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#700157 added July 29, 2010 at 2:33pm
Restrictions: None
Group Leaders and Members
Icon: Upgraded Membership (Small) Only Upgraded members or above may create groups. The creator of the group becomes the Group Leader, and is responsible for delegating access levels to the other group members. A Group Leader's access level within the group can never be changed and that leader can never be deleted. The leader can however terminate the Group or transfer the Group to another eligible member. If a group transfer becomes necessary, please refer to "Transfer a Group To Another Member for more details.

Whether they are invited or request to become part of the group, any registered member may join a group. The Group Leader, or a designated representative of the leader, enters each member into the group using that member's username. The number of members that a Group may host varies according to the membership level of the Group Leader. Premium Plus Members may host up to 2,500 members, Premium Members up to 1,000 members, and Upgraded Members up to 250 members, including the Leader.

View a complete list of the groups that you are a member, choose My Groups from within your My Account area. This tool provides quick access to useful information about each group, including the number of members, your level and the leader. Also available from within My Groups is the ability to leave any group. Leaving a group removes you and automatically emails the leader a quick note. Remember: never take offense to a member who leaves a group that you lead!

You can also look for other groups of interest by clicking on a listing called Browse by Type in the navigation under the Writing.Com logo.1

Recommended Reading

1  Written by JACE and The StoryMistress

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