You thought that when Claire spotted you she had been your savior. You were wrong. Her hand had simply brushed you off of Kim's lips and sent you floating. Still flat, you didn't have a whole lot of control, and simply let yourself fly. You soared down and past Claire's thigh, over to the couch. You bounced onto the couch, rolled a few inches, and came to a stop in the middle of the couch. You heard Kim walk off, and assumed you were safe. Waiting patiently to reform, you were actually pretty realaxed at this point. Besides, what could go wrong? Bad thought. While waiting, a shadow fell over you, and you knew from experiance that shadows were never good. Trying to stand up, you realized that you were still flat. You could do nothing but stare up at the ass of Claire, as she began to sit.
Claire had just walked back over to the couch, and was preparing to sit once more. She flipped out her skirt, and sat down. Her massive pantie covered ass crushed you into the couch. Grinding side to side to get more comfortable, her ass ground you between herself and the rough fabric of the couch. Once comfortable, she sat still, but you weren't quite comfortable to say the least. Having a 120 pound girl ontop of you wasn't exactly a picnic. Things got worse quickly though. You heard Claire say something, and then all the pressure was lifted off of you. You fealt relieved, but screamed when you saw why Claire had slid over. Your mom was about to sit down!
Your mom was different from Claire in several ways. One, her ass was bigger. Two, she was wearing tight shorts and not a skirt. Third, she was heavier. When she sat down ontop of you, all of the air that had remained in your tiny, flat form was instantly knocked out. She too grinded you against her butt too get comfortable. Another thing you noticed was that your mom was very sweaty. She must have just finished exercising. Her sweat soaked shorts seaped into your body, making you wet as well. The smell was also terrible. You were just about to pass out, when your mom also got up and moved over. Somehow you weren't stuck to her, and were only stuck to the couch. You felt yourself coming loose though. Looking up to see the next horror that awaited you, you almost cried. Standing above you was none other than your older sister Sarah.
Sarah was another story entirely. Her ass was the biggest out of all your family. She also weighed as much as your mom. And she was also a slutty dresser. You saw she only wore a thong, which was wedged deeply between her massive butt cheeks. Her giant, white ass grew closer, and you braced for impact. But by some miracle, Claire saved you.
"Sarah wait!" Sarah stopped her descent.
"What?" She asked, annoyied.
"You were about to sit on Ben!" Claire had spotted you! She began to dig you off of the couch, but couldn't even get a nail underneath you. Sarah sighed loudly. Claire kept trying, but evantually gave up. "Hmm...he seems to be..." Sarah interrpreted Claire's giving up as freeing you, and she sat down. You tried to flee, but Claire hadn't been able to help you at all. Sarah's giant butt crushed down on you, and instantly you felt yourself being freed from the couch and stuck to her jiggly flesh. "Sarah!" Claire exclaimed.
"What? You got him didn't you?"
"No! Stand up!" Sarah sighed loudly again, but complied. When she stood up, you felt yourself slipping inside her buttcrack. Thankfully her thong stopped you from slipping in all the way. You didn't even want to think about what would have happened if she wasn't wearing a thong. She stood up, and Claire pulled you out of her butt. Sarah sat back down. In a few moments you reformed, glad that whole escapade was over.
While still in Claire's hand, your mom called Kim into the room, and you went through introductions. Kim was surprised at first, but came around evantually. She was really nice, and you kinda liked her. After all that, your mom looked at you and asked you a question you didn't expect.
"So Ben...guess where we are going today?" What does she say?