Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1960703-The-Smoke-Alarm
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1960703
I was woken by the smoke alarm
My bedroom is right next to the kitchen. In the kitchen, there's a smoke detector. In fact, these two rooms are pretty much connected. This morning, the smoke detector woke me up. "uuugh," I groan; last night, I wasn't feeling so well, so I slept early, yet it's no excuse for fate to wake me up earlier than needed. I rub my stomach- it feels much better this morning, and I'm glad of that. Padding over to the bathroom, I scream when I look at myself in the mirror. I look like a dragon! My brother hears me scream, and comes running into the room. He screams, and I glare at him. Mid-scream, he dodges a fireball from my mouth. I scream again- and realize- I'm not screaming- I'm roaring! "Mommy, Daddy! Gina turned into a DRAGON!" He shouts, running from the room.

I roar, and try to tell him "Shut up!" I end up roaring more. I turn around, knocking over a cup of water in the process. My claws tear the towel I try and grab to clean up the mess. "I can't go to school like this!" I wail.

My mom pads in. "ugh, why does it smell like smoke in here? Have you been playing with matches again, Jimmy?"

"Mommy, I told you! Gina is a DRAGON!" Mom shakes her head at him, and almost faints when she sees me "JACOB!" She yells.

Dad rushes in. "Sweetheart, what's the matter?" He sees me and grins. "Nice costume, Gina! I'll be the first to admit, you look absolutely terrifying in that."

"Daddy! It's not a costume! Gina's a REAL DRAGON!" my brother tugs at Dad.

"Now, Jimmy, you know there's no such thing as a real dragon!"

"B-b-but... Gina-"

"Is not a real dragon, I'm sure." Dad finishes, "now get on to school, or you'll be late, Jim-bo."

Jimmy runs off. "Samantha, go get Jimmy to school. I'll handle this." Dad instructs.

Dumbfounded, Mom nods and walks off in a zombie-like trance. "Now let's see, how can we get you back to normal? Shall we try sand?" He goes and reappears with a bucket of sand. "Do you want to return to normal Gina?" he asks.

I nod miserably.

"Good. Close your eyes and open your snout."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Just do it." He insists, and as I do, he tosses a bucket of foul-tasting sand down my throat. The fire subsides. "Good. Now all we need is a valiant knight to come slay you, Gina." His voice trembles as he jokes- a sign he's not as brave as he's putting on. "Let's.... I don't know. Let's... run you in some water?"

I glare at him. "Do you even know what you're doing? Omigod I can talk!" I squeal. "That sand tasted NASTY." I tell him. "Well, you talk instead of roar now. I would think I'm not doing too shabbily on your recovery. Let's turn on the shower in the bath. Step in the bathtub!"

I do as I'm told and cold water comes down in torrents. "This is worse than being outside in the snow, naked!" I squeal.

"How do you know? You've never even done that!"

My view is slowly changing, and I feel like I'm shrinking. Dad walks out. I look down, to see I'm myself again. The door slams. "Daddy! I'm back!" Jimmy's back.

I look at the clock. 3:00. "Hmm. That's one Halloween I'd never like to repeat again." I mumble as I rush into my room for clothes.
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