After a week of using the Muscle Powder you notice that you're all out. You're a bit confused since you only used what it directed. You heard Swizzle's warning and didn't want to end up in a world of pain. But so far the powder is doing it's job. You feel stronger and firmer. Your legs feel a bit stronger and your arms feel stronger too. You also notice that you're evening run has become longer.
"Must be working," you smile and walk into the living room and hear Mike come downstairs.
Mike reaches the bottom of the steps and he's only in his shorts with his hairy belly hanging out. You then notice that his belly seems to be more firm and that his chest looks a little tighter and his arms look a bit bigger.
"Oh shoot," Mike says walking up to you and noticing the empty bottle of powder," we're all out. That stuff rules."
"What?!" you explode," You've been using this?!"
"Yeah," Mike answers and flexes an arm," see, two days and these arms are an inch thicker."
"Oh shoot," you say," you took 3 days worth in 4 servings?"
"2 servings," answers Mike flexing his other arm," also made this gut of mine more firm."
"Why did you take it?" you loudly ask your brother.
"It was in with the rest of the powder, (insert your name here)," Mike explains," free for everyone."
"Uggg," you sigh and you decide you better get back to Notz and Yeps and tell Swizzle.
"Got any more of it?" asks Mike.
"No," you answer and head towards the door and slip on your shoes and leave the house.
You head towards Notz and Yeps still fuming mad from Mike.
You arrive at the shop and Swizzle greets you," Good afternoon. Come with me."
You follow Swizzle into the back and he asks," So did you follow the instructions?"
"Yes I did sir," you answer then add," but my brother took a few days worth for himself."
"I would not worry about that," Swizzle suggests," just put it in a better location next time."
You nod and Swizzle directs you to the scale and you see you've gained 6 pounds of muscle mass and you've gained a few inches around your body from muscle growth.
"Very good my boy," congratulates Swizzle with a pat on the back and hands you a new bottle of Muscle Powder," here's another week and a bit worth of powder. Come back in 1 week."
"Yes sir," you tell Swizzle," see you in a week and thanks again."
Swizzle bids you a farewell and attends to a customer at the register.
You walk home feeling much better and decide to stick to your work outs. You arrive home to see that Mike's big red truck has left. You smile and head inside and hide the Muscle Powder in some pants that are hanging up in your closet. Then you decide to hide it in your computer desk drawer, under some paper.
A few hours later your folks come home and Mike arrives just in time for supper. Your Mom points out that your work outs are paying off and you're looking more like a Hollywood star. You blush and your Dad smiles.
After dinner you get a phone call from your buddy James and invited to go see the new zombie action flick.
You come home at 10:30 or so to see your folks have gone to bed early, early meeting tomorrow. You go upstairs and remember it's time to use the Muscle Powder. You sit down in your computer chair and turn on the computer and open the drawer to get the Muscle Powder and....