Contests & Activities: February 04, 2015 Issue [#6803]
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Contests & Activities

 This week: On(line) again, Off(line) Again!
  Edited by: THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Author IconMail Icon
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

An unusual activity -- we met online, we correspond offline -- and we have this crazy mix of online-offline interaction!

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Letter from the editor

Dear Readers,

Merit Badge in Snail Mail
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Thank you for the cheer you spread in December by sending mail to your fellow  [Link To Item #snailmail]  members.  Altogether we sent more than 400 letters, cards, postcards and parcels!  *^*Bigsmile*^*

In October, I discovered the 'Snail Mail Group', thanks to the Merit Badge Elle Author Icon commissioned for it! Whooooosh. Suddenly, it was like being a teenager again, in the pre-internet era, with paper, pen, envelope, glue, stamps and the real post-box!

The thrill of sending out and receiving physical mail is indescribable. When I get letters from fellow members, I think, "My goodness, this has been in her/his house, and now it has travelled all these miles and is here, with me." Wow. Reading the news and anecdotes written in a friend's handwriting is something everyone needs to experience, to know just how warm and fuzzy it feels. And talking of keeping a lost art alive -- in December, members of the group sent out four hundred pieces of mail to each other! My mailman (here in Bangalore, India) has begun to sit up and notice, and so have the postmen of some members in the US of A.

We have this great mix of online and offline interaction, where we let each other know of the letters posted and received on the forum, but reply to the contents of the letter by snail mail! So we look to see when the forum has been updated, and we check in our (physical) mailboxes for those letters! It's so much fun!

So here's what Elle Author Icon, the founder of the group, has to say about it:

Please tell us something about the Snail Mail Group.
The basic idea is to pair people who want to exchange hand written letters, sent by post. In prior times, they were called penpals. It has morphed beyond that, with members exchanging letters with multiple others, and there have numerous postcards, greeting cards and even gifts sent as well.

How did you get the idea of starting up such a group?
I have always had at least one person I've exchanged letters with, because my grandmother in Australia and my great-uncle in England aren't online, so I can't send them email. My daughter wanted to receive letters in the mailbox 'just like mum did' and so I asked a couple of members on here if their daughters of similar ages would like to become penpals with my daughter. I commented on the newsfeed about it, and had adults asking if they could do something similar. The idea grew from there.

What has the response been like?
The response has been phenomenal. As at the time of writing, we have 60 members, and the activity level is the highest I have seen of any group I've been a member of. Instead of exchanging one or two letters a month with one partner, people are just writing when and to whom they are inspired, and there are letters flying all over the world. In December alone, we sent more than 400 items of mail. That's amazing! *Shock*

What has been the easiest thing about running the group? What has been the most
challenging thing about running the group?

The easiest thing is that the members can write when they like, to whom they like, as often as they like, about what they like. It doesn't require constant day-to-day monitoring. In truth, I need only check in once a month, but of course I pop in more often than that or I miss out on all the fun! *Laugh* The most challenging things are that I must be very careful not to breach anyone's privacy by sharing real names or addresses when not expressly permitted - there haven't been any issues so far, touch wood - and working out who has earned their merit badge for the month (the requirement is simply to send one piece of mail to another member of the group, but it must be acknowledged as having been received).

You run or participate in several other activities on Writing Dot Com. What are the
similarities and differences between this activity and other activities around the site?

This one requires less monitoring and interaction from me as a leader. The members can control how little or how much they interact, and with whom, and I find they're much happier to have that freedom and control.

And here are the thoughts and opinions of some members, about the activity.

How did you discover the Snail Mail Group? For about how long have you been a member? How active are you on the group?

Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon Another member asked me to join. Just under 1 year. Very Active!

relanka Honestly, I got the hankering for a real letter-writing penpal, and I figured the best place to start was WDC, so I looked it up and found the group. I've been in the group since December 2014. Very Active!

Elfin Dragon-finally published Author Icon I've been a member since it began because I thought it was a brilliant idea by Elle. When Elle brought it up I couldn't wait to be a part of it. Very Active!

Grateful Jess Author Icon I joined in September 2014 after perusing Elle Author Icon's portfolio and saw this activity. I knew I had to join and I'm glad I did. Very Active!

Osirantinous Author Icon I think it was a post of Elle's asking if people thought it was a good idea! I said yes, and signed up straight away so I've been a member from the beginning. Quite Active.

dragonwoman Author Icon From the beginning, I've been there when the email went out that outlined the concept of the group, I jumped in! Quite Active.

Humming Bird Author Icon I discovered it while visiting Elle Author IconMail Icon one day. Quite Active.

MissTique Author Icon I was looking through Elle's portfolio one day, and I stumbled upon this, the Snail Mail Group. I've been a member for about a month. Quite Active.

Dragon is hiding Author Icon I don't remember HOW I discovered it... I just know I knew of it for a bit before I joined. I think I was still living at home (not at school) when I found out, and since I knew Mom wouldn't approve, I didn't join until I was living at school, so maybe 3-ish, 4 months? I'd say since mid/late-October. Quite Active.

LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon I knew it about as Elle Author Icon formed the concept. Right now, I'm not so active.

What's the best thing about this activity?

Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon Learning about other members!

relanka I get to meet new people from all over the world, and the anticipation of receiving a letter every day in the mail is exciting.

Elfin Dragon-finally published Author Icon I think the best thing about this activity is the friends I've made and the friendships renewed.
Many of you don't know but Katzendragon and I met when I had formed a writing group on MSN. Due to medical reasons I handed over leadership to others in the group after a few years. But Katz and I kept being friends.
I was extremely and pleasantly surprised to find her here with WDC when I joined and am glad to have her here with the snail mail group as well. Plus with new friends like Miss Jessica, Sonali and others.

Grateful Jess Author Icon All the new people I get to meet through letters.

Osirantinous Author Icon Getting mail! We meet people here on line but getting hand-written mail is amazing, and I'm learning so much more about everyone through letters and cards than I do on here. I love seeing everyone's handwriting!

dragonwoman Author Icon Find out more about other authors on the site.

Humming Bird Author Icon Being able to give real stuff. I needed a change from the online gifts. I have always loved real letters since childhood.

MissTique Author Icon The best part about the Snail Mail group is meeting new people, and interacting with them on a more personal level.

Dragon is hiding Author Icon Getting to know more writers around WdC and learning new skills-like letter writing and envelope folding/addressing. Also, getting real mail, which is an incentive to check my mailbox more often.

LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon Getting unexpected letters from all over the world. Nothing beats the joy of opening a letter.

What is the most challenging aspect of this activity, for you? Why?

Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon I live very far from most people, and the postal system here is insanely erratic . It's hard to know when things will arrive to me or other people.

relanka I'm trying to handwrite letters with four kids, who are asking me to do things all day, bumping my arms, climbing up behind me in the chair, etc.

Elfin Dragon-finally published Author Icon For me it's not just the letter writing but helping the group with the Circle Journals now that I'm taking an active part with them. I want to be sure people are able to know when and where they've sent the journals as well as see the progress their making.
But I can't do it on my own, it takes cooperation from the people who are a part of the project as well. Without their help I couldn't do it at all.

(Editor's note: Circle Journals are physical notebooks, which are posted from one member to the other, and each member fills a page. Finally, each participating member gets to keep one of the journals, after its journey round the world! The suggestion for this came from Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon)

Grateful Jess Author Icon Hmmm... sometimes sending mail to different countries can be tough because until I get a 2nd job, I'm on a limited income. Other than that, this group is perfect.

Osirantinous Author Icon Just keeping up, I think. At least at the moment. I'm 8 letters behind right now.

dragonwoman Author Icon Finding funds for the postage, as I don't work and we live on a pension.

Humming Bird Author Icon Being able to get and send real letters, across the world. Now, e pals are becoming personal pals.

MissTique Author Icon The most challenging aspect of the Snail Mail Group is waiting for the mail to reach me. I'm pretty impatient, but it's definitely worth the wait!

Dragon is hiding Author Icon Finding time to write the letters. Also, figuring out how I'm going to explain everything to my mom if/when she does find out.
Time is an issue for me because I'm in my first year of college and I'd like to do well in my classes- which means I need time to do my work.
Figuring out an explanation is difficult because I know my mom is definitely going to disapprove of this activity.

LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon Going to the post office, because I am mostly in the office during the post office timings.

How does this activity compare with other activities that you participate in, on Writing Dot Com?

Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon It's a lot more personal.

relanka More permanent. Most activities come and go monthly/weekly. The Snail Mail Group is ongoing and never-ending, which makes it fun.

Elfin Dragon-finally published Author Icon This one is far more interactive. Although I'm part of other forums on WDC this one you are really getting to know the people in the group.
Each month you, yourself, choose at least one person to write a letter to. But once you get started you find you can't stop. And, if the rest who are involved are like me, you find you now have several letters to write because you love the people who you're getting to know.

Osirantinous Author Icon This activity is totally different from all other activities. It requires a lot more personal participation - you know, real names! Snail members know mine but not many outside of the group do. I like the fact there's no pressure here; it's just a wonderful, fun activity.

dragonwoman Author Icon More personal and interactive.

MissTique Author Icon This is so much different than any of the other activities on WDC. With Snail Mail, you can form close friendships with people all around the world.

Dragon is hiding Author Icon It's more personal - and it lets members of the group connect more with each other. Also, it's friendly - members write letters to each other and it's always nice to receive something in the mail!

How is writing snail mail different from sending an email or text message?

Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon For me? COST! hahahah I have to FedEx everything.

relanka I put more thought into my snail mail letters than I do my emails and my text messages.

Elfin Dragon-finally published Author Icon Writing snail mail is far more personal than an email or text. Email can be difficult to get across your emotions unless you start using emoticons and even then you can be misinterpreted if the person doesn't understand them fully.
With text messages - many younger folk are shortening words which first started out with lol and others. But if you get into my generation then we don't quite understand them either. I prefer text in full words which can't be misunderstood, but then again emotions are still left out.

Grateful Jess Author Icon I always love handwritten letters because I think it's more personal and intimate than an e-mail or text message.

Osirantinous Author Icon We have to remember how to WRITE. I write my stories by hand so I'm okay but I need to try to be tidy so people can actually read my letters. Handwriting something is just so much more personal than emailing or texting. Can't compare really.

dragonwoman Author Icon You can add little touches and treats to a handwritten letter that wouldn't be the same in a text or email.

Humming Bird Author Icon More personal touch in a snail mail.

MissTique Author Icon Snail mail is different from email or text messaging because it's so much more personal. A hand-written letter has much more thought put into it than a quickly typed email or text.

Dragon is hiding Author Icon I was taught that analyzing somebody's handwriting gives you a window to see what that person is like. A person's handwriting reflects his/her personality- it's man made, as opposed to computer or electronically generated. Emails and text messages are nice, but there isn't as much of a personal touch to it, as compared to a handwritten letter.

LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon As I said, the joy of opening a card or a parcel or an envelope is amazing. Furthermore, there's a pleasure in knowing that mail has come to me from across the world.

Do you send snail-mail to others, too (your 'offline' friends / family members, for example) -- or is it just to members of this group?

Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon Just to WdC members.

relanka Just members of this group.

Elfin Dragon-finally published Author Icon My snail mail to others generally is limited to Christmas and/or B-Day cards. With arthritis and other ailments it's sometimes difficult to write even for the snail mail group; but I enjoy it anyway.
If I do send letters to family members I usually type them out and then send because it's easier for me.

Grateful Jess Author Icon Yep, I send mail all the time to friends and some people I have had crushes on (gotta love love letters *Laugh* ).

Osirantinous Author Icon Occasionally - Christmas and birthday cards. Can't recall the last time I wrote a letter to them though. I think they might all go into shock if I did.

dragonwoman Author Icon Mostly cards for holidays or occasions. Letters just to one other person other than this group.

Humming Bird Author Icon Yes, I do, I've been writing letters since I was 10.

MissTique Author Icon I occasionally send snail mail to family members, but none of my offline friends are patient enough for snail mail.

Dragon is hiding Author Icon I've intended to, but haven't started yet. I have my grandfather's address, and if I ever figure out my best friend's address, I'll send her snail mail, too.

LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon Just the members of this group.

Well, that's something about an unusual on-&-off (line! *Laugh*) activity on Writing Dot Com!
Thanks for listening!
- Sonali

PS - (Got to have a PS! *Wink*)

Grateful Jess Author Icon says - Once you get a groove on with writing, letter writing become easy. If you're shy, everyone in this group is so welcoming.

Osirantinous Author Icon would like to add -- Don't think about the cost of postage, think about how wonderful you made someone feel when they found your letter/card in their postbox. It's amazing!

PPS - (Yup, this is a Snail Mail Newsletter, got to have a PPS! *Laugh*)

Talk about a group doing what it wants to do -- Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon not only suggested the Circle Journals, she's now making comic strips for each participating member. Here's a sneak peek at one panel of the introduction to those comic strips!
Thank you for sharing this, Robyn!

Robyn is doing individual comic strips for each participating member for Circle Journals!

Editor's Picks

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Snail Mail Survey Open in new Window. [E]
Are you interested in a snail mail letter exchange?
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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Open in new Window. [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
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The WDC Angel Army Open in new Window. [ASR]
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
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The Writer's Cramp Open in new Window. [13+]
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
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Ask & Answer

Thanks for this response to "Contests & Activities Newsletter (September 17, 2014)Open in new Window., Dorianne Author Icon!

Love this letter. Your activities could lead to many ideas but yours was super.

Since it's relevant here and the Newsletter is just out, I'm sneaking in ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy Author Icon's response to this NL here!

How did I miss the questionaire. I would have had many wonderful words and thoughts about Snail Mailers. I'm 77 and used to get handwritten mail daily from grandmothers, mother, sister, girl friends and guy friends, across the country; and I've been missing handwritten letters for decades. Now, I'm happier each day either receiving or writing a personal, newsy letter to a friend who'll respond back to me. I'm in heaven...thanks to Elle and the snail mail group. Yes, a cost is involved to return letters to friends out of the country, but it's a cost I love because it means my friends will respond after knowing me just a bit better. Elle writes letters as if she's always been my friend...she'll say 'we've gone fishing and for a picnic" or something ordinary about her day. Sonali includes original art that decorates my TV table.

I write the same way because I'm writing to a friend who cares.

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