Noticing Newbies: October 05, 2011 Issue [#4645]
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 This week: Secret Identities
  Edited by: TY and congrats Miss Potato!
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The Noticing Newbies Newsletter's goal is to make the newer members feel welcome and encourage them with useful information and/or links to make navigating easier. members of all ages and even veteran members can find useful information here. If you have specific questions, try visiting "Writing.Com 101 and/or "Noticing Newbies.

Meet The Noticing Newbies Full-Time Newsletter Editors

JACE ~ TY and congrats Miss Potato! ~ Stephanie Grace ~ Sara♥Jean

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Letter from the editor

Secret Identities

The most important reason for having a secret identity? Because it's fun! It's always exciting to receive something from someone - a secret admirer or the like. It boosts your self-esteem to think there is someone out there that thinks highly of you - right?

But what happens if the secret identity is your character? And what happens when you've completed your novel/story and you realize your hero, heroine or a supporting character accidentally spills the beans (with a slip of your pen) about a secret identity half way through? Then it's time for damage control to preserve the story right. Here are some ways to restore the balance.

*BurstBL* Unexpected Virtue

"Sure, I knew who you were - but I never ratted on you! What do you take me for?"

*BurstBL* Secret Agenda

"I've got my own plans for you - and revealing your secrets to the general public would just get in the way!"

*BurstBL* Retcon

"I used to know who you were - but then an editor snapped his fingers and I forgot!"

*BurstBL* Disbelief

"Nonsense! I don't care what sort of evidence you think you have; why would I believe a stupid story like that?"

*BurstBL* Throw Doubt on It

"I found out who you are! Or did I?"

*BurstBL* Fear

"I know who you are - and if word gets around that I know, my life ain't worth a plugged nickel!"

*BurstBL* Killed in Action

"I know who you are! And now I'm gonna - ouch. I think I just died."

*BurstBL* Missing in Action

"I know who you are! I know who you are! Oops, will you look at the time? I'm scheduled to vanish into comic book limbo before I can actually do anything with the information!"

*BurstBL* Amnesia

"I know who you are! I know - wait. Who am I?"

*BurstBL* Mindwipe

"I know who you are! I know - excuse me, what were we talking about just now?"

On another note, while researching this Newsletter I came across a project that I thought was really interesting.

A lot of people enjoy the idea of secret identities but Leonard Nimoy has taken it to a new level with his project "Secret Selves". I won't link it here due to some nudity but it's well worth checking out if you give it a chance. I found this interview with him interesting - here is an excerpt from an interview with Leonard Nimoy by A.V. Club

AVC: Some of their self-conceptions were so ambitious that I had to wonder if they came prepared with all of it, or they worked it out with you in advance.

LN: No, you're right. And it's not only ambitious, it's very generous. They came fully loaded. [Laughs.] I had no idea what to expect! We explained what we were after, and the whole thing could have been a total dud, but these people walked in, and really, it was a very powerful experience-at turns very funny, and at times very touching. It was really quite extraordinary.

Secret Identities can be fun. Give them a chance. *Smile*

Hope you enjoyed this article. If you would like to share your thoughts, please send me a note using the box at the bottom of this newsletter.

Write and Review on! ~ Brooke

[Related Links] *Thumbsup*
This month's links are to a "secret identity" challenge and various "secretive" groups.

"Discreet Dracula - Activity Complete"   [13+] by TY and congrats Miss Potato!
"Secret Angel Ranger Cave"   [E] by The Vigilante Angel
"Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Editor's Picks

Here are some talented new member's items that caught my eye. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. *Smile*

 The Azenor  [13+]
If you knew what was coming, would you still run?
by Jlynn

I've been standing here for ten minutes, trying to work up the nerve to go into the store. My efforts are hampered by my father's gravelly voice repeating over and over in my mind the words I know he would say if he could see me right now.

"Ophelia, please explain why you are doing this. You know the First Circle is forbidden. Please, I don't understand."


 An Ordinary Life  [E]
The discovery of David's body uncovers long buried secrets.
by AndrewG

Tracey Williams was thirty-five years old and single. She had a nice life, very ordinary, a little dull now and then, but she was content. Her mother, of course, was hoping she would get married, and settle down, and maybe give her some grandchildren.


 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

From behind a shielded observation room on the fourth floor. Kyun and Maxwell glowered at the fruits of their labour. A machine. In a deep cavernous pit, lined with rings, arches made of magnetic emitters, and a central core floated in the centre of the pit. It would be the first of it's kind when the right conditions and materials were utilised in its confines.


 Hidden Magic  [13+]
Rosie moves to a new town and finds out the world isn't what it seems. Please review! :)
by Lillyrose

This book is about a girl called Rosie, who's parents split up. Her Mum is devastated so she has to move to small down in the middle of no-where called Lakeside, with her Mum and Sister Amy. At school she meets Amber, who seems like a nice girl and they become fast friends. Rosie also gets interested in a guy who Amber knows, but when one of Rosie's family members goes missing Amber starts acting weird and the question is...

Who is Amber?
What is she hiding?


 Secret Keeper  [18+]
A song I wrote when I was like 16
by M.M. Anderson

Everything inside rips apart
At night when the sky is dark
Nothing goes back to being the same
Stuck playing this stupid game


 A Realization of Character, In Secrets  [E]
Short, but 100% true.
by Yashe Brovhn

I wish I were only
Pretending to sleep
Then again, my chest
Wouldn't have been nearly as deep


 Locked Secrets  [E]
Quin finds a key while out hunting in the woods and must find what it unlocks.
by Chloe Smith

Another young man rode up beside the carriage on a large horse. He was clad in armor that was light for the travel. He wore a tunic over chainmail, and had hardened leather guards on his legs. He was very young, hardly a man yet, but yet he was here with a sword that looked almost too big for him hanging at his side. The youth spoke in a shaky voice, "Young lord please sit back. This part of the forest is not safe."


 Simple Observations  [E]
Do you know the secret to life?
by Audrey Dillinger

Is it better to know when life will end?
Or better to know when it will begin?


And two items submitted with their feedback below *Bigsmile*

Family Christmas  [E]
This is how Christmas tends to go with my family
by BIG BAD WOLF is Howling

Every Christmas, I can make a guess as to what will happen.

At my mother's house, we will put up an artificial tree, a small one, maybe four feet tall, onto a small coffee table.

This tree will be decorated with a few strings of lights, several ornaments, including some that are very important to my mother, as they belonged to her mother, who passed away from lung cancer a few years prior.


 Brazilian Kids' Birthday Celebration  [E]
Brazilian Birthday Traditions
by Leila

Can you talk about birthday traditions? In Brazil, you find many common things in all birthday commemorations. For instance, the food, the singing, and the first piece of cake, all those have patterns that repeat often, especially in children's parties. Of course, every group has its own idiosyncrasies, which make them unique.


Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

I received some wonderful feedback to my last newsletter [#4601] "Birthday Traditions and I'm proud to share it with you.

From Christine Cassello
I think it is interesting how people take ideas from one culture and change them a bit. I did not know that birthday spankings came from the Irish bumping tradition, (spankings are less harmful I'm sure), and I know Mexican girls celebrate their 15th birthday in a big way but they don't have to wear a pink dress.

From Leila
Hi, I got really surprised by the Brazilian birthday tradition. I have never heard about it. I asked a little around with no luck. I'm Brazilian. I live in Brazil. I have decided to write about the birthdays in Brazil. It was harder than I expected.

From hcdizzle
I had a Vietnamies friend who gave me a red envelope on new years day and had no idea why it was given to me. Now I know.

From: peaches
Birthdays in the Philippines is usually a day off for the celebrant. A celebration always have "pansit", a rice noodle dish or spaghetti to depict long life. For children, birthday cakes and ice cream is not missed! Filipinos love to eat and party specially on these occasions. There is Singing, dancing , eating and drinking. This is the time to reunite with family and old friends. A day of merriment and fun!

From: A.J. Barretts
Birthday traditions that my family has is that the birthday person has to be silent when eating their cake. Everyone else can try to get them to talk or not. Works wonders with little kids!

From: Jeff
This was a really interesting NL, filled with great information about how other cultures celebrate birthdays. As far as my own family, the only tradition I'm aware of is the birthday person hiding under the covers and hoping that if they don't get up and face they day, they don't have to get a year older. *Wink* *Laugh*

From: chasseurdange
*BurstB* Vietnam - I am in Vietnam and I can tell you that this not accurate Birthdays are celebrated on their respective dates. The TET is celebrated for a few days and workers stop working for a few weeks. They DO give RED envelops with LUCKY money for-- you guest it -- luck :D

From: BIG BAD WOLF is Howling
In my family, the birthday boy, or girl (I think (there aren't many girls in the family)) gets spanked as many times as they are old. I'm not sure about the reason, but it probably has to make sure we don't cause trouble.

From: JACE
Birthdays! Though I celebrate them less as I get older, they're still great fodder for the creative muse. Ever check out what a one-year-old can do to a piece of cake? Perhaps it's just 'flouring' of a different form. *Delight*

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