Oh, why not? Nobody would really know, you were fascinated by how you could just rewrite your reality like this, and it sounded too tempting to let go of the responsibilities of humanity for a while. Stepping out of your new "dog"-house with a smile, you followed Carol into your house with the remote, anticipating to get even closer to this woman who you'd never really seen before today. "Princess!" Carol called from upstairs, to which you followed and could hear that Princess was happy to see her owner, but you could also hear another sound. "When you're done, we'll go for a walk, okay?" Carol told her pet, as you walked up to see a sight that validated everything - a locked bathroom door with the sound of somebody peeing and a dog panting coming from behind it. Shortly after, you heard a flushing sound, then the door unlocked and Princess came out, which made you realize the handle was placed lower than you remembered. "Good girl... Oh, were you trying to come upstairs?" Carol asked.
"...Yeah," you said, but getting a little trigger-happy you zapped Princess with the remote. Exhaling, you looked through the list for anything of note and ran into 'Social Position', to which you had 'Human Being' and Princess had 'Pet Dog'. With a smile, you swapped it over, then looked through the list for other things to swap before running into a curious bunch of traits - physical sex, psychological gender, and presenting gender, but genitals were also a nearby option. You'd traded out traits of your species, why not your gender too? You swapped physical sex and noticed that you gained a human vagina and some more feminine features, then swapped it back. You swapped genitals and only that part changed, with Princess' pants having a slight bulge to them and you having a small canine vagina, but physical sex stayed the same. You were amused by Princess gaining a human penis and testicles, but having a dog's vagina felt a little too out there, at least for now, though you were open to having a human vagina - and luckily, you had one nearby. Swapping genitals back just in case, you curiously selected Carol with the remote, which brought up an image of her and Princess. It was interesting that you could swap between two subjects besides yourself, but this was about you. You gave Carol her dog's vagina, then, careful not to drop it with your paws, turned the remote around and selected yourself before turning it around once more. The display showed you and Carol, but then you selected Princess and it was back to you and the dog. You slowly switched genitals over and, surely enough, you had Carol's human vagina, Princess had your human penis and balls, and Carol presumably had Princess' dog vagina in her pants, out of sight.
You moved on to find 'Occupations' was set to automatically switch with your social position, with Princess now attending your school and you getting no occupation. 'Home' was going to swap automatically, though you did question how Princess apparently didn't live at Carol's but had her own room here before the swap you were about to make. Going through the list further, you found some food-related ones. 'Taste' and 'Food Preferences' were self-explanatory and 'Natural Diet' seemed to dictate what foods were good or bad for you. You decided a couple more dog traits would make things a little more interesting, so you switched them. 'Eating skills' would probably go well with them and help the both of you in your new roles, with Princess knowing how to eat like a human and you not being bothered with things like that since you presumably ate from a bowl on the floor. You didn't want to go too far beyond human, but this would amplify the experience of doghood further. 'Interests', interestingly, mostly seemed to have normal interests on both ends from looking through them, but Princess now had 'Video games' as one while one of yours was just 'Playing games with people', to which you presumed was due to the game skills you swapped prior. Since it'd probably help you adjust to the change, you went to swap all of them and switched your games back to her so Princess kept her newfound gaming hobby, since you might bore yourself with a simple dog's life otherwise. Speaking of, you noticed one for 'Vision', which had a drop-down for specifics, but you were curious about seeing the world through the eyes of a dog, and it might give Princess some help with gaming, though the sense of smell dogs had also intrigued you enough to swap 'Smell' too, and which automatically swapped 'Scent recognition', which seemed like the only skill that would be an upgrade from your human skills. You were tempted to swap your hearing abilities (or even ears - that might be cute, but then Princess would have human ears), but that sounded like a bit much, no pun intended.
'Number of limbs' and 'Stance' intrigued you, with you having two arms and two legs with Princess only having four legs, and for the latter you were bipedal while Princess was quadrupedal. You switched the former over, but instead of two more paws replacing your feet, two feet replaced your hands - and your arms seemed to have turned into copies of your legs. Intrigued, you went back up and switched Princess's regained paws with your feet, giving you four paws and Princess two human hands and two human feet with her shoes and socks resized to match, though you decided you still wanted to stand upright so left the latter alone. Going into skills, you figured the newly-appointed human dog going to high school would need the abilities to dress and wash itself, study, make food, do math, use money (which, double-checking, Princess gained in the belongings swap), clean around a house, and use technology more than you did, though in that list you noticed 'Remote of Swapping' was apparently listed as the only technology you were going to know how to use, and it had a lock on it. Going back up, it was also listed under your belongings with the same lock symbol. You were about to tap on it out of curiosity, but decided it was fairly self-explanatory and you didn't want to risk making yourself forget how to use the remote or giving it to someone else, especially while entrusting most of your life to a dog.
The unusually-titled 'Custodian' was set to make Carol Davenleigh (as you now knew your owner's surname was) your owner and your parents into Princess' presumably adopted parents, seeing as they were still listed as your biological parents. Moving on, though, you noticed that 'Spoken languages' and 'Written languages' were seperate options, though the latter had an exclamination point next to it, where tapping on it revealed a message: 'For safety reasons, if the user has no ability to read, they will still be able to understand the options in the menu.' That satisfied you enough to sacrifice that to Princess too, since she'd definitely need that in school, though you still wanted to speak English. 'Handwriting' was listed as going to swap automatically, and you decided to give the dog the ability to tell the time as well. 'Responsibilities' was either already partially swapped or going to swap automatically. There were other traits like 'Problem solving skills' that Princess would probably get better use out of, but you felt like that'd be too dangerous, and 'Hygiene standards', where while using your paws was difficult, you weren't exactly willing to make yourself willing to put dirty objects in your mouth.
That said, holding the remote with paws all the time really was concerning you, and you didn't really have anywhere to put it down when you didn't really have (or want to take back) clothes with pockets to put them in, but looking at Carol, an idea popped into your head. She was wearing yoga pants with pockets, and you could see the square bulge of a phone on her leg. You aimed at Carol and it switched back to her and Princess, then remembering the other functionality from earlier, you said "Michael" and it selected you as the other target, which was easier than turning the remote around with your paws. You went to 'Clothes' and opening a drop-down, you saw 'Yoga pants' with it's own drop-down, and 'Pockets' was a trait it had. Curiously, you dragged it over to your 'Legs' trait, and sure enough you now had... pockets. On your skin. With her phone in them. Weird, but convenient.
Going back to swapping with Princess for any more traits that came to mind, with 'Friends' you figured that it'd be easier for both of you in these different lives if you hung out with who you were going to run into, which for you meant names you assumed were fellow dogs, Carol's friends, and... Huh, your family. Well, she did hang out here now. One that seemed less obvious was 'Romantic partner'. You were technically a dog now, and you were pretty sure Avril was still human. Would she get in trouble for dating a dog...? Avril dating an actual dog might be funny to see, but on the other hand, you loved Avril and weren't really sure about just giving your girlfriend over to Princess, and you did want to have someone outside your family you knew who you would still hang out with. What to do, what to do...?