You stare up at the giantess in shock. This Pokémon just spoke! And you understood her. But... how?
The towering canine continues, oblivious to your confusion. “I mean, I couldn’t let a tiny thing like you stay out there, all lost and alone and cold. I’m too nice for that.”
“Stop!” you shout, startling the Lycanroc. “I can understand what you’re saying! But... that shouldn’t be possible.”
The Pokémon’s eyes widen, and she lies down on her belly, bringing her face close to you. “Hold on, seriously? You can understand me? Wow... that’s crazy. Humans and Pokémon shouldn’t be able to understand each other!”
“Maybe it’s a side effect of my shrinking?”
“Maybe. Speaking of which, how did you get so small?”
“I don’t really know. I was hiking and went off the trail, and I started feeling weird. Then I fainted, and when I woke up, I was tiny. And also naked...”
You look away and blush a bit, but the Lycanroc doesn’t react. Seeing as Pokémon usually don’t wear clothes, she probably doesn’t think your nudity is weird.
“Where did you shrink?” the canine giantess asks.
“Exactly where you found me,” you reply.
“Interesting...” the Lycanroc says, bringing a paw to her chin. She ponders a bit, then speaks up once more. “As far as I know, there’s nothing special about this area that makes things shrink. But maybe we can work together and try to figure this out. I’ve been pretty bored lately, so this could be fun.”
You grin as she says this. “Really? Thank you so much!”
You run up to her and go around the side of her giant snout. A huge red eye tracks you as you pet her muzzle right above her mouth. She peels back her lips and bares her fangs as you do this. You can tell it’s meant as a friendly grin, but the sight makes you nervous, and you take several steps back. It’s a shocking reminder of how massive and dangerous this Pokémon is—she could easily snap you up in her mouth and swallow you whole if she wanted. But you have to admit, she’s been surprisingly friendly so far, and you wonder if she really has any plans to eat you.
With some hesitation, you ask her, “I have a question: why are you so nice? Why aren’t you trying to eat me? Doesn’t your species eat meat?”
The Lycanroc turns her head to face you straight-on. Her lips had sealed again, hiding her frightening teeth. “Sure we do,” she says. “But you’re too tiny to be worth the effort. Like I said before, I’m nice. I don’t bother hurting anything that’s so small. And besides, you’re really interesting. A tiny human... Humans are rare around here, and a tiny one is unheard of. I’m sure my friends would like to see you...”
“W-wait,” you stammer. “Are you p-planning to... show me to someone? Um... it might be safer to keep me hidden for now.”
Lycanroc looks away from you, considering what you just said. Then, she focuses both giant eyes on you once more, and she says...