For Authors: May 12, 2010 Issue [#3715]
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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: Vivian
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

         I attended another OWFI (Oklahoma Writers' Federation Inc.) writing conference about ten days ago. I always bring at least one or two excellent ideas away with me. The information I'm sharing came from Dana Stabenow's keynote speech.
         You don't know Dana Stabenow? Then please go to your local Wal-Mart, Target, or bookstore, even Amazon, and find her books. She writes mysteries (of course) which take place in her home state Alaska. She is becoming more well-known all the time, and she is a best selling author.

So that others can recognize me

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Promotion Ideas from Dana Stabenow

         One strong point brought out by Dana, publishers don't do much for promotion unless the author is already famous. That isn't a surprise to most of us. Even James Patterson pitches his books on television. Therefore, she decided she would do a major promotion for her books herself, using the Internet.

         For her first major promotion she used her website to present one chapter of the book per month starting four months before its release, and she used only the first four chapters, no more. She gave a free ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of the book each month for those four months.

         Dana wrote and posted a transitional chapter linking book one to the next book, or the book before the current book to the current book. She covered what happened to her main characters (which include a wolf) and community from one novel to the next.

         The Stabenow URL ( appeared on everything, everywhere she could place it. Her website offers great advice for writers, too.

         She paid for a professional trailer, which she discovered was not cost effective. Now one not done by a professional, but of good quality, does the job.

         After the first book she promoted so strongly, Dana adjusted her procedure some. She began to do only one except before the release of a book, but continued adding a transitional chapter between the previous book and the current one soon to be released. She also offered ARCs as a prize a couple of times before the release of a novel, rather than one each month for four months.

         Dana puts out five newsletters each year, with an active "buy" link in each e-newletter.

          One thing Dana Stabenow covered, too, was building a platform (sometimes called a marketing plan), by which potential buyers can be reached. Facebook, Twitter, other social networking groups, and building followers for one's blog and website are a few ways to build a platform. Also, collecting email addresses through having people subscribe to her newsletter helps.

         I plan on using some of these ideas and encourage 4RV authors to do the same.

* * * *

         A side note to show that big New York publishers can be bested by a small house: The book that won the prestigious Oklahoma Book Award in Fiction was published by 4RV Publishing of Edmond, Oklahoma. Confessions of a Former Rock Queen by Kirk Bjornsgaard won over several books from some rather impressive publishers, most from New York. The quality of writing and design are more important than the address of the firm that does the work.

Editor's Picks

Writings from W.Com

Promoting Your Portfolio URL  [E]
My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL!
by The ScaryMaster

 Promoting Your Novel  [E]
Anyone who needs help marketing/promoting your book send me an email I'm happy to help!
by Aleta

 If you build it, they will come  [13+]
Biweekly ezine looking at new trends and creative ideas in advertising and marketing.
by Natalie Thomas

 10 Ways You Sabotage Marketing Plans  [E]
In a Marketing 101 training session I asked a fairly basic question: what is marketing?
by Martin Perez

 Lesson In Motorcycle Book Signing Sales  [E]
Here's one way to conduct a book signing, market your book and sell it.
by Dennis Lid

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Words from Our Readers

         Vivian, thanks so much for sharing the news with us and congrats to Jessiebelle on her accomplishments.

         Thanks, Steph. Just wait, you're time is coming and soon.

Thank you for joining me this week. I hope I've brought help to you that will aid you in promoting your work.
See you next month.


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