Poetry: August 04, 2010 Issue [#3886]
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 This week: Walter Savage Landor
  Edited by: Stormy Lady
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

This is poetry from the minds and the hearts of poets on Writing.Com. The poems I am going to be exposing throughout this newsletter are ones that I have found to be, very visual, mood setting and uniquely done. Stormy Lady

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Letter from the editor

Well I Remember How You Smiled by
Walter Savage Landor

Well I remember how you smiled
To see me write your name upon
The soft sea-sand . . . "O! what a child!
You think you're writing upon stone!"

I have since written what no tide
Shall ever wash away, what men
Unborn shall read o'er ocean wide
And find Ianthe's name again.

In spring and summer winds may blow
by Walter Savage Landor

In spring and summer winds may blow,
And rains fall after, hard and fast;
The tender leaves, if beaten low,
Shine but the more for shower and blast

But when their fated hour arrives,
When reapers long have left the field,
When maidens rifle turn'd-up hives,
And their last juice fresh apples yield,

A leaf perhaps may still remain
Upon some solitary tree,
Spite of the wind and of the rain . . .
A thing you heed not if you see.

At last it falls. Who cares? Not one:
And yet no power on earth can ever
Replace the fallen leaf upon
Its spray, so easy to dissever.

If such be love, I dare not say.
Friendship is such, too well I know:
I have enjoyed my summer day;
'Tis past; my leaf now lies below.

Walter Savage Landor was born on January 30, 1775. He was the eldest son of Dr Walter Landor and his second wife Elizabeth Savage. Walter was first educated at Rugby, he was removed from the school for insolence. Walter was a hard student to teach, he cared little for the rules. He went on to get suspended from Trinity College for supposedly firing a shotgun off in his room. In 1803 Walter fought in the Spanish War of Liberation against the French.

When Walter was thirty he inherited his family's estate in Staffordshire. He sold it shortly there after to buy Llanthony Abbey in Wales. Walter then met his wife Julia Thuiller, she was only seventeen when they married in 1811. The couple soon found themselves in exile in Italy. Walter's behavior only got worse over the next couple of years. He found himself in trouble with the Florence police after threatening them and writing unflattering material about Italy in Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen in 1824 through 1829.

By 1835 Walter's marriage to Julia had become estranged and he left her and their four children to move back to England. He published Pericles and Aspasia in 1836. Followed by The Pentameron and Pentalogia in 1837. Walter then published Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans in 1853. Then in 1858 Walter once again had to flee England for writing Dry Sticks, Fagoted which insulted several women. Walter traveled back to Italy.

At the end of his life, with his health failing, it is said that he moved in with Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. He wrote several poems with Elizabeth before his death in September, 1864. The poems the two wrote together were later published in 1917.

To Age
by Walter Savage Landor

Welcome, old friend! These many years
Have we lived door by door;
The fates have laid aside their shears
Perhaps for some few more.

I was indocile at an age
When better boys were taught,
But thou at length hast made me sage,
If I am sage in aught.

Little I know from other men,
Too little they know from me,
But thou hast pointed well the pen
That writes these lines to thee.

Thanks for expelling Fear and Hope,
One vile, the other vain;
One's scourge, the other's telescope,
I shall not see again.

Rather what lies before my feet
My notice shall engage--
He who hath braved Youth's dizzy heat
Dreads not the frost of Age.

Thank you all!
Stormy Lady

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Editor's Picks

The winner of "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest [ASR] is:

 Invalid Item 
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#1690237 by Not Available.

The alluring smell of the sea,
makes the seagulls above act like sirens.
The waves quickly move inwards land,
crashing docks like swords in battle mode.

As the silver night creeps upon them,
the sailors weigh anchor.
Tying down their ships to the harbor,
for the greatest storm is rising.

The night air becomes colder,
as the thunderclouds reach land.
Flashes of light surround them,
only the strongest of ships will survive.

The winds gust from the south,
each man holds tight their own light,
praying that their only means of income,
does not perish into the hurricanes wrath.

Dawn approaches ever so slowly,
as each man inspects their boats.
Some have more repairs needed then others,
yet all hasn't been lost in the storm.

They set out to the wide open ocean,
knowing that their glorious catch awaits them.
Hauling in one by one the lines they set out,
each man rejoices as they discover their bounty.

Second Place:
 Invalid Item 
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#1694531 by Not Available.

Over the midnight blue ocean
Did the silver crescent moon shine,
Soon the thunderclouds it did hide,
And stormy winds began to whine.

No ships were there wanting to sail,
On this wicked and stormy night,
Who'd want to throw his life away,
For some mad sea captain's delight?

But there was one who paid men well,
To sail his old ship come what may,
For he had expensive cargo,
To transport to Chesapeake Bay.

There was also talk of pirates,
Men who were mighty with the swords,
'Twas said that they would take your pride,
Then would throw you over the boards.

E'en so the captain sailed that eve,
With some alluring sirens, too,
The ship was tossed by ev'ry wave
'Twas felt by each man in the crew.

They urged the captain to turn back,
For they knew that this was the end,
It didn't matter how they begged,
Because the captain would not bend.

Then quite some time into the storm,
While thunder rolled and lightning flashed,
A tidal wave washed o'er the decks,
And the old wooden ship was smashed.

At early dawn the seas were calm,
All who sailed that night were now dead
Just one sign of life was seen,
A laughing seagull overhead.

Third Place:
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#1694387 by Not Available.

I am alone floating in this vast ocean
A lost seagull searching its way home
Drifting away towards eternity
With no rescue ships to save me

The thunderclouds are growling fiercely
But their threats are useless today
For I am laying down my swords
There's no need to fight anymore

The chants from Valhalla are alluring
Guiding me through the silver mist.
Magical sirens announce my arrival
As the victory gates open wide



These are the rules:

1) You must use the words I give in a poem or prose with no limits on length.

2) The words can be in any order and anywhere throughout the poem and can be any form of the word.

3) All entries must be posted in your portfolio and you must post the link in this forum, "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest [ASR] by August 30, 2010.

4) The winner will get 3000 gift points and the poem will be displayed in this section of the newsletter the next time it is my turn to post (September 5, 2010)

The words are:

rocky mountaintop trails forest shadows crystal lakes

*Delight* Good luck to all *Delight*


 Invalid Item 
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#1692337 by Not Available.

 Talons of Death  (13+)
Different style poems (storoem and free-verse) about a hawk and a dove in my backyard.
#1692424 by Harry

Miss You  (E)
I miss you darling a little more each day.
#1692827 by Kings


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1691393 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1693409 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1693468 by Not Available.


 The Clever Foxes  (E)
A family of foxes whose children face a difficult situation - a children's poem.
#1693741 by Tim Chiu

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1693803 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1693928 by Not Available.


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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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