Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2317376-Bishop-X-Cable-Multiverse-Travelers
Rated: E · Script/Play · Fantasy · #2317376
The official script.
Bishop X Cable: Multiverse Travelers

Loki Studios credits roll

We open with intense music as we see Bishop running away from Pyro and Avalanche, toward a door. He looks back as he runs, they fire projectiles at him. He checks to see if they're still following him, he’s hit in the arm by a fire projectile from Pyro. He reaches a door, kicks it open,
and runs through. However instead of entering a building, he goes through a TVA portal that closes when Pyro and Avalanche reach it.

We then cut to Cable, who’s reloading a rifle in a storage warehouse behind some crates. reloaded, he aims over the crates to see his enemies fought and defeated by some TVA soldiers. He kicks the crates over and charges at the soldiers, doing so, he’s hit with the back-end of a pruning stick and is knocked unconscious.

We return to Bishop, who wakes up in an interrogation room within the TVA. We see a man in a suit sitting across from him, this is Liam Gordon, a TVA agent that specializes in variant capture and investigation.

"Well, you're finally awake, it's about time," Gordon smirks.

"Where-where am I?" Bishop asks.

“This is the TVA, we monitor timestreams all throughout the multiverse. We’re trained to isolate problems within timelines and eliminate them,” Gordon explained.

"I'm not gonna let you kill me," Bishop stood up and reached for a knife.

"We've removed all weapons from your personnel." Gordon remarked, "Calm down, let's have a talk."

Bishop sits down and crosses his arms, “If you’re not going to kill me then why am I here?”

"We-we have a small problem..." said Gordon with a very concerned look on his face.

"Whatever. What's this problem?" Bishop questioned.

Gordon opens a folder and spreads out some documents and pictures.

"They're known as the Dark Avengers, while they lost most of their members in battle, the ones that survived conquered their entire universe. However, it wasn’t enough, they grew tired of their rule," he continued, "They've discovered how to travel through the multiverse and have been terrorizing civilizations across the multiversal timestreams.”

“I have experience with mass conquerors, but why’d you choose me specifically?” asked Bishop.

“You’re not on their priority list. They’d notice if we took someone like Reed Richards out of a timestream and brought him here.” Gordon explained.

“Well, I’m relieved that I’m not some chosen one or anything, that’d be ridiculous.” Bishop replied.

“Not everything is a fantasy Mr. Lucas, come with me, I think it’s time you met the team.”

We cut to Cable, who’s sitting at a table in an area that looks somewhat like a library with a woman. This is Lorna Dane, otherwise known as Polaris. She originated from the universe the Dark Avengers first conquered.

"So, who are these “Dark Avengers” anyway?" Cable asked.

“They came from my universe…they…they killed everyone to conquer our world. When I barely escaped, they gained access to a spacecraft created by Tony Stark that was designed to travel the universe at incredible speed.” Polaris sighed, “After the conquering of the universe, they gained access to the multiverse, allowing them to reign terror on every timestream.”

“How’d you escape?” asked Cable.

“I-well, a friend had managed to gain access to a TVA tempad, (she shows Cable) he gave it to me before… before he died…” She puts away the tempad, and tears run down her face.

“You can’t blame yourself, I lost someone too, a long time ago. At first I convinced myself that it was my fault, that they’d be alive if I had done something differently, I realized I was wrong. You can’t change what happened, no matter who you are…” Cable sighed.

Polaris puts her hand over Cable’s and we see Bishop and Gordon enter the scene.

“Are we interrupting something?” Gordon asked.

Polaris clears her throat, “Oh- um no.” She stands up, “Cable, meet Bishop, our third and final member of the team.”

“There’s just three of us?” asked Cable with widened eyes.

“There’s only four of them, speaking of which, we better arm you two,” Gordon answered.

“Do we get some fancy multiversal rifles?” asked Bishop jokingly.

“No, like I said earlier, not everything is a fantasy,” Gordon rolls his eyes.

We cut to Bishop and Cable equipping themselves with various guns, knives, explosives, and other devices to be used in the battle against the Dark Avengers. Once finished, Polaris enters the room.

"Are you two ready yet?" She asked, we get a camera view from her feet rising up to her head to reveal her costume. We cut to Bishop and Cable, who were seen fully in their suits, ready for action. Bishop holds a pistol at his side while Cable holds some sort of rifle over his shoulder.

"Ready as we'll ever be," said Bishop.

“Let’s avenge the fallen…” Cable grunted.
Lorna opens a portal with her tempad and the team steps through it.

We emerge in a universe that's full of many characters fighting each other. The sky is a cloudy gray with destroyed buildings seen in the background.

"They've started a rebellion, too bad they're all going to die." chuckled Spider-Man as kicks a character to the ground. Yellowjacket can be seen in the background laughing, “Pathetic fools, do they really think they stand a chance?” Yellowjacket picks up a building and slams it on top of a group of heroes.

Captain America (Sam Wilson) can be seen shooting repulsor blasts from his armor at a few heroes, tossing them out of frame. He laughs as he does this, “I’m with Pym, what makes them think they stand a chance?”

Moondragon is seen levitating in a cleared area, surrounded in a force field, “Perhaps in this universe, they carry…what’s the word, hope?”

We cut back to Bishop, Cable and Polaris, as they survey their surroundings and observe the villainous forces.

“So that’s who we’re dealing with, a cyborg, an alien, a big guy, and a magic bald woman?” Bishop continues, “Why didn’t we get anyone decently powerful on our team, no offense to you two, but we just have some guns.”

As Bishop finishes his statement, we see Polaris fighting Yellowjacket, who she impales with pieces of rebar that sticks out of the ground. He manages to shrink himself and temporarily hide from her. This doesn’t last long however, as he climbs up her leg, she knocks him onto the ground and crushes him beneath her sole.

We cut back to Bishop, shocked, “Alright, I take it back, we’re good.”

Cable chuckles, “Let’s take care of this-” He’s cut off as Captain America lands in front of him and Bishop.

"Well, well, well, I know time travelers when I see 'em. The TVA is getting desperate aren’t they? Who are you two supposed to be?” Captain America laughed.

"The jury and the executioner!" shouted Bishop as he pulled out his gun to shoot Captain America. Captain America dashes to him, grabs his gun and dislocates his hand. "Did ya think a lil pistol could stop me?" he chuckled.

"No...but it was a good distraction," Cable grinned as he shot Captain America's wings, inhibiting his flight and super speed.

"Oh no..." said Captain America right before Bishop knocks him out and he falls onto the ground.

Bishop relocates his hand, “Arrogant fool, how’d they conquer an entire universe?”

Cable responds, “Beats me, who’s next?”

“That’d be me,” shouts Spider-Man as he dramatically lands in front of the two heroes. He dawns the alien symbiote known as Venom, except without the snarling teeth and tongue.

“The alien, go figure, let’s get this over with,” said Bishop as he cracks his knuckles and shoots Spider-Man with his pistol, he absorbs the bullet. Bishop shoots him a few more times, each bullet being absorbed.

“What the-” he shouts before he’s knocked to the ground from a hit by a symbiote tendril. “Don’t underestimate stuff from space buddy,” chuckles Spider-Man as he picks up Bishop with the help of a few more tendrils.

Cable pulls a weapon off his back and pulls the trigger, shooting a massive stream of fire at Spider-Man, making him drop Bishop and burning the symbiote off his body. With the symbiote gone, Cable continues to use the flamethrower, turning him into ash. When finished, he reattaches the gun to his back and helps Bishop off of the ground, “I had one of 'em back in my universe, I supposed they had the same weakness, fire,” Cable explained.

“Makes sense, thanks,” Bishop responds.

“Looks like you two had that covered,” Polaris grins as she walks toward the two heroes.

“Where were you during all of this?” Cable asked.

“Observing, I wanted to see how skillful you guys were,” she responds.

Bishop reloads his pistol, “What about her?” He points at Moondragon, as she watches them from afar.

We have a cinematic shot of our heroes moving toward Moondragon, who’s ready for their confrontation. While Bishop and Cable walk, Polaris levitates using her powers. Polaris flies quickly toward Moondragon, where she becomes trapped within an expansion of the force field that previously surrounded Moondragon. Bishop and Cable are not within the force field, they scream and shoot at it instead. Polaris looks back at the two, struggling helplessly, she forms a determined look on her face and builds up a powerful power blast, which she shoots at Moondragon, sending both of them falling to the ground. The force field briefly falls, which allows Bishop and Cable to move closer to the two, however, Moondragon regains consciousness and conjures a new, smaller force field around Polaris and herself. Moondragon conjures a blade that she lowers to her side, standing above Polaris. Polaris looks at Cable and Bishop, then she locks onto Cable’s eyes, smiles at him, then turns back to Moondragon, where she’s decapitated. Bishop screams and shoots the force field while Cable drops to his knees and stares at her head on the ground. Moondragon conjures a portal and steps through it, ending the force field that had previously surrounded Polaris and herself. Bishop runs to Polaris’ body, searching for the tempad, “C’mon, where is it…” he rushes. He finds the tempad and quickly looks over its controls, he hits a few buttons and a portal opens. “Cable! I’ll be right back, stay here.” We see Cable, still on his knees, he puts his hands onto his head and it begins to rain.

Credits Roll.

Post-Credit scene:
We see Moondragon standing on some sort of rubble, around her is the multiversal timestream, she smiles and conjures a portal, she walks through. Cuts to black.

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