Stats & Info. At the very top of your portfolio, right under the tabs, is a
Stats & Info link. Clicking on that link will expand an area that will give you the public URL for your portfolio, as well as a number of other useful links including
Go to Stats which will tell you views and ratings information about recently accessed items, and your portfolio size (i.e., how many items you've created out of the total number of items your portfolio can hold based on your membership level). Next to your portfolio size is a very handy link called
Show Item Summary which will tell you
how many of each type of item you've created and, if you click on the item type, will give you a list of links to all items of that type you've created. This can be very helpful for limited-number items (like Books or Interactive Stories), to either determine how many you have left to create, or where to free up space if you need to replace an old one.
Transfer an Item. If you need to transfer an item to another member (for example, maybe you created a group or a contest that you don't have time to run anymore and someone else is willing and has agreed to take it over), you can click on
Portfolio > Transfer an Item from the left-hand navigation column and, for a small fee, transfer items from your portfolio to another user's portfolio.
Passkey Editor. If you want to check on which items have passkeys set, you can use the left-hand navigation column to click on
Portfolio > Manage Passkeys and it'll take you to a page where all of your items with passkeys are listed, and where you can update any/all of them at the same time. If you need to quickly change the passkeys to your private items, this is a great, quick way to make sure you've managed all your passkeys responsibly and haven't, for example, used the same passkey on multiple items if you don't want the same people accessing them.
Portfolio Highlighting. Did you know you can highlight items in your port for easier tracking? Click on
Portfolio > Manage Portfolio Highlighting from the left-hand navigation column and you can set items to carry different highlight colors that only you can see. This can be an excellent way to organize similar items (you can highlight by access restriction, genre, title/description, etc.) that you don't want to necessarily create a separate folder for.
Auto-Rewards, Edit Points, and Item Aliases. just like with the
Manage Passkeys feature, you can also manage your various
Auto-Rewards and
Edit Points and
Item Aliases all from the same convenient location by going to... yep, you guessed it...
Portfolio > Manage from the left-column navigation menu.
Item Edit Logs. Did you know keeps edit logs of all your items so you can go back and restore prior versions? This is really helpful if you need to go back to an old version of a story or poem, or even a contest or activity if you need something from a past iteration.
Portfolio > Item Edit Logs will take you to a screen with all of your recently edited items and allow you to pull up the edit logs for any one of them.
Export Portfolio Items. While it's always recommended that you back up your items offsite as a general best practice, if you ever find yourself short or portfolio space and/or needing to purge some old items without deleting them entirely, you can first export your portfolio items in the form of HTML or plain text (with or without WritingML coding), and you can export it as a copy/paste, text file, or ZIP file. This can be very useful when you want to clean out your port or, if you ever decide to close your account to transfer your portfolio of writing offsite in a way that preserves everything you've created here.