Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/406689
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#406689 added February 14, 2006 at 5:34pm
Restrictions: None
Gunned down? or Peppered?
Being a writer, I’m always interested in how other writers put words together; their use of dialogue, their pace and suspense, their descriptive phrases. So many aspects help to create a great written piece its difficult to pinpoint one or two.

Personally, I love descriptive phrases. These help me to see what the writer wants me to see. Take me there first. Once I’m in, then you can toy with my emotions, etc…If I’m not in the right place, I might not be as receptive to the emotion the writer wants to convey.

for instance, what about the following phrase being flashed in the media...

‘peppered with shot’

for me, this phrase conjures up images of teenage boys carrying bb guns. Scouring the neighborhood for unlucky rodents. Not a hunting accident involving serious enough bodily injury warrenting a hospital stay.

Peppered equates to ‘sprinkle’, implying a more gentle form of the expression.

Hmmm, Let's ask Whittington what he thinks.


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