Flashing back to high school, Jack remembered the few good pranks he had in classrooms. Most of the time, these pranks were on friends, people who knew about Jack's contraption, but on the odd occasion he would perform them on complete strangers. Even though he loved messing around with his friends, Jack really enjoyed messing with strangers. The adrenaline rush that occurred as the person or persons reacted in response to this weird bug on them was something of a runner's high for Jack. That didn't make what he was doing any less dangerous, though, and Jack knew that. He considered the same dangers when thinking about what he was going to do in this class period, and he still knew that he wanted to get down and mess with someone. Jack took out the shrink ray, and activated it.
Now his first step of the plan complete, Jack scouted out his next move. From the spot on his chair, Jack could easily reach the student to his right, not so easily to the one on his left. That made his choice for who to go to much easier. Jack observed the student, she had a black hoodie on with the hood up, scarcely covering her hair in a bun, wearing dark blue sweatpants and slides. From here, Jack couldn't tell what she looked like other than those features and the glasses she was wearing. In a moment's notice, Jack went from observing the girl to on the side of her chair. He sprung over the nearly touching sides of the seats and easily stopped himself from falling over. On her chair, Jack figured that he had a multitude of ways to mess with this girl. For one, her hands were in her lap, so Jack could make a ruckus there. There was always the classic climbing up her and scaring her from above, or he could take the more crude route and go somewhere inside her clothes to tickle her. Knowing that she was a stranger, though, Jack figured that the latter method wouldn't be too nice. Then, out of the remaining options, Jack chose on getting on the girl's hands.
Jack stealthily worked his way over to the hands on the girl's lap and climbed up her leg to get there. When he initially got on them, Jack noticed that they were unusually warm, and there was something of a slick, sticky substance on her index finger. Jack, instead of looking further into it, looked past it and began making subtle movements on the girl's hand. It was clear that what he was doing was having an effect, as the hand began twitching. Grinning, Jack continued these movements, but made them slightly more noticeable, and that increase in sensation caused a full reaction out of the girl, but what resulted was not by any means what Jack had expected. The girl began raising her hand to her face.
On his way up, carried on the back of this girl's hand, near the base of her index finger, Jack saw what the girl looked like. She had quite light skin, with freckles, medium length black hair, and blue eyes behind her glasses. Jack considered her cute, but noticed that she didn't look like she was her usual self at the moment. Jack knew why as her hand approached her face.
The girl snorted, shooting snot back up into her nose. She was sick. Her nose was plugged with the annoyingly thick snot someone with the common cold is predestined to get. Her eyes were baggy, her face looked glum, overall this girl was tired. And now Jack was getting an up close and personal look. Perhaps too up close and personal. Jack waved at the girl the closer he got. But her glazed eyes overlooked him and her hands kept moving to her face, specifically they were on track for her nose. "Shit," Jack whispered. He knew what was coming. Now shifted onto the back of the girl's index finger, Jack held on for dear life as the girl began to wipe her nose with the back of that very same finger. Jack shuddered as he felt the warm, gooey substance get rubbed onto him. He continued to hang on for all that he had, hoping that he wouldn't be dragged through again. But what happened next was much worse.
What was the unfortunate circumstance that befell Jack?