Savoring her new found freedom, Myx passed through the streets of Rotherham wide-eyed and taking in the sights of how the world has changed since she last wandered freely.
A mother with her 7 year old child caught her eye.
"Arissia love, it's a new year and your first day back at school - do behave," her mother, Zoe chided her.
"Yes mummy......" the young girl replied.
"Maybe a little reversal is in order....."Myx mischievously grinned as she saw a pair of nerds walking by on the opposite side of the road.
Immediately Zoe's clothes fell off her as her body (everything below her neck) was swapped with the short skinny nerd. Her 5'10" curvy female form was in seconds reduced to a 5'1" skinny adolescent boy.
The sudden transformation caused her one piece dress to hang limply against her much smaller shoulders. While her nude tights still held in place due to the elastic band,a small bulge formed at the crotch area, her lace panties concealing her uncircumcised, prepubescent male penis.
The nerd on the other hand sprouted up like a weed to water, his t-shirt and jeans barely held together as it pulled tightly against his mature female body. His friend's jaw literally hung open as his face turned beet red at the sight of his friends feminine form.
"Haha!! Mummy, you're almost as short as me!!" the child giggled as her mother held onto her poorly fitting clothes and struggled to move with her loose flats on her now smaller male feet.
"Yeah child,maybe you should be the mother for a change!" Myx added as she saw a curvy Latina stripper talking on the phone - she motioned and they both swapped their bodies below their necks similar to Zoe and the nerd.
Instantaneously, the stripper dwindled in her clothing, much in the same fashion as Zoe. As she was holding her mobile phone with one hand while gesturing with the other, when the change happened, her once snug fitting tube top and mini-skirt fell to the ground, leaving her completely naked prepubescent body free for all to see - causing her to screech and scamper away. The wedge sandals (which still fit properly) caused her to trip and fall, flat on her face, after a good 50m of "poorly coordinated movement".
Arissia on the other hand grew like a plant on steroids! First her tits ballooned under her school shirt to the stripper's double Ds, untucking her shirt from her skirt - revealing her flat, toned stomach. Almost in tandem, she started gaining height even as her butt expanded as she developed the shapely ass of the stripper.
"Wow mummy!! I'm actually bigger than you now!" Arissia smirked as she stood at her full 5'7" looking down at her 5'1" prepubescent mother,"When did you get so small, mummy?"
Leaning down to her mother for eye contact, Zoe was given a clear view of her daughter's new deep cleavage prompting a nearly non-visible (blink and you miss) tenting of her ill-fitting dress.
"Maybe not TOO small......" Myx had just spotted another victim - a bodybuilder with a 10inch "monster phyton".
Myx performed a 3-way swap with Arissa getting the prepubescent cock, the bodybuilder getting the Latina stripper's vagina, while Zoe got her penis upgraded in a HUGE way thanks to the body builder.
Oblivious to the change, the bodybuilder thought nothing of the tingling in his crotch and continued rounding a corner out of Myx's sight in a rush to get to the gym.
Arissia though, stopped teasing her mother to grab at her crotch - confirming her new appendage. Due to its small size, it hardly distorted her pokemon panties - even as it hardened from her groping.
On the other hand, Zoe's dress - though loose and hanging over her skinny frame - gained a prominent bulge as a "tent pole" sprang up at attention in her crotch area.
"Oh.....mummy, your pee pee is so big," Arissia mischievously and seductively asked her mother,"Can you show me how to use it?
And Arissia started to grope her mother's massive willy......