Poetry: December 31, 2014 Issue [#6745]
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 This week: Was 2014 a 'Poetic' year for you?
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.~~Robert Frost

Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks.~~Plutarch

I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.~~Socrates

Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.~~Thomas Gray

Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.~~Carl Sandburg

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.~~Percy Bysshe Shelley

To read a poem is to hear it with our eyes; to hear it is to see it with our ears.~~Octavio Paz

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Letter from the editor

The year is winding down to its end. Along with my annual cleaning out of the numerous in-boxes, finding my desk (currently BURIED!) and trying valiantly to get organized, I like to go back and reread what I've written this year. To date the count is one short story, seventy-two poems and my pride and joy, my book, Journey to Jukai!

Surprised me as I'd forgotten how many poems I wrote! Some are pretty darned good, some--not so much. But there is always the possibility of going back, now that time has passed, and improving them! The fun is in going back and rereading what I've written. Some I'd totally forgotten about, others made me smile, one made me cry... again. I find it fascinating to review where my head and heart have been over the course of the year and revisit how my life was reflected in what I wrote! Try it, I expect you will surprise yourself as well!

After I do this, and I do it every year, I pick an earlier year and go back and reread many of them as well. I can see where I've grown as a writer and what I still need to work on. It is a bit like pulling out an old photo album. Memories flow, and I find it interesting to go back in time a bit. I'm coming up on ten years here at WdC. That is a lot of writing.

This year, part of my reasoning for going back through my port is because I'm not getting any younger. Friends and family are beginning to pass away and it got me to thinking. Back in 2007, I wrote a poem for a contest. We had to write our eulogy. I really didn't think it was THAT long ago and it took forever to shuffle through my port to find it. Buried in the poem was an idea--and one I intend to follow through on. In part, it reads

She's left her words,
her poems,
her stories,
as others leave photographs
of all their glories.
You don't see pictures here
scattered about
instead she wanted
her poetry out.

Here printed and matted
or written in script
are the word pictures
of her ninety year trip.
Words were how she
interpreted living;
the sublime, the ridiculous,
the abusive, the giving.

'Tis a personal testament
through her eyes
and her heart--
of her joy and her grief
clear back to her start.

I am NOT one for pictures! Should anyone throw a memorial for me (way...way...WAY! down the road I hope) I would not want pictures of me scattered about or pinned to a cork-board. All they are is what I looked like at any given moment --not who I was or what I was thinking. Me? I want my words--printed and matted-- lying about. My words are who and what I am. And should one piece of poetry strike someone's fancy, I would hope they'd pick it up and bring it home with them. Being as I don't have two cents to rub together, no one will be inheriting millions and I expect no one has room for my antique desk, so with a few little exceptions, all I shall leave behind will be my words. My words are my legacy. I'm good with that! To that end, I've begun going through my port and picking out poems to scatter about. A daunting task. But, I am enjoying it. Not in a morbid sort of way, but as a labor of love. Of course, if I don't narrow it down, I'm going to have to buy a gazillion mat-boards! And that is not even taking into account what I'll write in the next ten or fifteen years!

And don't get me wrong. Far as I know, I'll be around for many years to come!!! Just one of those 'end of the year' moments! I'm also full of plans for 2015!! First and foremost is the sequel to Jukai, "A Gathering of Glass" which is boiling over in my head. I've heard rumors about the next version of the 'Construct Cup' which means another thirty days of poetry to shuffle into the mix. Quills are in the nomination stage and that is always a big deal! My hubby and two out of three kids are bugging me to finish books in progress and I'm playing around with the idea of a book of poetry as well (since I'm revisiting it all anyway!). That and current authors getting ready for their next books, hopefully a bunch of new authors and ones in progress finally finishing books they are working on. Should be a busy year, an exciting one and one in which I will be adding several speaking engagements in as well as I am being invited to speak on publishing, writing and on a different note, suicide prevention to lots of high school and college kids as a direct result of Jukai.

I wish every one a very happy New Year!!! *cue Auld Lang Syne* Just have this feeling that 2015 is going to be a stellar year!

Editor's Picks

On my newsfeed, I asked folks to tell me what their favorite poem of the year was....

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1709658 by Not Available.

An uptight old Chieftain huffs and puffs over psycho-semantics
#2007352 by DRSmith

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2011568 by Not Available.

Second Chances  (E)
Our daily gift ... (Form: English Sonnet) A Poetic Traditions Entry
#2014293 by 🌕 HuntersMoon

Touch One  (E)
Others that are not so fortunate
#2022813 by Alexi

 6 a.m.  (E)
Wake up and see.
#2023461 by ForgottenBeautii

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Ask & Answer

Recently I wrote a newsletter about writing a poem to loved ones to stick in with their gift. This year I wrote to each member of my family who was there Christmas morning and stuck it in their stocking. Smiles, a tear and hugs were the response. And every one went home with them!

LinnAnn -book writer wrote:This was a lovely letter this time. Very heart felt and inspiring. I also love the quotes you put up. Merry Christmas.
love, LinnAnn

Ren the Klutz! said: What a terrific idea and so much better than those "form letters" we all get of "what our family has been up to this year" that are sent with every card! Our society is so into the fast paced and throw away everything we forget to try and touch the real people we care about. Love this!

monty31802 asked: At 74 I still believe in Santa Fyn. Am I wrong?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! *big smile*

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