Poetry: October 30, 2019 Issue [#9841]
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 This week: Creepy Poetry
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it's about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves. ~~Elvis Duran

It's said that All Hallows' Eve is one of the nights when the veil between the worlds is thin - and whether you believe in such things or not, those roaming spirits probably believe in you, or at least acknowledge your existence, considering that it used to be their own. Even the air feels different on Halloween, autumn-crisp and bright. ~~Erin Morgenstern

You could make any song sound creepy if you wanted. It's all about the inflection. ~~Willie Nelson

The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. ~~Pablo Picasso

I spend my time now like a spider spinning my own entrails. ~~Mary Boykin Chesnut

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Letter from the editor

Halloween...depending upon your perception, it is the thinning of the veil between life and death, the time when children come 'begging' for candy or a menacing time when the creepy-crawly critters come out to play.

I remember that once I had to write to a prompt of a ferocious spider. Ick. I've been bitten by a 'brown recluse' (NOT pretty!) and consequently DO NOT like spiders. Yet in looking for what to write about that wasn't all surface stuff, I actually learned stuff about spiders, was able to write the poem and (drumroll please!) - I'm still not one bit fonder of spiders! Creepy to the max! But I was able to write the poem, did learn new things and overcame a hurdle!

Yet it was a good exercise to write that poem. What I ultimate did was figure out what would scare my kid. You see, she hates spiders too, because, um, Mom does! LOL

Some folks are brilliant at writing the creepy. They find beauty in it or make my skin crawl or keep me looking over my shoulder the rest of the night. There is something to be said for those who can (pun intended) crawl under my skin and into my mind and then linger, craftily waiting to get me!

Different things can scare folks. Why bugs are my nemesis, for others it is anything ghostly (which is not, necessarily,) to say ghastly! I know folks who are totally freaked out by even the mention of a ghost lingering nearby. Yet, others are scared of the menacing variety or have tales to tell of their 'own' ghostly relatives who still meander. Still others insist that ghosts' do not, can not, exist. The joys of varying perspectives.

While on this disjointed ramble of things creepy - in my For Authors newsletter of two weeks ago, I mentioned in my list of favorite books, The Man Who Laughs by Victor Hugo. A rather creepy story of the horrors and atrocities in 'way back when' Paris when children were forced to grow confined in earthenware jars or had their mouths split to heal into large, permanent smiles, I discovered just last week that it was this book that was the inspiration for the recent spate of hideously smiling Jokers! The things you learn along the way! Being a writer is so much fun!

Editor's Picks

The Millipede   (E)
Consumed by consumption
#2175460 by Jayne

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#2196201 by Not Available.

Spider  (E)
Spiders are invaluable things. They are important to the world. I wish they were all dead.
#2005535 by Fhionnuisce

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#2169069 by Not Available.

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#1986247 by Not Available.

A "spirited" spoof of win-big-cash vanity poetry contests
#1569451 by DRSmith

 Captain Seth  (E)
Long dead, but somehow yet alive
#1696544 by fyn

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Alexi wrote: Hey Fyn, Autumn is painting out the summer and bringing in the new seasons' delights. Time for wellies and warm coats, it has its own beauty and so much fun, even if one doesn#t go out. Window watching the changes while drinking hot chocolate and knitting a wooly scarf is just as fun. I wrote this about the autumn and had some fun with it from a prompt: 'You expected to be sad in the fall, but my poem didn't turn out to be sad.
The Pallet of Autumn  (E)
Kids jumping on piles of leaves and listening to their laughter as the leaves crackle
#2122595 by Alexi

I hope you like my poem as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thank you for your post-Fyn.

Elle - on hiatus complimented: Your writing is so beautiful. I always enjoy reading your newsletters.

Thanking you!

Monty did too: Your News Letter in itself is poetic and an interesting read. It had me walking through the woods here in Vermont.


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