"Oh, you know, it was awfully sweet of Jack to think of me and get these chocolates for me, but I'm sure you two would enjoy them more," Carey spoke. Lucy and Izzy looked at each other in surprise and excitement. Jack, meanwhile, was becoming far more scared than he was before. He knew that he would have been in trouble with his mom who didn't know that he himself was one of the pieces of chocolate, but in the hands of his sisters, who knew about the whole situation, would be far worse. "Are you sure, Mom?" Lucy asked, trying to contain her elation. Carey warmly smiled and nodded. "Absolutely, I'm sure Jack wouldn't mind, being he hasn't seen you in a while. Go ahead, take them". She handed the open box of chocolates over to Lucy. "All right, well, we should probably get going back to the hotel. I'll warm up the car," Carey said. The girls nodded. "We'll be right down, we have a present to leave Jack," Izzy smirked. Carey smiled, thinking of it as an equally nice gesture, then left the room.
The girls looked down at the box of chocolates with grins dominating their faces, then looked at each other. "Well, should we begin?" Lucy asked, giggling. Izzy shook her head. "You know what, I have another idea. Perhaps after we go through this other plan we can turn him back into chocolate and enjoy him a little more," she chuckled. "What did you have in mind?" Lucy asked. Izzy peered down at the chocolates, specifically looking at the slightly different shaped piece, and closed the box, not wanting that piece to eavesdrop. "Here's what I had in mind..." Izzy began.
Once again, muffled voices were all Jack could hear. This time, he couldn't even make out even one or two words they were saying. It seemed Izzy really cared about leaving Jack in the dark about her new scheme. A few moments pass, and Jack feels his box moving. The girls must be leaving for their ride to their hotel. As they moved, Jack shifted around in the box. "Ugh," he thought, "I really didn't think this could get any worse, but leave it to Izzy to find another way". After a few minutes of walking, Jack felt vibration. They must be in the rental car. All movement in his box ceased, as they drove, and Jack could do nothing but remain a nice delicacy for the ride.
Ten minutes pass, and everyone finally arrives at the hotel Jack's family is staying at. Once again, Jack's box is jerked as one of the girls pick it up, and he begins moving around in the box in response to it being carried. It didn't take long for everyone to get to the hotel room, and when they got there, Carey immediately changed into her bathing suit and went to the indoor hot tub the hotel sported. That gave Izzy and Lucy the freedom to begin their next plan.
The next thing Jack knew, he was no longer inside a dark, cramped, sweet-smelling box. No, rather he was back to his normal figure. When Jack first opened his eyes and noticed he was human again, he patted himself down, almost not believing he could be himself. He laughed, but that laughter soon stopped when he saw his sisters, and it turned to irritation. "What is the matter with you?!" he yelled. "Do you have no concern over my well-being?! Imagine if Mom would have eaten me, I would be freaking dead!". Izzy rolled her eyes. "No, you wouldn't have. I'm pretty sure I told you this already, but apparently you either weren't listening or too dull to understand. Anyways, when this device turns someone into an object, it makes them practically invulnerable. Granted, they can't speak or move, but they become extremely durable. Therefore, had Mom eaten you, you would have survived. Just, you would have gone through her digestive system and eventually... you get the picture," Izzy snickered as she finished her explanation. Jack stood in place, mortified at what he was hearing. "Anyways, we needed to bring you back to your human form so we could change you again. So stay still," Izzy continued. Panicking, Jack jumped out of the way and onto the bed. But this only got him out of the way for a moment, because Izzy quickly changed her direction to Jack laying down on the bed, and laying down prohibited him from getting out of the way this time.
Jack felt different, and understood what had happened. This time, however, he wasn't a piece of candy inside a box of chocolates, he could see light.
What had Izzy turned him into?