Poetry: May 11, 2022 Issue [#11354]
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 This week: There's a Poem In There
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks. ~~Plutarch

If you cannot be a poet, be the poem. ~~David Carradine

Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them. ~~Dennis Gabor

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Letter from the editor

Sometimes when my hubby and i are just sitting around yacking over nothing in particular, he'll say something. Perhaps nothing special. Or perhaps weird or something we laugh about. And then I (or he will) totally sidetrack everything by saying - there's a poem in that. Sometimes, I'm scribbling immediately. Other times it sits in the forefront of my brain until the simmer hits full boil. Luckily, my husband gets it and knows to let that pot boil over until I finish scribbling on whatever piece of paper is immediately handy. (Phone bills, pay stubs, shopping lists, backs of pictures - nothing is safe in that moment. He once scribbled a couple of lines on his palm!

One of these days, I'm going to write the 'Marriage Rules' book. We've been talking about it for years. Occasionally, one of us will say something like, 'Of course, the other spouse does that!' and be answered with, 'Says who?' 'It's right there in the marriage Rules, chapter 4, paragraph 6g.' 'Oh, ok.' And then we laugh.

Once we got talking about this because I gave him a '10 minute' warning before dinner would be ready. MY interpretation was - be in here, ready to eat in 10 minutes. HIS interpretation - head in in ten, then hit the bathroom, then wash up, get a beer from the basement and text his buddy. A half-hour later, he's ready to eat. Time spans. Shower. Him: 1/2 hour easy until the water's turned off. (and he's bald) Me? 10 minutes flat AND my hair's been blown dry and I'm dressed and ready to go. Time words: soon, in a bit, just a minute, give me a sec, 5 minutes, now, later, soooon, tonight, tomorrow (ie:next week), this summer (ie: never.) A definite chapter in the book because NO ONE defines them the same way and a dictionary is no help. AND, depending upon WHEN they are used, the time frame varies WIDELY! Give me five minutes before he's out of bed a on weekend translates up to two hours. Fives minutes when he's in a hurry? About 30 seconds. (To be fair - that all works both ways!) It is just that there is no consistency.

The previous two paragraphs have both sparked poems. Several in fact. Guess maybe they are placeholders until I write the book! *grin*

Road trips are famous for the 'Pull over, I need to write this down,' moments. It is kind of like seeing that perfect picture and you whip out your photo to capture it for posterity - or at least to take up the 8053rd photo slot on your phone. He even keeps a notebook in his console of the truck. He's smart, my hubby. Or he learns fast. Anyway...

I really do try to note down those moments. We had one on Sunday. I didn't scribble ANYthing down - just mentioned there was a 'poem in' whatever we were talking about. Now, I have absolutely no clue what it was. Neither does my hubby. Sigh.

The other thing to this line of thought is that some of my best poetry ever has come from one of those random mid-conversation sparks. Sometimes it is an entire idea. Other times, it is merely an odd combination of words I like. Or maybe just a phrase that I think sounds very cool. All this being said ... err written, is that a poem may arise from darned near anything! How awesome is that?

Editor's Picks

 (to be) a writer  (E)
showering, but driven to honor The Muse, (for once) i refuse to not-capture a poem
#2250968 by christo

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2271165 by Not Available.

 Hope, A Flashlight  (E)
A poem about hope and sharing your spark.
#2254019 by Messy Bookworm

Dark Days Spark Bright Tomorrows  (E)
A Ballade
#2088599 by Vanishing Vapor

 Tomorrow  (E)
A poem that came to me as I was thinking about what to do after I graduate.
#1858817 by Mindertwenty

Significant Spark  (E)
Sharing a table at the cafe.
#1966482 by Teargen

 The Dictionary of Annie  (E)
Word souvenirs
#2268256 by fyn

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Ask & Answer

Magnolia write: Responding to the Poetry article "It's All About Connections" by Fyn.

Yes and Yes. This concept was what I fell in love with as a child. Always mentally riffing from one word to another until a picture formed. I learned to do it silently because adults didn’t understand. I guess I sounded like a gibbering idiot.

When I became an adult, I started jotting down words that I read ‘anywhere', using a steno pad, because I was studying shorthand. I found the 6x9 inch format was perfect, because I never wrote down (not in shorthand) more than two words of what I was reading. It was the exact space needed for two words.

In addition, the steno pad is divided by a red line down the middle into two columns of three inches each, designed for quick shorthand transition from line-to-line. So each page contains two columns of two words each.

I called the notebook(s) Turn of a Phrase and I use them to this day exactly as you describe.

Sometimes my thoughts make it to paper, sometimes I just read the words down the page as recorded, letting even the ad hoc sequence from many different sources create its own magic. The combinations are endless and always inspiring. I can skip pages or read across instead of vertically.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reminding me of all the hours of joy I have had from my steno pads.

Elfin Dragon-finally published says: I like your thought about Poetic Memoirs. If I'm writing consistently, Much of my writing comes out just that way. If only because I do write a lot of poetry that says not only what I'm feeling, but what's going on with me at the time. In fact, I've just published my first two books of poetry. *Shock*

Monty comments: Poetry is a language all it's own saying so much and using fewer words.

Sand Castles Shopgirl 739 says: Thanks for the inclusion of my poem. I have always considered poetry a way to tell a story, so your newsletter struck a chord with me. Good luck with the memoir!

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