For Authors: May 13, 2009 Issue [#3047]
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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: Vivian
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

         I've read and heard many confusing accounts and opinions concerning point of view (POV) in writing. I dug through my files and updated an essay I wrote about the subject.

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Letter from the editor

Examining Point of View

         In conversation and in literature, point of view (POV) means the way the speaker, writer, or reader looks at things. In literature, POV means the vantage point or position from which a writer tells a story. POV determines how much information is given to readers by the writer. Someone has to tell a story, and that someone is called the narrator.

         When we discuss point of view, we look at three possible positions, four if the two forms of third person are considered separately: first person, second person, and two forms of third person.

         First person has the narrator as a character in the story. The narrator is able to tell only what he or she sees, hears, knows, and thinks. Any information about happenings out of the narrator’s hearing or sight must be revealed to him by someone or something else. A first-person narrator does not know the thoughts of other characters. The narrator can be a main character or a minor character and uses pronouns such as I, me, mine, my, we (if the narrator and one or more other characters are involved), us, our, and ours.

Example of first person point of view:
         Margaret spun toward me, a sneer twisting her face. “Leave me alone; just leave me alone.”

         Shocked and startled, I stammered, “Ma … Margaret, I … I … don’t understand.”

         Second person involves the reader. The pronouns you, yours, your are used other than in dialogue. This POV is best used in written instructions or directions. All expert sources advise writers not to use second person for essays (unless instructional), stories, or novels, because the reader is not part of the plot, action, dialogue. Writing as if the reader or readers were creates a distraction in the flow of what’s written.

Example of second person point of view:
         When you reach the interstate, turn north and travel six miles to the Nowater Road exit. Take Nowater Road three miles east to Funshine Drive.

         Note that sometimes “you” is the understood subject rather than written in the sentence. Using an understood “you” makes the POV second person, too.

         Third person has two forms: limited and omniscient. The narrator is not a part of the story or essay, only an observer, in both forms. The pronouns used, unless in dialogue, include he, him, she, her, it, they, them.

         Third person limited allows the narrator to see, hear, and know anything that one character does, including that character’s thoughts and feelings.

Example of third-person limited
         Jackson watched the slaughter of animals in disgust. He couldn’t believe that others could be so cruel and ruthless. “I wonder how they can sleep at night?” he muttered to himself.

         Third person omniscient gives the narrator access to the actions, words, thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the writing. The narrator sees all, hears all, and knows all.However, the author usually sees, hears, and knows all about two or three main characters.

Example of third-person omniscient:
         Jackson stumbled up the incline to his car, not knowing that hostile eyes followed his every movement. Royce stared after the other man. What is he doing sneaking around here? he silently asked himself. He decided to follow his former friend.

         As Jackson climbed into his car, he caught sight of his reflection in the rearview mirror. “I look as if I’ve been crawling through the wilderness.” He ran his fingers through his hair to remove some of the twigs and grass.

         Some writers change from one POV to another, perhaps switching from chapter to chapter from first person to limited third person. If done well, that practice is an effective tool, but it is one difficult to do correctly. The most consistent method is to write in one point of view throughout the story/book/essay. The writer has less chance of confusing the reader.

1. Notes and lesson plans from Vivian Zabel
2. Elements of Writing Third Course, Holt Rinehart Winston
3 Writer’s Companion High School, Prentice Hall

Editor's Picks

Writings from W.Com

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

The Advantages of Autism  [E]
Autism has its advantages! A light look at the subject from one mom's point of view.
by winklett

My Lai  [18+]
The Massacre at My Lai - seen from two points of view
by iKïyå§ama

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Words from Our Readers

         This is GREAT! Thanks so much for the info. I've been wondering how to get published without spending a fortune. This might be exactly the avenue I've been looking for. Puppycat

         I'm glad I could help other writers. Hope you do well.

Elaine's Beary Limited*~
         Wonderfully informative newsletter. I saved the lists of writing opportunities that you included in your newsletter. Thank you for the help.

         You are most welcome.

         Thanks for sharing these contests, Viv. I think writing contests really help the author to sharpen their skills. Steph

         I agree, and especially if the author gets any feedback.

NanoWriMo2018 Into the Earth
         I need to bookmark these! thanks so much for these links.

          You are very welcome.

Hi Viv,
         Thanks for the really helpful list of writing contest links - I'm saving them for future reference, and it helps to know which contests are reputable and which aren't.
         Keep up the great work!

         Let us know your results when you do enter any contests.

         Thank you for this list. It is very convenient and useful.

         I'm glad to know when something I put together helps others.

         Good stuff except most of the short story competition links wouldn't load. However, with the name of the links, I can physically type them in and check them out.

         I'm sorry the links didn't work for you. All I could do is type them in and hope.

         Thanks Viv for such an informative newsletter on websites for writing contests. I plan to check several out. Thanks again for doing the leg work for WDC members.

         Actually it was more "finger" work than "leg" work. *Laugh*

         Thank you so much, Viv, for featuring "Make Me Laugh Contest" [18+] in this week's NL. Another smashing edition, by the way. Keep up the great work. *Kiss*

         Thank you for the encouragement.

Thanks for joining me this issue. I hope we can meet again next month.


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