The doorknob turns and the door swings open. Joey walks in and is visibly startled as he sees you on his gaming chair blessing his K/D ratios on Warzone.
"Mark? I didn't even hear you come in." Joey stammers as he closes the door behind him.
"Dude, you won't believe this, but I have to show you something", you say as you drop the video game controller and instead raise up the size device.
"A garage remote? Cool man", Joey says indifferently as he sits down on his bed.
"No, douchebag. It's a size remote. It shrinks anything I point it at."
Joey remains expressionless as he picks up a controller from his bed and logs in to join in the video game lobby.
"You don't believe me?"
"Hm? You're being serious? Go ahead and send me your plug's number."
"Nah, wouldn't want to make Nora jealous of the texts. Now since you don't believe me, I guess I'll have'ta show you."
You point the remote at the TV and press the red button on the left side of the remote. The TV goes from its normal 32-inch size to being no bigger than the screen on an old nokia phone. You glance to see Joey as he immediately rises from the bed and his face blanches. You then look at the TV again and press the blue button on the right of the remote, growing it back to its normal height.
"What the fuck!?" Joey drops the controller in his hands to the floor and doesn't even react to it clashing on top of his foot. "Where did you get that thing!?"
"I stole it from that warehouse across the street from Walmart. It's a pretty cool device, want to see what it feels like to be small?"
Before Joey gets a chance to respond, you point the remote at him and watch as he dwindles to the size of a doll on the floor. You point the remote at yourself and press down on the red button to do the same. The familiar feeling of dwindling down washes over you and the world juts above you making you feel dizzy. Instead of being able to look across the bedroom, mounds of clothing, an overturned shoe, a sodacan and other objects obscure your vision. You look around until you finally see Joey who has had a little more time to adjust to his surroundings but is still in shock. You walk up to him and stand in front of where you predict his head will slowly scan next.
"This is crazy", Joey mutters as he seems to stare right through you.
"Isn't it", you agree as you look at the balled-up socks and cardboard boxes under your friend's massive bed.
A rhythmic thud suddenly disturbs the surreal moment and the amplified voice of Dianne, Joey's mother, is heard from outside the bedroom door. "Joey, I'm getting laundry. Are you in there?"
The voice is muffled but still is loud and has a slight echo to it as the room possesses more space for sound to be perceived by your ears as it bounces off the surfaces and travels quite a distance. The doorknob then rattles before the door itself swings open. In walks your friend's middle-aged mother carrying a laundry basket while she is wearing the same tan tank top and jean capris outside although her feet were now bare as she slipped off her sandals when she walked inside. Even though you had already seen Dianne as a giantess, you were still in awe by it. Turning your gaze to Joey revealed that he was in even more awe or likely fear as he immediately bolted to run inside his over turned shoe. You laid on the ground and stayed completely still. Looking directly at the ceiling, you could not see Dianne, but you could feel the vibrations of the floor by her heavy footsteps. Dianne's body then appears into your vision as her gigantic foot lands right next to you. You turn your head slightly and move your eyes to see the bottom of her dry foot just next to you as she is unaware of you as anything more than a toy on the floor.
"What a pigsty" the giantess mutters as she bends down to pick up clothing while scowling at the trash on the floor. She entreats you to a view of her wide and thick ass as she bends down right over you.
Stuffing the dirty laundry into the basket, the giantess walks out of the bedroom, her foot bumping into the overturned shoe causing it to be placed upright. She leaves the room without bothering to close the door. When you think she is long gone, you finally stand up and walk towards the shoe, noticing that it is getting bigger as the device is continuing to shrink you with its defective side effect.
"Joey! You alright in there?" You call out.
"Mark! Get me out of here!"
You point the remote at yourself and press the blue button which grows you back to full-size. You grab the shoe and tilt it's opening into your palm as Joey rolls out. You let him stand up and walk off your palm before growing him back to full-size as well. Joey shoves you away.
"What the hell man! You could've got us killed!"
"We were fine. Besides how was I supposed to know your mom would barge in like that."
"Dude, you play too much! You kept shrinking me while I was in the shoe."
"No", you say while looking at the remote, "This thing has an effect where it keeps shrinking the person slowly after it's used. We should be good now that we're grown back."
Joey slowly returned his lowered eyebrows back to their original state and released the contortions of his face. From there the boys decide to...