeing Harper up to job hunt as well.
Between her responsibilities with Hunter and work, Piper left the apartment with less and less frequency. Cupboards once left bare were now perpetually stocked, and Piper raided them like clockwork as her inner glutton came once more to the fore. Cookies, snack cakes, ice cream, and pastries quickly became her mainstay. Left to her own devices for food frequently, takeout became the bulk of her diet, thanks to an ever increasing number of delivery options.
As time passed, her consumption only increased. One Debbie snack cake became two, then three at a go. She'd be cutting up carrots and celery for Hunter's snack while downing a row of Oreo cookies. A burger and small fries became two, then two doubles, then three triples. She started ordering pizza to tide her over at work, working her way up from a single medium to multiple larges. Piper always felt compelled to push herself to the point of comfortably stuffed, and everyday seemed to take just a little bit more.
Eating more overall then ever, eating more calorific then ever, and engaging in zero exercise, it really shouldn't have been much of a surprise when she started blowing up. At first, she ignored it. It was just a little bit of pudge, nothing to worry about. Right?
When Piper hit the two hundred pound mark, she tried to put a positive spin on it. Sure, she had a bit of a pot belly, but it was just a cute little belly. Besides, she now had a booty that wouldn't quit, and her tits were simply huge. Her weight gain might as well have been invisible compared to her now very exaggerated hourglass figure. It seemed every time she went out (admittedly infrequently, and usually Walmart or Costco), someone new was hitting on her, which did wonders for her ego.
At three hundred pounds, she was definitely getting uncomfortable with her build. Her cute little belly was now a bulging, segmented thing, drooping under its own mass as gravity did its work. Her boobs were even bigger, but their perkiness was rapidly going by the wayside, leaving the lardy things draped across her belly when she wasn't wearing a bra. Her ass had gone from booty-licious big to way too big. Even the biggest articles in her wardrobe struggled to contain her cheeks, and it seemed like her ass took each new pair of shorts or pants like a personal challenge, which they never failed to overcome.
It was around this time that Parker, always a bitch, started giving her a hard time about her weight. Harper worked to put a stop to it when the fights threatened to break out, but in private tried to gently guide her rapidly ballooning daughter. She was unfortunately limited to advice for a number of reasons; Piper's role as homemaker, it was her money paying the food bills, and her being a grown woman chief amongst them. Harper was also working two jobs at this time, leaving her out of the loop far more then she really wanted to be.
It was around this time that Piper started stress eating about how much she was overeating. This was understandably far from the healthiest response, and only made her weight problem worse.
Matters came to a head shortly thereafter. She'd visited her friends, Dakota and Zack, in person for the first time in a long while, and both had been stunned by how fat she'd gotten. They'd both attempted to gently point out the elephant in the room, but only succeeded in starting a fight between the three. Piper had left in a rage, and though she still texted them, she hadn't set eyes on either one in months.
The following day, Piper was getting dressed to go to Costco for a bulk pack of toilet paper, and struggling to pull up her largest remaining pair of pants. She knew she should have bought new ones some time ago, but had been stubbornly refusing to admit to herself that she was gaining more weight. Piper just barely pulled the pants over her gigantic ass, and had finally succeeded in buttoning the tight garment. She let out her breath, and promptly heard a loud "RIP!" Looking down, she saw that her engorged thighs had split the inseam of her pants to the knee. Looking in the mirror, she saw that her girth had stretched her blouse tight across her middle, leaving triangles of flesh visible between all her buttons. Even as she watched, a button popped off her blouse, ricocheting loudly off the mirror.
Piper broke out in a cold sweat. Making her way to the bathroom, she stepped onto the family scale. Pushing her boobs and belly out of the way, she read numbers she never thought she'd see: 340 lbs.
Something broke in Piper at that moment. That night, she'd ordered two large pizzas and a bucket of chicken, and grabbed the last two-thirds of that pan of cake from the fridge. Starting her feast at seven, she ate on and off until almost one, leaving herself painfully stuffed and feeling slightly ill. Her consumption never dropped back down afterwards as Piper continued to eat her weight gain fears, and the Black apartment quickly became well known among the local delivery drivers, both for the sheer scale of the orders and the generous tips the increasingly lardy matron gave.
Piper hid the scale under the bathroom counter, swearing that she'd never step on one again. She began ordering all her clothes online, dutifully ignoring how many X's each garment contained, even as she added a couple every now and again once her current wardrobe began to feel a little tight. She stopped ordering bras after outgrowing three in under a month, unwilling to either deal with the cost or be confronted with the fact that she was still expanding rapidly.
It was sometime after that when Piper ordered her massively overbuilt chair. She was by this point firmly trapped in a vicious cycle of being self-conscious of her weight and eating more to cope, thus winding up even fatter. Still, she managed to convince herself that there was no way she'd ever outgrow such a beefy piece of furniture...
"Well, that didn't pan out," Piper thought as her cavernous belly growled hungrily.
What does she do now?