Have you been to the store lately? And have you been to the store in July? It almost doesn't make any difference at all. Perhaps the only difference is where you live. Here, in the State of Missouri, it really is Christmas in July!
Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays. Any holiday! They're the best. They bring people together to celebrate something that's important to them. When I see a Christmas tree in mid July, I'm really to call it quits. It doesn't matter which version is politically correct, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, it's the thought that counts, but when it all turns into a commercial revenue, I'm ready to throw my hands up in the air and call it quits.
Holidays, all holidays, were meant for something specific, for friends and family to get together and celebrate what's important to them. It isn't about presents or fire works or who knows what else. Togetherness! The important things in life. We already have so little time to spend with each other, why turn it into a Black Friday shopping spree. What exactly do you need so bad that you're willing to spend the entire day and night in front of a store? Since when did material things become so important?
What I do love seeing are Holiday contests around the site. Anything really. There isn't any prejudice, there isn't any political correctness needed. We celebrate everything with everyone! That's the beauty of it and I for one love it.
However, certain holiday contests get neglected. Not because someone may be offended by them, but because our lives are busy and if and when we do get a chance to spend some time with our loved ones, it's those times. We're more likely to miss a contest deadline for those reasons. Perhaps, working around those times would help make a contest more successful.
But even when you are at your busiest, don't forget the people you know who aren't family. They may not be as fortunate to have their family around. If you can manage to write an entry for a contest, send out a few C-Notes to those you know to brighten their holiday season as well. If you're really busy and short on time, a quick email to let them know you're still thinking of them. You won't believe the difference it might make in their life.
'til next time!
~ Gaby