Tom had picked up the second phone, I wondered why he would without being asked. But before I could even wonder, I felt a warm sensation run throughout my body. It was warm, and it was fast, and I thought of all the stories where you could feel the changes being made. But my mind was also fuzzy. When it was over, I could see Tom standing there, still being Tom, and I knew what must be the truth. I walked, now in heels, over to a mirror on the wall.
Looking back at me, I was a little shocked. My hair was red and below my shoulders. I was shorter than I had been by a few inches, slender, my breasts were big but not obnoxious. I had on a dress and heels, dressed very nice, like for a special occasion, not for two friends out for a casual Friday night I actually looked a lot like Sarah had. I would have been my own wet dream if not for the fact I was female. I was female. I wasn't freaking out by this fact. I was already okay with it, being Alex was a memory. I looked around, and Sarah was gone too.
"Hey Sarah, it's your shot." I turned to Tom, and in my head, I was now Sarah. Not the Sarah we had just met, but a new Sarah, Tom's Sarah, my Sarah. And I realized right away just how attracted to him I was. Not just his physique, but him. I smiled, walked over to the table and set my phone down. I grabbed the stick and lined up my shot, missing the ball. I pouted a little, but it was okay, it was just a game after all.