Giving it a few minutes of thought, you finally choose to type...
Luke (your older brother)
You tap on the text field on the screen and the usual type cursor appears and flashes, indicating it's ready to type. You type "Luke" into the text field, and look at the timer. It's currently set to ten seconds, and the only thing you can guess it means is how long before it turns on. It would make sense since if you want to use it yourself, you'd have to turn it on and then get inside the pod
Taking a deep breathe, you prepare yourself for whatever is to come. You press the red button and the timer starts
Ten... nine...
You rush over to the pod and open the door
Eight... seven... six...
You enter the pod carefully and grab the door handle
Five... four...
You pull the door closed behind you, and wait for the machine to turn on
Three... two... one...
There was a sudden whirring sound, and the machine starts up. The door makes a loud clank sound, and you realize it just locked you inside. Starting to panic, you stare out the window, thinking maybe you should have brought someone along to help you. What if you get stuck in here? You left your phone in your room, and no one would find you for hours. You bang on the door a couple times but it can barely be heard over the whirring. Your panic heightens and you start breathing faster. Who's going to-
There was a sudden flash, immediately extinguishing all thoughts of claustrophobia and entrapment. Your head explodes with light and a loud ringing in your ears, only it's not in your eyes and ears but inside your head. You cant close your eyes or block your ears enough to get rid of either, and you yell out in pain
Everything goes black, and you pass out, your ears still ringing...
As suddenly as you blacked out, you came to once again. Your eyes still closed, you hear the pod door unlock and swing open. The absence of the ringing and the whirring is deafening, even though it's silent. You slowly open your eyes, blinking blearily out the pod door. You realize you've crumpled to the floor, and slowly raise yourself with your slightly stiff limbs. You frick your neck and it pops loudly making you gasp. You rub your neck with your hand and scratch at the back of your head. Your hand makes its way up your head to the top where you run your hand through your hair a few times. After a second you realize what you're doing and pull your hand down, confused. You never run your hand through your hair, you only really mess with your hair when you wash it in the shower. You shake your head, trying to clear it. Everything felt so foggy right now... maybe you just need some water
You climb out of the pod and go up to get your phone from the bedroom and put it in your pocket. You close the bookshelf behind you just in case, and slowly walk over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You pull a glass out from the cabinet and go to the fridge and fill it with ice and water. You down the cup without thinking, and set it down in the sink. Ahh, that feels good. The cold water soothe your throat, and seems to help clear your head a little more, but you still feel foggy
You hear a car pull into the driveway and assume it's your mom. Sure enough, after a few seconds your mom comes in and you greet her without really thinking. Something about your voice feels off, but you can't place what it is. You shrug it off, knowing you're just not thinking straight at the moment. She looks at you surprised
"Oh, Luke. I didn't know you were going to be home so early. Would you feed Rufus for me please?"
"Sure..." you call for Rufus, still feeling like your voice sounds off for some reason, and take him to the back door. Why did that feel so... wrong...
You open the door and breathe in the fresh air. Your mind clears completely, and your eyes shoot open in realization. Your voice sounds like Lukes! Your mom just called you Luke and treated like she would treat Luke! Your excitement builds and you have to look in a mirror. You silently chant for Rufus to be faster, and call him inside when he's done with your new deeper voice. You rush to the bathroom and lock the door. Then you turn to face the mirror and gasp
Staring back at you was Luke! You turned into Luke! That's what the machine does! And it works! It bloody works! You grin excitedly and run your hand through your now blonde, stuck-up hair. You can't believe what's happened! You've turned into Luke! You even sound like him. You think back and realize you have taken on some of his mannerisms without even meaning to. Luke runs his hand through his hair, and Luke drinks iced water from the fridge while you, Marcus, would drink regular cold water from the tap. You can't help but stare at your slightly more appealing male figure and facial features and laugh quietly to yourself. This was amazing! There are so many things you could-
You hear a car door slam shut, and realize Luke was arriving home. Luke can't see you like this! Not without an explanation first! Your mind races faster than Luke can walk to the front door. You go with the first thing that comes to mind, which is to...