With the leftovers put away and the dishes safely in the dishwasher, I sat down next to Carmen on the sofa.
"How about some ground rules, to keep this civilised?"
"OK, but what's in it for me?" said Tony's voice through Carmen's mouth.
"We can both play that game, you idiot," said Carmen using Tony's mouth.
"Alright. This is only going to work if we all agree on what is OK and what is off-limits, " I said. "Carmen, this was your body until you had Tony here taking up squatters' rights. How do you want this to go over the next few days?"
"I'd like to be able to rub my tits whenever and wherever I want," Carmen appeared to say as she cupped her breasts, before flinging her hands to her side and then giving Tony a scowl.
"OK, Tony. The more you behave like a teenager on heat, the less either of us is going to be inclined to be reasonable. Can we just agree on some basics without the docking about?" I said.
"OK, sorry! I thought it was funny," said Tony. Unfortunately, I did think it was kind of funny, but I wanted a happy Carmen.
"Alright. I understand that my body has an irresistible draw for Tony, so I'm prepared to do a deal with him so that I can get some quality time for myself. I'll hand over complete control of my body to Tony. He can do whatever he wants with me. BUT, I get the same in return. He does not interfere with me at all, not even to say something with his own head, even if it's the funny thing he's ever thought of. Do we have a deal?" said Carmen looking daggers at Tony.
After a few seconds of thinking, Tony replied, "For how long and who goes first?"
"How about for 12 hours at a time and we can toss a coin for who goes first, "I suggested."
"OK" replied Tony and Carmen in unison.
"Well if you are sure, my love, I'll get a coin from your purse and Carmen will call it when it's in the air - and I mean Carmen, not you Tony, through her mouth."
I quickly grabbed a coin and tossed it into the air.....