For Authors: December 04, 2019 Issue [#9896]
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 This week: 'Tis the Season
  Edited by: Vivian
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

         We passed a late Thanksgiving, thankful for all the blessings in our lives. Now, we move toward Christmas, wondering what gifts to give different people in our lives. Authors, whether in progress or published, should know immediately what makes the best gift for all ages.

Christmas deer

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

'Tis theSeason

         I hate shopping. I hate trying to find gifts while struggling to swim through mobs of crazy people. I hate trying to decide what to get whom. I also hate being dumb. I'm an author. What should I want everyone to get for Christmas? Preferably a copy of one of my books, but if not my book, at least someone's book.

         Every year, I give books. If I haven't written a new one for a certain age, I will find one for that age. One of my granddaughters, about six years ago, opened her package from me, made a face, and whined, "Just another book. Can't you give me anything but a book?"

         I smiled and said, "Oh, books contain so much more than you realize." I don't know how many hours, days, weeks, months before she read the book and discovered the ten-dollar-bill bookmark I slipped between the pages. However, she never complained about receiving a book again and admitted she liked the ones I gave her.

         Books create adventure, mystery, fantasy. They help readers learn about different cultures, countries, worlds, even species. When a person of any age opens the cover of a well-written book, he walks into a different life for a while. A person can travel far away without leaving home. We can experience adventures we otherwise couldn't. We can give that gift to others by giving them books.

         I sit at my computer and do my shopping, or I walk into the bookroom where I keep a small inventory of books published by 4RV, including copies of books by me. I think of interests shown by each person and choose a book for him or her. The gift bag may also include a necklace or a University of Oklahoma teeshirt, but it will have a book.

         Now, from me to you, a Christmas story:
 Christmas Wishes  [13+]
Can wishes still be answered?
by Vivian

Editor's Picks

Writings from W.Com

Twas the Night Before Christmas Parody  [13+]
A Christmas Parody for Terryjroo, for Kit's Seasonal Event.
by 🕸️intuey's Spider Web

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Joey And Me  [E]
"Come on, slowpoke! I'll race you to the top!
by W.D.Wilcox

 Gifts #1  [13+]
Tyler Masterson goes shopping with his mother
by SpookyBee

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Words from Our Readers

These are some interesting advice from a professional author. The needed means are noticed here as well as the important computer and the internet. The inspiration as well as the motivation are something relative and proper to each author.

My first published book was written for the Nano 2011. I wrote 50k in those 30 days. Then the following January I had toe surgery and wrote another 50k or so while I sat and watched the Jodi Aries trial. I incorporated a Mormon man in my story and used him to guide my MC in using their local library to research his family.(published 2014) Now I'm attempting this again. I hope I get so involved in the story it writes itself like the first one did. I can only hope.

         I hope you can find success.

...speaking strictly for myself, a poet who has been writing for well over 50 years, i Not only encourage 'revise, revise, revise', but will share with you a truth about my own writing, and that is, i've been revising & rewriting Everything i choose to share with others for (sometimes) as much as 10 years; one poem i have never successfully gotten to the point of sharing, tries to use the process of 'building' a small wooden box (i am a woodworker for as long as i am a writer) as a metaphor for writing a poem - much of it is winnowing & 'paring' down a piece until it says what i want with the least number of words possible, & that it "Shows" the point, doesn't "Tell" the reader About it.
Now i don't mean to say my way is the (only) 'correct' way, but i don't feel like many people can sit at an empty page & lay down 'perfectly' a finished product...of course there is a certain amount of patience required in my approach, but transferring ideas into 'pictograms' which magically communicate a deep &/or subtle observation into another human's mind is a fairly 'skillful' task ... but "to each their own", is a belief central to my own views... so WRITE ON !

         I hope each writer finds success in his or her own way.

Merry Christmas

A sig given as gift.

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