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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#377055 added June 15, 2008 at 6:13pm
Restrictions: None
Madam I'm Adam
Somewhere between the Gate Parkway and J Turner Blvd we became lost and I became captain of the team. The captain part would be told to me later. Like the next morning, twenty minutes before our first match. Oooohhhh-kaaaaay. I can handle last minute. But, twenty-five minutes before match time? I thought my name was down for co-caption. You know, sorta like the team mom.

I’ve captained plenty of teams over the years, so I threw on my captain’s hat. Too bad my badge said ADAM. I just wasn’t expecting the role. Banking on a bit more relaxation this trip. I’ve put in my years. For the most part, I was okay with my unexpected responsibilities, however, had I known, the prelims for this trip would have been drastically different. I may not be the princess of organization, but I have more behind me than a twenty-six year old tennis player/coach with no kids or wife to call his own.

Everyone got a kick out of calling me Adam. The tournament staff, referees, other captains, even the parents of my team. "The Fake Adam" I called myself. While turning in my last score card for the last match of the weekend, I held up my ADAM name tag to Andy, the tournament director and said, “I’ll bet I’m the best looking Adam you’ve ever seen.”

Without missing a beat, he replied, “I don’t know…I’ll have to go ask Eve and see what HE says.”

This Adam did not take her team to first place, but she had a super fantastic time anyway.

Relieving some stress before a tennis match.
I'm wearing my ADAM tag. Laney is being silly. Gotta love her.

Laney playing her singles match @ GA/FL Challenge 2005
Laney, no longer being silly.

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