For Authors: October 21, 2009 Issue [#3338]
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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

*Delight* There were such fascinating responses to my In-and-Out "There are Two Kinds of People that I decided to explore the possibilities for authors! *Cool*
*Smile* Thank you to all those who responded! *Bigsmile*

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

I asked WDC members to classify all humanity into two types. On reading the 'classifications' that folks came up with, I saw a wealth of material for writers - in terms of characterisation, conflict, dialogue ... you name it!

So, here are some of the responses and the possibilities I see. The response received is in green. The rest is my discussion.


Puja ...those who make others happy and feel happy, and those who hurt others and feel happy.

The protagonist and the antagonist ... ? The protagonist trying to achieve something positive, the antagonist pulling the structure down ... ?
OR - Two characters in a romance story, perhaps, hero and heroine ... ? Both complementing each other, one going all out to please, the other all out to hurt, each one's deep-seated psychological need being met in some strange way. A lot of scope to explore the impact of childhood on the two characters, why they grew the way they did, how they felt the 'pull' of the other, and the chemistry between them.


Neko ♥ Away Those who accept you for who you are, and those who don't even take the time to find out who you are.

Where? In the neighbourhood? At a P.T.A. meeting? Sitting next to you on a 24 hour railway journey? Long time friends?
Have they accepted you? Do they even know you? I've heard of, and personally experienced, losing long time friends because it turned out we didn't really know each other!


Ben Langhinrichs : ...those who believe they are writers, and those who do not.

Interesting. Are those who believe they are writers really not good writers ... ?
I know someone who is going to write a book. For the last three years, she's had the first paragraph done. Of course she can't get the book written because her husband won't let her smoke and she can't write unless she smokes. It's all there in her head but (poor thing, what can she do?) he won't let her smoke! *Confused*
And do those who don't believe they are writers come up with brilliant stuff, casually calling it 'something I thought up'?


Steev the Friction Wizurd : ...those who think like me and those who don't.

Aha. I love this one. Steev the Friction Wizurd , you'll be in one of my stories, soon. (Since I don't smoke, I have no excuse for not writing the story, poor me.)
What I need to know is the ratio. I mean, in a room full of fifty people, how many would fall in to the first category, and how many the second?
I'd love it if you say 1:49!
So -- is this the story of moral courage, standing up for what you believe in?
Is it the story of one-upmanship?
Is it the story of simple pigheadedness?


faithjourney:Those that make you happy when they arrive, and those that make you happy when they leave.


Humming Bird : Those who like adding insult to injury and those who don't.

For both these, a lot of characters from soaps and sitcoms come to mind. "Everybody Loves Raymond" ... ? "Friends" ... ?



afineline:Those who leap at opportunity, and those who sit by, waiting for opportunity to come to them.

Partners in business? Partners in crime? One wants to jump at every 'knock' on the door, thinking it's opportunity, the other waits for the doorbell to ring ... ?


Diane : those with patience and those without.

Classic! And with so much scope for a toss-up about which the 'right' approach is. A parent and child, maybe. One impatient, the other patient. (Which one is which? You decide how to make it more interesting!)


mARi☠StressedAtWork ... The Dreamers and The Doers!! **Smile**

Siblings? Roomies? Employee-Boss?
What's the conflict between 'action' and 'long term vision'?



Joy : Those who start wars and those who practice peace.

Classmates? Siblings? A writer and a reviewer (or vice-versa?) ... ?


LJPC - the tortoise : Those who read the instructions about WritingML, and those who don't...

I don't think I need to elaborate on this one! Two folks on WDC, imagine the IMs flying between them!


Annette : Those who dwell on the past or talk about the future, and those who live life today.

One wants to build a castle in the air or recall the wonderful journey to (where? *Wink*), the other wants to grab a pizza or go for a fifty-percent-off-on-left-shoes-sale-on-for-one-hour-only.



Annette : ... those who'll rather say yes and those who can't stop saying no.

Neko ♥ Away ...those who smile and nod and those who flat out ignore you.

Dad ......Those who classify humanity into two types of people (I don't know any like that) and those who don't.
AND : ....Those who think like I do, and those who are wrong.

Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life : Those who read your post and decided to make an entry, and those that read it, clicked off of it, then went and made a sandwich!
AND: Those that love and those that only feel hate.

Daizy May : ...the one who is disgusted by the trash on the sidewalk, and the one who stops to pick it up and throw it away
AND: ...those who push the grocery cart into the corral, and those who give it a shove in the general direction.

faithjourney: the artists and the scientists.

over_drive: the ones that take your breath away, and the ones that make you want to stop breathing.

afineline: those that choose to learn, and those that learn to choose.

Emilyisawesomeagain : those that worship me and would like to put a crown upon my head and feed me grapes (seedless of course) one by one while I smile a condescending smile, and those who don't

tangerinedream: Those ones who think outside the box, and ones that are stuck in it.

aubreigh: Those who are eccentric like me, and those who aren't.

LJPC - the tortoise : The winners and the losers. And the wannabes and the bes! *Smile*

Just an Ordinary Boo! Those who can eat what they please and not put on weight (Grrrrh!) and those who put on weight if they think of eating! (Guess which is me!)
AND: Those who talk of doing and those who do.

Kate - Writing & Reading : Those who say, what if...; and those who just do it.
AND: Those whose cup is ever half-empty; and those whose is always half-full.

Petra Pansky Those who are energized by being around other people and those who are drained by them.
AND: Those whose toilet paper tears from the back and those whose TP tears from the front.

Winnie Kay : Those who say, "I know how you feel," and those who say, "Tell me how you feel."

Joan : Those that love plants and those that love animals.

Raven : Those who like football and those who like soccer.

Editor's Picks

Enjoy these pieces from various authors on Writing Dot Com!

The caravan goes on………….
#1593298 by Dr M C Gupta

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1608184 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1603828 by Not Available.

 A HAPPY POEM by anna molly  (E)
Jesse Moore is my inspiration for this <3
#1608186 by CuddleBearWhispersIloveYou

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1607628 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1608179 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1589222 by Not Available.

 The Everlasting Tree  (E)
The need... the hunger... the obsession... the tree.
#332236 by LemonPie

Dreaming  (ASR)
Writing my dreams
#214675 by Rhyssa

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1460565 by Not Available.

 Nothing Like It!  (E)
#161410 by gailey

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1272273 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1595365 by Not Available.


A few more days to get your entry in for the official contest!

Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest  (ASR)
Use the quote provided to write a story and win big prizes!
#1207944 by Writing.Com Support


Here's an interesting in-and-out, a group you could join, and an interactive you could add to!

 If You Could Be A Character From A Novel  (13+)
If you could be a character from a novel which one would it be?
#258897 by Andrea

Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS  (E)
Do you think that some people give great reviews, and want to give them something back?
#1609227 by ~A.J. Lyle~

 A Day in the Life of...  (13+)
Learn about different occupations and tell us about your own!
#847810 by Beyond the Cloud9

Reviewing groups --- check this out!

"[BETA] New "Review" WritingML tag.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter!
It's the first time I'm editing a "For Authors" Newsletter, so I have no feedback to showcase.
Would love to hear from you!

- Sonali *Delight*
Logo for Writing.Com Moderators - small.

PS: Hey! I got a few more for you to try out! *Wink*

Spooky staiNed : Those who can drive and those who think they can.

ShellySunshine : Those that are funny and those that think they are.

sssam-on the way back : those that enjoy the viewing rainbows and those that only look for the pot of gold at the end.

warriormom: Those who love poetry and those who don't.

Leaf : givers and takers.

Humming Bird : Those who like helping others and those who don't.

~MorningStorm~ : Those quick to answer because they're sure they know it, and those who really know the answer but are afraid to speak up in fear that they are wrong.

Caledonia Lass : Those who struggle with doing the right thing every day and those who do as they please.

Prosperous Snow celebrating : Those who question reality and those who don’t.

afineline: Those that will make you laugh, and those that will make you think.

Oh, and ... please add! "There are Two Kinds of People

Oh, and, and (or PPS!) - if you were to classify all the responses into two types, what would they be?

Sneaked in on Oct 21:
I saw your essay in the Newsletter for Authors about what kinds of people there are.

Every mathematician knows that there are THREE kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't.
Max Griffin

Thanks, Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 !

I'll stop now. I promise.

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