What Words Trip Up Your Fingers Every Time?
Some words just don't look right no matter how you spell them. I was just typing up a comment on someone's blog, when I turned to my husband and said, "I hate, hate, hate this @#$% word! How the Hell do you spell 'broccoli'?" Ironically, English is his second language and my first; I majored in English - "Rhetoric and Writing," if you want to sound snotty about it - and he majored in Chemical Engineering. Damn it, though - he can usually finish the New York Times crossword puzzle faster than I can, unless there are a whole slew of French and Latin words to fill in.
"B - R - O - C - C - O - L - I," he said.
"Two C's, one L?" I asked. It no longer looks "right" to me either way.
"Yep. I remember it by thinking of it as 'brock collie.'"
"That could work. Nasty, stupid word. Like... E. Coli, only 'Brock Coli.'" Icky word - killer bacteria. Works for me. Great mnemonic, there. I can spell mnemonic, by the way, but not broccoli. Doesn't get much dumber than that. Let's see if I can get this one without looking it up: floccinaucinihilipilification.
Yep. Spelled that right on the first try, too. B - R - O - C - C - O - L - I. Brock Coli. I refuse to be done in by a vegetable!