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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
balh blah ablan
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October 28, 2022 at 4:43pm
October 28, 2022 at 4:43pm
When it comes to writing tips, there is one I think is the cornerstone of composition-consistency! Practice makes perfect. As we write, we inherently get better. There is a semi-cardinal rule-write every day. Sometimes, this is challenging but very little is better than nothing even if it’s a paragraph. But, what if you have writer’s block? Put down something trite or plain raw that is right on top of your head. It does not have to be stellar, just write!
Then there is the other situation when you just do not feel like writing. Here is a trick I have learned. Just commit to writing a simple sentence, that’s it! Suddenly other sentences will just flow. It works! Before you know it, you’ll be using your muse with tact and propensity. Above all, you will be enjoying yourself. And that is the key.
So, remember to take baby steps. Do a little here and a little there until it becomes easy and writing every day will be a rewarding habit.

March 6, 2022 at 6:43pm
March 6, 2022 at 6:43pm
Well, I did not go to church today, but I watched an informative an inspiring interview of Charlie Kirk, founder and head of Turning point USA. Jack Hibbs did the interview with Mr. Kirk. The discussion was over eight main points. Some included, the cessation of the US being the world superpower, society being relieved all possessions and society being "happy" with it. It all sounds crazy but if people just some research and not give all trust and reliance into mainstream media, people would be amazed. All of the points are projected to occur by 2030. Nevertheless, God is on the throne and His will shall prevail in the end. It's up to us US citizens to act, as we are doing now already as Kirk stated. The man moves my heart to get involved.

It has been a few days since I applied for that magazine volunteer job. I was encouraged to reach out to the magazine. But I had to go through certain channels to do so and I was uncomfortable with the process. But as the Word says, promotion comes from the Lord. God will provide a job for me.

I am still trying to get a hold of Medicaid. Oh, what a task! All the times I called their number, I was on hold for a long time, and I hung up each time. The southern Nevada Medicaid office opens at 8 am. I have to call them right when they open. Perhaps I will get an operator. lol. The reason I need to contact Medicaid is because I must know the max I can make without losing benefits. My benefits pay for my medication which costs over $100K a year. I am praying God will heal me of my mental illnesses.

Seven people have visited my site in the last seven days. I have posted two stories recently. My site is with GoDaddy. They have SEO functions that are available. I need phone help to get acquainted with it. I do have SEO knowledge from my affiliate marketing experience. I need a refresher. lol.

Well, that is it for now. Cheers!
March 4, 2022 at 3:50pm
March 4, 2022 at 3:50pm
So I am trying to get a volunteer article writing gig called Mensa. It said there is no prior experience needed but I mentioned my AA in creative writing and my affiliate marketing experience. If I do not hear from them in a few days, I am told to contact them. I am praying I get the volunteer job. If I am considered, they will send me some example articles that will show me the kind of content I am supposed to write.

I came across this science fiction magazine excepting unsolicited submissions. In the description is focused on the character more than on the science. Basically, it is about a specific thought process like the role of mankind in the universe for example. In my stories, my characters think a lot. I have already begun my story for the magazine. First, there is the matter of the limit of royalties I can acquire without losing my disability insurance. My medications cost over $100k a year. Adversely, I cannot live a full financial life or move up in the world. I am stuck. It is what it is I suppose. Perhaps one day God will heal me. Definitely something to pray for. lol.

I am considering going back to college to get my BA in creative writing. Along with that, I want to drive as well. Another thing to ponder.

Well, that is it for today. Goodbye.
February 28, 2022 at 7:20pm
February 28, 2022 at 7:20pm
In an effort to boost my potential job moral, I will be doing more blogging starting today. I have been on Indeed.com looking for online jobs I can get with my AA in creative writing. As for job experience, the only one I ever had was my courtesy clerk job at Albertson's I held as a teenager. Technically, I have affiliate marketing background too. I worked for a company called Wealthy Affiliate for about eight months. lol. I did online research for merchandise where I wrote related articles on the items I promoted. Nevertheless, I never sold anything. lol. However, I just applied for a freelance writer job. The only requirements was a high school diploma. My AA in creative writing is a plus! I read that the response time is 8 to 9 days. I am hopeful.

I am still waiting for a response from my editor, Jessica. We need to schedule for a zoom meeting and get my proposal to the Seymour Agency. It seems to have the simplest submission process. I texted the president and she clarified how many sample pages are needed. Apparently, she cordially said I can give as many as I am comfortable to submit. (= She wants me to "cc" her when I send my proposal to one of the agents. I do not know what she means. lol. I will clarify with Jessica.

I have a cavity needing a filling tomorrow at 11 am. Not looking forward to it. lol. Hopefully, they will not find any more.

i just noticed my listed genres are biographical, experience and philosophy. Honestly, I can only say I do experience. lol.

I am trying to type correctly with placing my fingers where they are supposed to be. I do not chicken peck, but I usually have to look at the keyboard when I type. It is a matter of patience and practice. It is fun when you are doing it right. lol.

Well, that is it for now. I hope to generate more relevant content in the future. See yah tomorrow!
February 22, 2022 at 8:59pm
February 22, 2022 at 8:59pm
Well, God is good. I went to my retina doc and I had a small hole in my retina. I got laser treatment for it but it adversely got a reduction in eye sight. My sight is blurry in my right eye. Hopefully this will pass. If not, I may opt to get new glasses. As it is my prescription is very, very strong. I am a little upset with this matter. I left a message for the ophthalmologist office, and they are supposed to get back to me within 48 hours. For some reason, they called my mom's number, and she missed the call. I left a message giving my own number.

I was looking online for a work-from-home writing job and I came across an inviting job offer. However, it seems too good to be true. I left the URL for the job so my editor, Jessica, can take a look and weigh in on the prospect. I am almost ready to have a zoom meeting with her and go over my manuscript.

I wrote my pitch for my book. It is about 75 words long. It is as follows:

The wise Arch Sage Thaylus lives at odds with the false pagan gods worshiped in his realm of Khrine. He desperately seeks a true deity that will save Khrine from evil spiritual entities and fill his spiritual longing and overcome his struggle with faith. Eventually he comes to believe in the one God who dwells in a heavenly realm of the Gate of Vessels. But will the rest of Khrine acknowledge this God as well?

I'll tell my pitch to Jessica and see what she thinks. A book pitch is supposed to be as brief as possible. I think the general length is 100 words or less.

My first choice to query to is the The Seymour Agency because the turnaround time is three weeks. If I do not here from them by them that means I have been rejected. My next choice is the Steve Laube Agency. If I send a hard copy to him, I will get a response from him within three months. The Bible says "Seek and ye shall find." I know I'll get an agent eventually.

Well, that is it for tonight. See yah tomorrow.

February 16, 2022 at 2:52pm
February 16, 2022 at 2:52pm
Wow, it's been a while. Pretty much everything is the same. That is except for my latest development-I finished going through my book edits! I noticed my editor, Jessica, made lots of changes to my story. Don't get me wrong, they made my book absolutely beautiful. But they were quite considerable and thus I cannot take credit for the whole final product.

Now that I have done the edits, I was instructed to do myself I am inquiring about one of the services mentioned on the contract which is a final overlook on Jessica's part. I do not think she will do a full manuscript look over, so I have to see what that service entails. The next step is querying/proposal part. I plan to publish traditionally which is a free process. Indie authoring costs money and my editing job put me a little over $2,000 in the whole. I am really praying I will get a decent advance. I read somewhere on a site a debut book will run from about $5,000 to $10,000. That seems a bit wishful to me. I read somewhere else the range is $2,000 to $5,000. That is more believable. lol.

On another note, I am considering taking up driving again. That is part of my plan to move out of my pedants' house. The bigger part is to get a work from home/computer job. I cannot do a regular in person job like a retail gig. The stress from customers and complex responsibilities would give me an anxiety attack. It does not take much to get me riled up. I had to quite my first job as a bagger as a teenager because of this affliction.
Jesus is with me and I must remember that. lol.

Well, that is it for now, See you tomorrow!
February 5, 2022 at 7:05pm
February 5, 2022 at 7:05pm
It has been a couple of days. lol. Burt, I am happy to say my editor, Jessica, has finished with my story. So far, I have gone through roughly one-fourth of it and it looks spectacular! She knows her stuff. Just today, I have paid her the rest of the payment for her services. Honestly, I would have expected a more expensive charge on Jessica's end; she did that much. She likes my writing very much. I know I can trust her word because she won the Genesis award for a fiction work of hers. And she is represented by an agent who is part of one of the biggest Christian publishing agencies in the US.

I did some quick research on my iPhone and the average first time traditionally published author has an advance from anywhere from $5k to $!0k. I read somewhere else it is $2k to $5k. I suppose it depends on who you ask. lol. I will be revisiting my current book situation in the future. For those who know the Lord, keep me in prayer. See you tomorrow!
January 31, 2022 at 8:13pm
January 31, 2022 at 8:13pm
What to say, what to say? I composed a Writer's Cramp entry in two hours. I gave it a spiritual edge like I always do. lol. Hopefully, those who read it are pricked in their heart a little bit. I find when I commit my story to the Lord everything flows. The verse that mirrors this idea is Proverbs 16:3 that reads: "Commit your ways to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."

I need to beef up the spiritual message for my next addition to my story I am writing. I have a little over 53k words written. My regimen goal is to write 2k words a day. With that goal faithfully met, I should hash out a 120k story in two months. Then another month and a half or so of going over my story several times. Then it is off to the editor. I like my current editor Jessica, but she takes her sweet time. lol. I have yet to have seen how my story fairs when she returns my story. It will take a few months and some grueling work to get my story where I want it to be in concordance with Jessica's corrections.

My appointment with my ophthalmologist was rescheduled to the middle of February. It was supposed to be today at 10:05 but my mom and stepdad are feeling really sick. My mom wants me to get another doctor that is in Summerlin, but I like the eye doctor I have now. We will see what happens.

I was tagged in newsletter honoring those who have returned to blogging after long absences. That was a pleasant surprise.

I called my friend Chad but I immediately got the voicemail. I left text too. I hope we do not lose touch. I miss him a lot. He moved to Texas recently and I miss hanging out with him. There is a reason for everything, and God's hand is in the situation.

That is it for now, Bye, bye!
January 30, 2022 at 4:45pm
January 30, 2022 at 4:45pm
Today was church and it was a great service. Pastor Greg taught out of Acts 16:25-40. The brief message was about Paul and Silas praising God after being beaten and put in prison. The emphasis was about how despite their miserable state they gave thanks to God and praised Him. The text ended with Paul stating he was a Roman citizen and was beaten when such a thing was illegal.

I still have not gotten anything from my editor, Jessica. According to the contract, my manuscript was supposed to be returned by the 30th of last November. She told me about some occurrences causing her delayed return including a death in the family and jury duty. I understand. lol.

Yesterday and today's Cramp prompt did not appeal to me. I tend to lean towards ones that allow me to write in the fantasy genre. When prompts are based on a non-speculative premise I divulge. Sometimes I am able to adapt them into urban fantasy. My favorite prompt is the use of selected words as long as they are not modern references like today's cities, phrases, names and so on.

When it comes to writing, I think keeping pace works better than trying to think up something appealing and profound. In an English class, the professor told us to focus on just writing all you can in quick succession. I should use that concept. lol.

All the Steve Laube Agency blogs I subscribed to, I have tried to comment on all of them. They are quite brief but informative. In the blog emails there are what is called Fun Fridays. The last one featured a video of two pianists playing together. They were a married couple.

Well, I have to go. See yah tomorrow!
January 29, 2022 at 5:45pm
January 29, 2022 at 5:45pm
I only have a few chapters to go with the book I am reading. I am a moderate reader as I only read up to three hours or so a day. Lawhead is a wonderful author. I am amazed he is not more well known. I recall when I read the Pendragon Cycle as a teenager. This saga is an Arthurian adaption and is made up of seven books. It is his most famous work.

I played my PS4 for only twenty-five minutes then I got tired of it. Perhaps I am losing interest in fighters. It is probably best I do not play too many games. It is easy to get caught up in them and neglect things like the Bible and writing and reading.

As I said, my editor should be returning my book to me with corrections and suggestions. She said she would give it to me by yesterday or a few days after. I did not see anything in my inbox so it will be later. I am looking forward to my next Zoom meeting with her. Something needing change is format; the indentation is wrong and so is the spacing. There may be more errors. lol.

I am having difficulty with fluidity in my writing, something new. I just stare at the screen. It does not last long but it sort of bogs me down. If reading is the life juice to writing, then I should easily be putting in more content. I just resumed a reading regimen. It's been years since I have finished a book.

I chatted with an old friend on Facebook yesterday for a few minutes. It's been years. His family got Covid after I said mine did. I hope to speak to him on the phone like we did the last time I got in touch.

I am learning to preserve words in writing. That may be why I think about what to write for more time than usual. It takes conscious effort not to use unnecessary words. Then there is my old nemesis info-dumping. lol.

Well, that is it for now. Until tomorrow!

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