A while later, Robert was driving down the road, having Seller's Regret. "I can't believe that check bounced," the werewolf said. "Should of known it was too good to be true."
"I hope you let me beat the hell out of them," said John. "Wyona's the mother of one of mine."
"I'd let you kill them," said Robert. "Real trick would be the location, and how to dump the bodies."
"Tearing them to pieces always did the job for me," said John. "Make it look like a bear did it or something."
"Worth thinking on," said Robert. "What the-?" He hit the breaks. "Looks like their truck, but I don't see anyone."
"This doesn't feel right," said John. "Grab your handgun and sit tight." He opened the door and got out.
He walked up to the open back door of the cattle truck, and saw the tracks of most of the humans heading in one direction. If his information was accurate, it would take them to a human herd that tended to be in the area around this time of the year. He then noticed the prints from a pair of sandals, the sort he was wearing now, as well as those from a pair of Government Issue boots, walking towards the front of the truck. John followed them, and saw the sight of the two dead werewolves.
He then saw the other vehicle tracks.
At this point, Robert got out of his truck, and carefully walked up to him, avoiding the tracks. "Rustlers?"
"If it is, it's the queerest sort of rustling," said John. "These look like Wyona's tracks, this is a pair of Government Issue boots. Most of the livestock went East - if I'm right, there's a herd half a day's walk in that direction. Wyona's an A- Grade, barely worth seven hundred thousand dollars, and the others, from what I could tell from their marks, would be worth five times that, at least. So, why take just one when they could take all of them?"
"Maybe that was all they had room for?" Robert suggested.
"That, or they were looking for a bigger payday," said John. "Something like the Batt Brothers. What are they worth now? Ten million?"
"Fifteen million." Robert spat. "Should of done a further check on them before hiring them."
"Just be glad we stopped them before they stole my cubs," John said, with a growl. "Should of let me kill them then though."
"At least we caught them in the act and threw them off the farm," said Robert. "Missed opportunity."
"Well, whomever this fella is, they'd better take good care of Wyona," said John. "Otherwise, I might kill them."