Jesse stared at his newly fattened ass in the mirror, a badonk that puts the donk in badonkadonk. “Oh my God!” Jesse grimaced as he lifted and dropped his right ass cheek over and over, distraught each time it bounced like what it was, “A girl’s ass.”
“A PHAT girl’s ass!” Kelly slapped her nephew’s mighty big butt. “You’re coming along so nicely Jasmine!” she complimented him as she cupped his breasts and gave them a hearty shake. “You’re gonna be all T and A just like a proper juicy PHAT girl should be!”
Jesse had bloated up to just more than half Kelly’s weight, 230 pounds, and thanks to his aunt he had gained very similarly to the way a woman would have. His hair had grown out in the last 6 weeks or so, but was still only long enough to be cut and styled into a bob without looking foolish. The cut and the insistence Aunt Kelly have it died almost platinum blond helped the make up he no wore to pass as a woman. “Listen, Aunt Kelly?”
“Yes my phatalicious niece?” she smirked at you as she snapped her fingers.
“I’m not so sure about all this weight gain,” Jesse carefully told her, as he knew that if she learned the truth, which he had dressed up as her to make fun not emulate, she would be devastated and he didn’t want to do that to her.
“You’re PHAT parts aren’t growing as fast as you want, I know. But you have to be patient. You want to be PHAT not fat, y’know what I mean honey?” Kelly told Jesse in the most motherly way. It was probably the one piece of advice she had felt should be passed down from mother to daughter, or more specifically from PHAT mother to PHAT daughter. “No one likes a fat girl honey.”
“But we all love a good fart,” Kelly giggle as she fanned it at Jesse’s face. “Sniff it up Jasmine! Sniff it up!” Jasmine simply recoiled from the smell; Kelly had some of the worst smelling farts that anyone had ever smelled. Kelly hit Jesse playfully on the shoulder, “Oh you love it, you little bitch.” She walked out of the room laughing, which made her fart again, and which made Jesse scrunch his face as it hit him full on the face.
Jesse was putting on his JUICY couture, the only clothes Kelly would let a PHAT girl wear. He was bending over, having to push down on his new boobs to stop them from flopping forward, when he ripped his own fart. Kelly popped her head into the doorway, almost as if he had been waiting there the whole time for this opportunity to present itself, “Ohhhhh! That was juicy!” Jesse’s butt stink hit her in the face. “And ripe!” She gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, “Nice one!”
Rolling his eyes Jesse agreed, “Yeah, nice one.” Kelly continued to remain still and smile only moving her arm to give you a thumbs up again. “Yeah! Nice one!” Jesse said with mock enthusiasm. She smiled wider and ripped another fart before bouncing away down the hall. Jesse finished getting dressed, amazed at how well he filled out Kelly’s former clothes; they were even tight in the breasts. Troubling as that may be. He farted again and hoped he wasn’t going to surpass his Aunt in that area too. “How would we ever breathe in this house?”
Moving downstairs for a late breakfast for him and for Kelly her third Jesse took a seat at the table, and recoiled in horror of the sight of his fat, yet sexy, bimbo Aunt shoveling, not picking them up with a fork, but actually using a large serving spoon to shovel what must have been two dozen scrambled eggs into her open maw, while simultaneously farting with practically every bite creating a wave, and hazy miasmic smog in the dining room. “These are good!” she smiled as her fart drowned out not only her compliment but also her lip smacking and chewing. She slid a smaller plate over towards Jesse, probably only 18 eggs he figured, “I know you still have an underdeveloped appetite, so I figured you want to start small for today,” Kelly smiled, a bit of egg on her chin.
“She really is kind of hot,” Jesse thought. “And I’ll be her virtual twin. Maybe that’s not so bad after all,” he smiled weakly at the little consolation that was. Then Kelly ripped a huge fart.
“And maybe it is,” Jesse’s face sank. Kelly could barely question what had happened when Jesse started to eat his eggs and she cut another ripe one.