Poetry: May 04, 2022 Issue [#11338]
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 This week: May Flowers – Poetry About Growth
  Edited by: Red Writing Hood <3
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language."

W. H. Auden

"The poet doesn't invent. He listens."

Jean Cocteau

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Letter from the editor

May Flowers – Poetry About Growth

Now that we’ve written about the rain (sad) let’s move into what the rain helps with: Growth. Just like any poetry you write, the poetry about growth can be about yourself, someone else, something in your past, or present—even an imagined future.

So, what is growth? Most dictionaries talk about getting bigger. I like to see it as becoming more or advancing beyond what we were before. Learning and acceptance both have a lot to do with it—even if the thing you learn and must accept is painful. When you’re young, you learn to look at what is around you, so you don’t hurt yourself when you stand, walk or run. Character also can play a part—in fact, it can be the determining factor between growth and stagnation.

Your poetry about growth can still have touches of sad, since growth can hurt, but also remember that growth can be exciting, and new and also frustrating and complicated, but in the end, growth is usually good.

Feel free to share your growth poetry with me and I’ll share them with the newsletter next month. Below is a form to help you get started with writing some growth poetry.


Florida poet Betty Ann Whitney created the Whitney form. I selected it for this month due to the meter. It reminded me about growth and how sometimes you take a step forward and then back and then forward—a few times sometimes, before that growth becomes permanent.


--Line count: 7

--Number of stanzas: 1

--Meter: Syllabic, in the following format – 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 7







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Editor's Picks

Theme: Growing and growth

 The Empty Chair  [E]
cannot hide from growth and maturity. Life ensures these things no matter the age.
by kwame

 The Stranger Within Me  [E]
Who we are changes as we grow.
by PlannerDan

 Self Discovery  [E]
Learning about self and the control of what's within and the impact on esteem.
by Barbieistheone

by K. I. Smet

 A Season for Inner Growth   [13+]
People go through seasons of growth and winterness, and not all times are verdent.
by a Sunflower in Texas

 Accepting  [ASR]
Before growth can occur you first have to accept yourself and let go the pain
by DyrHearte writes

 Growth  [E]
How often do we see it that the small becomes the vast.
by halcyon

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Have a question, answer, problem, solution, tip, trick, cheer, jeer, or extra million lying around?

If so, send it through the feedback section at the bottom of this newsletter OR click the little envelope next to my name Red Writing Hood <3 and send it through email.

Comments on last month's newsletter:

From: Monty
Comment: Thanks again for a news letter worth reading.

Some sad poetry and pathya vaat shares:

 bobby (right as rain, again)  [E]
something entirely new...
by christo

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by A Guest Visitor

Thank you all so much for your comments and shares from last month's newsletter. It always makes my day!

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