Noticing Newbies: January 27, 2016 Issue [#7451]
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 This week: Genre Definitions F - M
  Edited by: Sara♥Jean
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

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Letter from the editor

Genre Definitions F - M

To see the Genre definitions fro A-E, see "Noticing Newbies Newsletter (December 30, 2015)

Family: The items in this genre can range from advice on how to raise children, to talking about a family get together, to funny anecdotes about family times, to poetry dedicated to loved ones - there is so much that could fit in here. Family is something that most everyone can relate to, so it is a genre full of different kinds of items.

Fanfiction: This genre is unique in the fact that the characters are actually taken from existing books, movies, or television shows. The author then puts them in new or different situations, and takes over the characterization to describe how they believe the character might react. Also, situations can be changed - the characters pick a different lover, etc, and the author can describe how the situations would be different then. Often, these seem to turn a bit naughty and join with the Erotica genre, but not always.

Fantasy: Fantasy is often confused with Science Fiction, but they are in fact two very different genres. Fantasy tends to use magic or other supernatural items or situations to create their themes, settings, plots, characters, etc. Often times they are set in the medieval era, but they don't have to be. Bringing magic to the modern world would also qualify a book as Fantasy - Percy Jackson would be a good example of this.

Fashion: Ahh, the art of fashion! The items in this genre are likely to be articles, maybe even poems, talking about the fashion industry. They could touch on people hating fashion, people loving fashion, why fashion is important, what a person's fashion says about them, etc.

Finance: This genre should touch on things all about money. Probably mostly articles, maybe a few poems. (If someone knows of a great article on how to save money with no effort, pass it my way!)

Folklore: Folklore will often be based on culture, and be based around a hero. The hero could be of any kind, really - though the unlikely sort seem to be the most common. These are also, sometimes, called "Folk-tales", and there are many cultures that have some of their own. Some examples of American Folklore would be the stories about Pecos Bill, Brer Rabbit, Paul Bunyan, etc.

Food/Cooking: My favorite subject ever!! Food/Cooking is based all around food - recipes, stories about how food came about, growing food/gardening, etc. People can write articles about healthier eating, why they don't want to eat healthy, or even struggles with food allergies.

Foreign: This one is a rather controversial (well, not bad controversial, but hard to place controversial) genre because not all of the users of WdC are from America. Usually, the term "foreign" would apply to anyone or any thing who is not from the same country you are.

Friendship: I believe many of the items in this genre which really apply would be heart-warming stories or poetry about those we consider our friends. I consider this genre much like the Family genre described above, except that there isn't always the blood relation. Sometimes, these two genres can be put together - often times those in our family can be our best friends, as well. Or perhaps, we view those who are our friends as family.

Gay/Lesbian:This genre could contain articles or opinions about the currently controversial topic of Gay/Lesbian Marriage/Rights, or it could contain stories or poems in which the lovers or the intended lovers are of the same gender, rather than the male/female that often fill romantic stories. I find that many of the items in this genre are also labelled with the Romance genre, which makes sense as it is (essentially) the same sort of topic.

Genealogy: This also ties with Family, though in a more bare-bones way. Genealogy focuses on the actual traits within a family, or tracing a family back as far as possible to find out family history, family crests, famous ancestors, etc.

Ghost: While this genre is often associated with spooky things, the Ghost genre doesn't have to be spooky. Ghosts can be presented in many manners, not just in hauntings. However, if it is in the Ghost genre, it definitely must have at least one ghost. Or perhaps even be an article about investigating spirits. This genre can be paired with comedy, or horror, or many other genres to make a well rounded story.

Gothic: Gothic stories are actually quite interesting - while many might associate it to the members of society who enjoy Gothic Rock music and perhaps even have a certain way of dressing to express themselves, it isn't necessarily the same. Gothic is another name for "Gothic Horror", which is a genre that specifically combines horror and romance.

Health - This one is rather self-explanatory, I believe. If it has to do with health, it should go here. Maybe it is exercise tips, maybe it is a blog about daily maintenance of exercise goals, maybe it is an essay about how to maintain a healthy puppy or kitten, maybe it is even a collection of recipes that are healthy for the body - no matter what it is, if it deals with the health of our bodies (or maybe even an animal's), it can go here.

History - History has such a broad sort of spectrum it can pull from. Most "history" is considered much like what we see in a classroom, and that is what definition I am going to use here. If it happened in the past - war, colonizing, development of culture, development of literature, development of relition, etc. - and we can learn from it, then it is history. We may use the term, "That's all history now," when talking of our own lives, and it may be history to YOU, but when others are searching for this genre, it is unlikely that is what they are looking for.

Hobby/Craft - My hobbies are reading, writing, making jewelry, singing, and any other thing I decide to dabble in at the moment. If I wanted to help someone get started in one of my hobbies, I might write an article and use this genre. If I wanted to talk about my hobbies, I could also use this genre. Maybe you have hobbies of gardening, or cooking, or so many other things - if it is a hobby (even if it borders on a career), you could put it here.

Holiday - This one might just get confusing for some. In Britain, a "holiday" can be a vacation. I believe, though, this particular genre points to items that are about a holiday; Christmas, Hanukkah, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparent's Day, (my personal favorite) Talk Like A Pirate Day, or many more.

Home/Garden - Oooh, now this one is hard for me. When it comes to gardening, I have quite the black thumb. If I were interested in starting a garden (and actually keeping it without killing every plant in it), I would look for this genre! It also covers homes, which could really be a variety of topics - repairs, making furniture, decorating, etc. I believe this particular genre would often be paired with another that I have on today's newsletter - How-to/Advice.

Horror/Scary - Now, I have to admit, this is one of my favorite genres. I love the occasional scare, chill up my spine, or wrinkle of my nose when the picture in my mind shows me something quite disgusting. I have friends that write amazing Horror/Scary stories, and I only wish that I could write a story that was half as talented as theirs! Horror/Scary is the kind of story that makes you wonder if you're going to be able to sleep at night after you read it! I love it.

How-To/Advice - Do you know how to do something that you think others might be interested in learning? Well here you go! This is the genre for it! (Oh, and let me know some of those, too. I love learning how to do new things!)

Inspirational - This is another one of those controversial genres. What is inspirational to one is not necessarily inspirational to another, so I see a lot of reviews that say, "That wasn't inspirational! Blah, blah, blah, poo!" Well, don't worry about it. If you hope it might inspire someone, or it has inspired you, put it in this genre. It doesn't hurt to have it on there.

Internet/Web - Haha, no, you don't put this one on there just because your item is on the web. All of our items are on the web. *Smile* However, if it is ABOUT the web, put it under this genre.

Legal - The legal genre is very interesting to me. There was a time when I considered becoming a lawyer, and I decided on becoming a teacher instead. As it is, even with the different job, I have to know a LOT about legal things, at least pertaining to teaching. Legal issues are actually faced by every person alive at one time or another - the legal speed limits, legally parking a car, even how long our lawn is allowed to be before we are fined. As such, literally every person might have an article or story they might want to write about different legalities. Have at it!

Medical - This is one I don't expect to see too much here - medical journals would be the most likely place to run into an article about medicine. or newspapers, I suppose. However, we may get the occasional article here about medicine. Particularly because the majority of the nation has to visit a doctor at one time or another. *Smile*

Melodrama - All of us hear of "drama". Well, a melodrama is the kind of story that exaggerates plots and characters in such a way that they try to appeal to your emotions. They want to tug those strings inside of you to make you cry, or laugh, or get angry. Melodrama is mixed with so many different genres - very often with Romance. It could even pair well with Horror!

Men's - Well, what can I say? Men, this is for you. Like those guy movies that blow things up and have jiggly parts, this genre is made just for men. It could talk about men's health, or even just have some of those stories that women might shy a bit more away from (though that is not to say that no women would like them - I actually love the occasional blow-everything-up-everyone-dies sort of movies).

Military - Near and dear to my heart because of my father's part in the military, this genre has to do with just that. Stories about experiences in the war, whether fictional or non-fictional, articles on the wars they are fighting, or simply stories about our military men in general can fit right in with this genre.

Music - La, la! Are you writing a song? Are you writing an article about how music touched your life? Perhaps an article how music can affect moods? Do you have a band you love, and you've written a story or article about one of their artists or attending a concert? Here you go!

Mystery - Mystery is one of my all time favorites. When I am going to read, more often than not, I am picking up a mystery novel. I simply adore the intrigue, and I am always trying to figure out the solution for myself. Sherlock Holmes, Scooby Doo, Hercule Poirot, Matlock, Encyclopedia Brown and many other television and literary characters have helped to shape what we know of as Mystery for all ages.

Mythology - Ooooh, we are touching on many of my favorites this time! Mythology is another one that I love - I lean more toward Greek and Roman mythology, but mythology can be found in many more places than that. This one was harder for me, so I had to look it up, and this is what I found. Myths are symbolic tales of the distant past (often primordial times) that concern cosmogony and cosmology (the origin and nature of the universe), may be connected to belief systems or rituals, and may serve to direct social action and values.

I hope this new installment of genres was helpful to you!

Editor's Picks

For the Family genre, I give you one that might tug at the heartstrings:
 Where is Father?  (13+)
A son searching for the Father
#2073166 by ranjithk

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2007446 by Not Available.

The Lone Traveler - Part Fourteen  (13+)
A young farm girl undertakes a fantastic and perilous journey in a Medieval like world.
#2068299 by Oldwarrior

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2067911 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2056762 by Not Available.

 The Heart of the Mater  (ASR)
A re-telling of a Folk tale - Happy Mother's Day!
#1867243 by Just an Ordinary Boo!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2073077 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2071813 by Not Available.

 'tree of graduation'  (ASR)
A prose poem letter to a friend comparing the passage of time to the life of a tree.
#984138 by Kåre Enga in Montana

 Cafe au Lait  (13+)
A cup of coffee in a small cafe.
#1786872 by EyeSingOnTheCake

The Antique Rocking Chair  (E)
Up to 1000-word story. Newbies are the Judge Contest. Prompt is used in the title.
#2036494 by GaelicQueen

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2073097 by Not Available.

And we will do more next time. Look up some of the other genres, and see if you find anything you like!

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Here's some feedback from the last newsletter:

tebbuch said, "Genre definitions.
Such lists are always incomplete and one searches for a term that is not on the list. And so, the writer goes to the term that is nearest to what they actually need. Of course lists like this can never be complete and encompass every aspect of a writer's intent. I received a book in which the index was absolutely useless in directing the reader to a specific item in that publication. The invitation to writers for new genre definitions is a good new year resolution."

While it is true that these can never truly be complete, and some are even subject to different interpretation, I am focusing only on the Genres available for choosing when making an item on WdC. As such, I hope I can at least cover all of those without missing any. But, we all make mistakes, so we shall see! And, the possibility of missing a few is never a good reason to not attempt something at all. I'll shoot for the stars here, and hope I help some people out at the same time. *Smile*

Many genres are left to interpretation. Do you have any you think can be interpreted differently? Let me know by replying to the newsletter! I'd love to hear from you.

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