Spiritual: September 12, 2018 Issue [#9114]
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 This week: The Golden Rule
  Edited by: Prosperous Snow celebrating
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hurt not other in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.

What is hateful to you,
do not to your fellow man.
That is the entire Law;
all the rest is commentary.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

No one of you is a believer
until he desires for his brother
that which he desires
for himself.

Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.
The Baha'i Faith

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

The Golden Rule is the common thread,
Uniting religion's tapestries.

In my last news letter, I wrote that there were at least two things common to all religions. One of those was a place of worship and the other was a version of the Golden Rule. Other things common to all religions are prayer, fasting, and a central figure that revealed the religion. The central figure is the individual who revealed the version of the Golden Rule for that specific religion.

The Golden Rule, of whichever faith path an individual follows, encourages the person to treat every human being as members of the same family. The Golden Rule of each religion is phrased differently because of the central figure that revealed and the historic period of its revelation. After meditating on the words and the phrases of the Golden Rule, I wrote the following poem.

I contemplate the Golden Rule!
Unity's bright jewel,
God's sacred gift
to shift
move it out of
brotherhood and world peace,
so these ruinous wars can cease.

What is the Golden Rule of your spiritual path? Have you written a story, poem, essay, or article about it?

Editor's Picks

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#1107628 by Not Available.

 The End of Darkness   (E)
The battle between good and evil prevalent in this world
#2167204 by Patrick McDonagh

Love Thy Neighbor  (E)
Message to the Congregation
#2137896 by LMs❤️BrewinMagic

 The Golden Rule  (E)
A children's poem about treating others as you'd like to be treated.
#1977088 by Tim Chiu

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#2014033 by Not Available.

Submitted by Our Readers

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#1859403 by Not Available.

 Nature's Band  (E)
Listening to the music of nature
#1464794 by D.L. Robinson

Contests and Activities

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#1687125 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Quick-Quill wrote: People blame the "church" and won't attend with the excuse "they're all a bunch of hypocrites." Most of the time people judging others by with their own insecurities looking for some excuse. Separating from others in the worship of God only gives more reason for people to acquire bad attitudes. At least that's the impression I've seen from those who say that. The more isolated, the worse the attitude.

Mia - craving colour wrote: Hi Neva,
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your article, the personal touch and your encouragement to visit places of worship other than our own.
It's amazing how exposure to different religious traditions guide us to the essential core of our own beliefs. Mia

Zeke wrote: This is very inspiring indeed. I noticed in the about this letter section the word worship was misspelled.

Prosperous Snow celebrating Thank you for catching the typo.

LMs❤️BrewinMagic writes: Great newsletter Neva, I really enjoyed it. I grew up in northern Oklahoma also and attended different churches with my relatives. I believe that it helped me in deciding my religion. I love that you suggested to others that they visit other churches.
May your day be blessed always

Rebecca writes: I have been searching a home church, I use to go to the Baptist church, but have moved to a different town, I have visited a few different ones with different denominations, and yes they all preach about the same One God. no matter what religion you are, it doesn"t matter. the only thing that matters is we are worshipping with others and worshipping our one true Lord.

Being Diane writes: I don't know how we would make it without our spiritual side. I love this newsletter and will save it so I can read more of the spiritual items.
I've attached a small essay on my faith as a child. I was so dedicated to Jesus because I felt His love at an early age. I imagine if I would have been a Catholic I would consider being a nun. I worked at an Episcopal Camp and Conference Center for eight years. I enjoyed seeing the children dedicate their lives to God.
Diane Howard

queenkissy writes: Thank you for including my poem, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Prosperous Snow celebrating You're welcome.

shepherd46 writes: Good article with helpful information!

D.L. Robinson writes: Hi: I too have made my "trek" through several different religions. I choose now to just look for God where ever He/She/It shows up irrespective of the religion or the building. In fact one of the most profound temples and places to experience God in my opinion is in nature. I am sharing an item with you from my portfolio that pays homage to God found in nature. Maybe you will consider it for your newsletter, I hope!

Waiting in the Pumpkin Patch writes: There are many types of churches: store-front churches, home churches, etc. I knew a church that burned down, so for two years they rented a school cafeteria. In Hawaii, years ago there was a Christian church that met in a open air shelter, with a thatch roof, dirt floor, and trees for columns. The benches were logs cut in half and smoothed off. The music was on drums made of animal skins stretched over gourds. Simple or fancy, new or old, small or huge, it's not the architecture that matters, although some say it adds to the mood. It's the reverence of the people who attend that makes it a temple or a church.

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