For Authors: January 08, 2014 Issue [#6089]
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For Authors

 This week: Promote in 2014
  Edited by: Vivian
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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         Now that we face a new year, how are we going to make the most of it as authors? Even before we have something published, we need to promote ourselves and our work. Many people have limited ideas of how or where. Let's examine a few suggestions.

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Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Examples of Types of Promotion

         Promotion should begin before publication. We need a fan base, need our names to be familiar, before we promote books, published articles or stories or poetry.

         Social media: is almost a must to promote authors in today's world. Each person needs to be active on Facebook,Tweeter, LinkedIn, Google+, and/or Pinerest. Other sites are available, too. No, we don't have to be active on all the sites, but we need to choose at least two major ones for major input and maybe two more where we spend less time but have accounts.

         Blogging can be a good means to promote ourselves, if we're willing to have a blog up and going before we publish. We don't want our blogs to be constant advertising of our books, either. My personal blog is a combination of writing tips, experiences, events, etc. I place much of the promotion for my books in the sidebar rather than in the posts.

         Writing sites give us opportunities to network and promote our work. Those of us on W.Com know that this site is helpful in many ways, including the ability to promote ourselves and our writing.

         Contests and readers polls also provide promotional ideas we can use. Not all competitions are for unpublished material; some are for published works only. Writer's Digest has contests for published books; many book festivals and writing conferences have contest for currently published books. Predators & Editors has a readers poll for authors, artists, published books, articles, and stories as well as writing sites (wonder if W.Com has been nominated yet?). In fact I have a book in the Children's book division, (I Like Pink; I'm nominated for the best author; and my small publishing company, 4RV Publishing, is nominated for print/electronic book publisher and bookstore. Carla Ralston, another W.Com member, is nominated in the editor category. Harry Gilleland's book A Wandering Warrior is in the cover art and other novel categories. I'd be delighted if you'd stop by and vote. I'll give some links at the end of this article.

         Participating in book or writing events always helps promote an author. Classes in schools, libraries, and conferences need volunteers and speakers.

         Promotion is a must for authors.

Links for a few categories on the Preditors & Editors Readers Poll:
Children's Books --
Author Page --
Print/electronic book publisher --
Bookstore --
Print/ebook cover art --
Print/ebook editor --

Editor's Picks

Writings from W.Com

Promoting Your Portfolio URL  [E]
My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL!
by The ScaryMaster

 Copy for the Web  [E]
Strong, promotional copy delivered to customers through electronic means.
by SusanM

 Copy for the Web  [E]
Strong, promotional copy delivered to customers through electronic means.
by SusanM

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 The Importance of Blogging in Book Promo  [E]
When a writer doesn't take advantage of every book promotion technology available
by waldorf

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Words from Our Readers

         My last newsletter editorial discussed how entering contests could give authors feedback to improve their writing.

Thank you for the list of contests. Your right that contests are good for feedback. The Writer’s Cramp is a good example. Even when I don’t win, I always get good help and advice for improvement. As a matter of fact I just entered a group contest. Regardless if I win, I’m looking forward to the advice. I might just enter one of those contests you mentioned. And I’ll most certainly enter into any contests that any of the newsletters hold!

         Here's hoping you do well and receive much help from every contest you enter.

Is there a WDC Community dedicated to maintaining information about various Conferences around America/The World? I would be interested in using it as an excuse to take a vacation day here and there and see different parts of the states. And when I googled for myself, I was a little overwhelmed by the amount. So if there was a community of experienced conferences - where people can list ones they've been to and their opinions, perhaps that would make it easier for people like me who are absolutely on their own in their local community.

         W.Com doesn't have a "conference" community, at least that I know. I would suggest you google for conferences in your geographical area and google for free online conferences.

I hope you have a successful 2014.

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