He shook his head, disbelief ruling his thoughts, "I do. I really do care about him..." he found himself looking back at you, at your relatively peaceful face. After a moment, he turns and makes his way out. After all, he still had research to do.
You manage low groan as your awareness returned. Slowly, you allow your eyes to open, revealing the cave ceiling. When you turn your head to look around, you are greeted by a sleeping Paris. He is in his feral form again, but much smaller than normal. Hesitantly, you manage to ask, "Paris?" When the wolf failed to awaken, you decide against waking him. No need to disturb his rest.
After a moment, you notice something. You felt better. Not by much, of course. You certainly still doubt you were up to getting out of bed. But you nonetheless felt a little better, "Paris's medicine, probably. Tasted nasty, but the wolf knows his stuff."
"I'm a scientist," Paris mumbles, surprising you, "I'm supposed to know my stuff," the wolf rises, yawning and stretching. After a moment, he turns back to you, "From your comment, I take it that your illness has abated?"
"A little. Still feel like crap," you reply, offering a thin smile.
Paris eyes you for a moment, then nods, "Alright. Come nightfall, I'll make you another dose. Should do the trick. If not, another after that will."
You find your grinning again, "Aw, you really do like me."
Paris rolls his non-visored eye, "Yes... I like you. Now, I will go attend to my research. You stay here and... and get better. No dying, do you hear me?"
"I hear you. Go, do your research. Speaking of, can you tell me what your research is yet?"
Paris hesitates, then nods, "I suppose I can do that. I am attempting to develop a means to resurrect those who are devoured."
You stare at him for a moment, before cautiously asking, "You are doing what?"
"I am cataloging the biological data of everyone I taste, fuck, and "process" to ascertain whether or not it is possible to bring them back. Preferably via some form of regeneration," Paris returns your stare, his eyes unblinking and absolutely serious, "If that means eating an excessive number of subjects, so be it."
You blink, then blink again. You're not entirely sure how to respond to Paris's admittance. On one paw, it was certainly for a good purpose. Being able to eat people, but they'd be able to come back. On the other paw... just how many people would Paris have to eat for his research to come to fruition. If it ever did. Would you be among that number, eventually? He always does seem to put his research first...