M. Smith danced in your mind as a leprechaun standing atop the desk, teasing you as she groped her breasts and tugged at the straps on her tiny bikini (both in size, as a leprechaun, and in coverage). She turned around as she rocked her hips, thirsting her butt out to you. She then lept off the desk and sauntered to you.
Your dick must have grown enormously, because it threatened to tear through your pants. You feel her tiny hand grab hold of it and you jolt with excitement and embarrassment as it throbs in her grasp.
"Ooh, is this for me, big guy?" She teases, rubbing you. "I like a big boy. Are you enough to handle me?"
You explode in your pants as she continues rubbing you. Your head smacks against your desk in absolute pleasure from this magically sexy creature. You hear her giggle and look up to see her breasts less than an inch from your nose. You go hard again as if compelled to by her unnatural beauty. You had always imagined leprechauns as slightly shriveled people, but her perfect body flew in the face of all of your presuppositions.
"You like what you see, Big Boy?" She cooed to you. "I'll tell you what. If you can get the upper hand on me and force me to do something to make me have sex with you before the school term is over, I'll be your toy all summer long. If you can't, then I'll turn you into a slut, and you'll be forced to please your buddy over there all summer long. You don't have to take my challenge if you don't want to, but I can see how you look at me." She pressed her breasts into your eyes, and magically compelled your tongue to lick her. "I think you're into me enough to take that risk. Besides, if you fail, I'll make you into such a slut that you will be grateful for the chance to be your friend's personal sex toy."
She pulled away from your face and rolled over, forcing her butt into your eyes. Her hold on you still forced you to lick her: this time between her legs. She giggled and gasped in delighted pleasure. "Well, Big Boy? Whaddaya say? If you take the challenge, im sure one of these other boys will."
Your mind spun. All you could really think about was how badly you wanted to run this little fey through with your dick that must be half her size! Of course, you'd take her challenge! But, on the other hand, you weren't so keen on being Sid's sex slave all summer - even if you would be so brainwashed that you'd crave every moment of it.
Suddenly, Ms. Smith was gone from your desk and was standing at the front of the classroom, busy teaching the class. You felt the fog of arousal lift a little - just enough to understand that she was asking for a volunteer to come up and write the answer to a history question on the chalk board. She must have had you under a trance.
She repeated the question, "Would any of the boys like to volunteer to write the answer on the chalk board?" She looked you straight in the eye, but you could sense that she was also talking to several other excited boys.
Crap You think to yourself. "If i fail, then im Sid's sex slave, but if i succeed, Ms. Smith is mine!
You decide to...