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Rated: 13+ · Book · Young Adult · #1790171
Chapter One
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#727713 added July 4, 2011 at 6:06am
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Chapter One - Rae
Lets Get Closer


“Now that you’ve graduated, maybe you could seriously think about us.” Leo said, moving closer to take yet another picture of me. I pretended as if I didn’t hear, and continued admiring a giant photograph of my mum, Chrissie and I, that Leo had taken during my graduation. “Remember you said after graduation,” he added. I glanced at him once and looked down to the photos again. Leo was a photographer by profession, but to me, the whole thing seemed more like an addiction.
We were in Leo’s apartment, 12th floor of the Crystalbell-building - one of the most luxurious apartments in Hillburry. I was waiting for Jeffery, my father’s brother, to finish work so I could pass by his house to collect the keys to my new home. Jeffrey had presented me with a gift for my graduation - Blueberry cottage; a home that was about a mile away from his own.  From the moment I saw Blueberry Cottage, it was love at first sight. I loved the natural colours; the light green, the cream, the browns and the chalky whites, they reminded me more of a watercolour painting. The cottage elements: crafted door handles, window boxes, and shutters, complimented the stoned walls perfectly -it was all charming.
“You’re not gonna give me an answer, are you?” the camera flashed again and this time he came to sit next to me, taking my hand in his.
“I’m not ready yet,” I sighed, staring into his anxious eyes.
He swallowed, and looked down playing with my fingers. “It’s been a year since we’ve been together…you wanna know what I think?” he asked, slowly kissing my fingers one by one. “You’re scared I might hurt you,” he said. His blue eyes locked into mine.
“No,” I almost yelled. “I just need more time,” I said hesitantly. It’s true I wasn’t afraid of him; I was more terrified of what he was asking for. I had never done it before - not with a human, talk more of a vampire. My friend Meg thought me strange that at my age, 17, I had never had sex before, but to me, it wasn’t at all strange – I felt comfortable. It’s not that I wasn’t beautiful. I was stunning, according to most people: 5 ft. 8, full and long brown curly hair, deep brown eyes and a curvy figure, that I was very proud off. I loved Leo so much that I thought it impossible to love anyone more but I was afraid he that I would wake up one day and he would be gone, just as he did before. He had disappeared without any goodbyes, just to reappear after a few months apologising, explaining that he had some emergency to attend to in Siya. Of course, I questioned the fact that he could leave without telling me and not only that; I also wondered if they had no phones in Siya since I never received a single phone call from him during that time.
Leo leaned closer, touching his forehead with mine and forced a smile.
“I understand,” he sighed. “If I were you, I would be scared too,” he smiled and gave me a quick kiss before grabbing his black pea coat. “Come; let me drop you at Jeffrey’s. You meet me at the cottage when you’re done.”
I remained seated, gazing at him thoughtfully.
“Rae, come on,” he stretched his hand to me.
“Lee,” I said in almost a whisper.
“What’s wrong?” he asked seating back beside me.
“What would you say if I told you, I’m ready now?”
He stared at me for a brief moment with a frown and then he snorted. “A moment ago you said you need more time and now…Come on Rae, what is this?”
“I mean it Lee, I just realised there’s nothing to be afraid of…I love you and you love me, that’s all that matters.”
“It also matters that you’re ready, and right now I’m feeling like I’ve forced you into it.”
“No, you didn’t Lee,” I placed his face in my hands. “You know I would lie about that, I wouldn’t do that to you…to us.”
He sighed, stroking my cheeks gently. “I gonna need more convincing, Rae” he replied, making his way to the doorway and I followed reluctantly.

We got to Jeffrey’s and before turning into the driveway, Leo kissed me goodbye and vanished at a vampire speed; we both knew that Jeffrey would not give him a warm welcome. I pulled by the driveway, left the engine running and skipped to the entrance door. I was about to ring the bell when I heard voices yelling;
“You got to let her know the truth.”
“I can’t have her living in fear Jeffery, No.”
“She’s almost 18 Chrissie, that’s the time Henry started showing. If she finds out by herself we will lose her.”
“How will she find out…unless you tell her?”
“Come on Chrissie-,”
“She’s my daughter Jeffery; I’ll do as I wish.”
“Fine, but get rid of that monster of a boy.”
“Who? Leo…he’s no harm, the boy is head over heels in love with Rae and besides he makes her happy.”
“And you too, huh?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean,” he mocked.
There was silence and suddenly the engine I left running was louder than I first thought. “Are you expecting someone?” I heard mum saying and then I decided it was time to ring the bell. The door opened,
“Hey darling,” mum said hugging me.
“Mum,” I returned the hug, staring at Jeff who looked a bit uneasy. “What you doing here?” I asked.
“What, I can’t visit my brother anymore?” she smiled tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I forced a smile and stepped aside to hug Jeffery.
“Jojo,” Jeff sang, tucking my head underneath his arm. “You’re here for your keys, I guess,” he added, still locking my head in his elbow.
“Uncle Jeff, please - its hurts,” I moaned, trying to free my head. He laughed lightly and held me by the waist leading me to the living room. Chrissie seemed edgy so she said her goodbyes and left.
“I’m not staying long,” I said to Jeffery. “I left the engine running.”
I had done that intentionally knowing how he his lecturers about Leo never ends.
“And why would you do that? Go turn it off we need to talk,” he said.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and annoyingly stood up heading for the door. I knew it was about Leo, “we need to talk” was his new name for ‘I have some nasty things to say about Leo’. When I got back in, I sat beside him quietly and listened as he expressed his grief and hatred of Leo. I had heard it all before, so it didn’t move me at all, until he pulled the keys out of his pocket and said,
“Everything is as you asked but I won’t have that monster there with you. If you wanna see him you go to see him in his precious apartment.”
I frowned and searched his eyes. “You’re serious aren’t you?”
“Vampires are dangerous and selfish, he’s not good for you,” he said, strolling to the glass door.
“Leo is a Siya Uncle Jeff, not a Hunter – he’s safe,” I voiced.
“They’re all the same to me,” he yelled. “Your father would never have allowed this, and did you stop to think of your mother…you’re her only daughter for god’s sake, she’s expecting grandkids from you… at least you owe her that.”
“Ha,” I chocked. “So I guess I better get married to a hunter then, and have kids, that way you all be happy,” I mocked.
He glowered at me. “I can tolerate a Siya but if you get a hunter, I will kill you myself.”
“So leave me with Leo, please,” I begged. “Besides I’m still young who knows I might change my mind about him.”
For a brief moment, his eyes lit up but he looked down and shook his head. “It’s not always easy to break the bond between a human and a vampire – already I can see how you two are close, too close if you ask me.”
After a moment, he placed the keys in my pocket and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I swear to god Jojo, if I see him there, you’ll end up burying one of us.”
“He’s immortal you can’t fight him.” I fought back tears.
“AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I…” he trailed off. “Just make sure I don’t meet him there?” he whispered.  I stared at his furious eyes for a moment before storming out without saying goodbye.

“I was thinking here, tonight, just the two of us after the party,” I said to Leo as he zipped my dress. He leaned his head and gently kissed my neck but said nothing. We were now at Blueburry cottage getting ready for the dinner party at Chrissie’s – my former home.
“Is that not convincing enough?” I turned to face him.
“I thought you wanted it to be special? It’s as if now, you just wanna get it over with – out of way kind of thing,” he explained, swinging his hand carelessly.
“It seems you’re the one scared now?” I said sarcastically.
“Me? Noooo!”
“So what’s your problem then?” I asked.
“We are going to your mothers’ Rae, don’t feed these thoughts in my head,” he uttered, leaning for a kiss. “I won’t be able to take my eyes off you,” he said, and I laughed a muffled laugh with my arms around his neck. “And my hands,” he added, his hands rubbing my waist gently. He paused for a while with his blue eyes closed. “Joanne Rae Wright…I love you,” he sighed brushing my hair off my face. “…and I love the way you curled your hair,” he whispered next to my ear.
I rolled my eyes pulling off him. “What a poor attempt to change the subject,” I mumbled, adjusting the dress a little and he chuckled.
“What, I’m not allowed to compliment you anymore?” he asked.
I shook my head, while he shut the door behind me on our way out.
“Where’s your car?” I asked as we approached the driveway, noticing it was only my car there.
“I didn’t bring a car, I did what I do naturally” he side smiled. I didn’t hear much after that; gazing at his smile. Very rarely, he smiled like so – starting with the eyes lit up; gradually his tightened lips would form into a smile followed by a pause before briefly shutting his eyes. “What’s wrong? Leo asked probably reading my expression.
“Nothing,” I said. “You just smiled my favourite smile.”
He smiled once more, a wider smile this time and leaned to kiss me.
“I’m sorry I’m late and I promise we will get there before…well before were too late.”
“We better,” I replied, pulling the seat belt across as the engine started. “You know how Jeff already disapprove of me and you…this will just give him a start -,”
“We’ve been together for almost a year now, I’m sure Jeff’s gotten over it …besides he’s just jealous that I will give you immortality,” he sang proudly on the last part. I grimaced turning slowly to see his face, his eyes met mine and he smirked, speeding into the high road.
“And who said I want to be a vampire? Just because I love you desperately, doesn’t mean I wanna be dead like you,” I teased fighting a smile.
“Whoa,” Leo choked up, adjusting himself on the seat as he increased the speed “If I’m…if I’m dead like you say I am, how come with a single touch from me, you feel more alive?”
“That’s not true,” I objected, trying not to smile.
“You said so yourself, that day at the tennis tournament…remember?”
“No, I did not.”
Leo was already shaking his head. “North to South, East to West, I cross my heart…I swear you said so, unless of course you were too drunk with my kisses you didn’t know what you were saying then…” he shrugged.
I laughed, “No!”
“You want me to pull over and prove it?” The car slowed down a little as he watched me. I looked at his face and our eyes met again, right then I couldn’t hold the laughter anymore; I laughed out loud, as he laughed a quiet laugh. “See how my words sprinkled some laughing breath into you.”
I shook my head, laughing some more and then leaned to kiss his neck as the car picked up speed again. “That’s nice,” he glanced at me briefly smiling. “You make me happy, Rae.” His tone was serious this time.
“And you drive me crazy,” I said, looking out the window.
He giggled and answered, “I know…I know.”
Watching the narrow road with huge green leafy trees, I knew we were almost there. I remembered the conversation I had with Jeffery earlier and suddenly, I felt tension building up. I comforted myself with the thought that despite Jeff’s disapproval, Chrissie, loved Leo.
“I thought you would make tonight an exception and not wear black,” I said in a low tone as he pulled by the driveway. He didn’t answer – his mind absent, “Leo?”
“Hmm?” His eyes opened wide turning to look at me. “What was it you said?”
“I had another argument with Jeffery,” I said. He switched off the engine and waited for me continue. “It was really bad this time,” I added.
“You want me to leave? I can wait for you at the cottage, if it makes things better for you,” he asked.
“No, I need you here with me,” I said urgently, and just then Chrissie appeared.
“Oh My God, Rae, you are here,” she rushed towards me with open arms. “And on time,” she added squeezing me tightly. ‘On time’ I grimaced and glanced at Leo who had raised eyebrows. Then from a distance, my eyes caught Jeff, with his long unkempt hair, leaning by the door with his arms folded - eyes on Leo.
“Looks like you expected me to be late,” I said, hugging her.
“You gonna love this, Rae.” Chrissie began chattering as we walked towards the door. “I have done your favourite dessert; Panna cotta and trust me it came out perfectly - after several attempts of course,” she smiled briefly watching me. “And by the way I invited Jude,” she quickly moved to hug Leo. Jude was Leo’s friend and an angel but no one knew he was an angel except for my brother Henry, Leo and I. Occasionally, Jude changed into human form but only temporarily. His job was to help souls cross over after death. The scary part was that Jude actually walked around with a list of names of the people he needed to help, meaning those who were close to death.
Jude? I smiled to myself; it had been a while since I saw him in human form. While Leo and Chrissie embraced, I reached out for Jeff, who was already waiting with open arms.
“I was beginning to think maybe you eloped with the monster,” he teased as we hugged.
“Leo is not a monster,” I replied. With his hand hang over my shoulders, we stepped aside; waiting for Leo and Chrissie to catch up but those two had their own catching up going. I could hear them laughing aloud. While we waited, I noticed Jeffrey’s bandaged knee, I wanted to ask what happened but I just couldn’t. 
“Leo!” I called after noticing Jeffrey struggling on his knee.
“Coming,” Leo called back. Jeffrey rolled his eyes, watching as Leo whispered into Chrissie’s ear. Chrissie’s eyes widened with a light sparkle before she held her mouth and laughed.
“You could swallow your pride and let Leo sort that knee out,” I said to Jeffrey. I knew with a single touch from Leo, it would all be over – Leo had a gift of healing. Jeffrey did as if he didn’t hear.
“I still haven’t found any record of your boyfriend’s dead relatives,” Jeff said unexpectedly.
“You are not a police officer, Uncle Jeff,” I hissed.
“I do have contacts and-,”
“I really don’t think we should talk about this right now,” I answered bleakly.
“Jojo, these things are important, you can’t-,” I was already walking off before he could finish. I stepped into the entrance hall and walked to the hallway, passed the kitchen to the second bigger living room that had doubled sliding doors that led to the garden. As soon as I opened the doors, voices screamed “congratulations!” My heart skipped. I smiled as they all cried out, rushing over to embrace me. I returned their hugs and made sure I laughed at the appropriate times.
“Jude!” I heard Leo exclaiming with excitement behind me. “You made it… in flesh?” he said after a brief hug.
“I didn’t do it for you, I did it for her.” He passed by him to give me a hug. “Uncle Jeff’s Jojo,” he teased. I nudged him and we laughed.
I turned to Leo smiling and handed him a glass of blood in crushed ice with a hint of lemon: his favourite. He took a sip smiling sheepishly “Is it me or are you just as nervous as I am?”
I fought a smile, gave him a peck and whispered. “It’s just you – I’m perfectly fine.” Before I could walk off, his hand clutched my waist, pulling me closer.
“Your lips were just too close, don’t do that again,” he whispered and I laughed.
“And where’s Meg?” I asked looking around. The whole room was full, I could recognise of few of my uncles and aunts, my nephews and nieces, but mostly it was my friends from school and neighbours. I turned back and saw Chrissie looking at me with admiration and then she skipped towards me,
“Mum,” I said embracing her. “That’s was very nice of you, inviting Jude.”
“That boy is like an angel Rae. I just thought it’s been a while since I saw him so I was sure Leo would be happy too,” she said, tucking my hair behind her ear.
“Thanks mum,” I hugged her again. When I lifted my head, Leo was staring at me and I smiled. He winked and elbowed Jude who was brushing off his blonde wavy hair. Jude looked at me with a huge smile that squeezed up his already small grey eyes, pointing a finger at me, as he bit on his bottom lips - I couldn’t resist a smile.
The doorbell rang and Chrissie quickly skipping to the door. She came back a few minute later with Megan.
“Meg!” I sang, bouncing towards her.
“Hey you,” she said returning my hug, and waved at Leo.
“Thanks for the surprise, where have you been?” I mumbled into her ear, trying to speak over the loud music.
“It was Oliver,” she said glancing around to see if anyone was listening. “He…oh my god, is that Jude?” she whispered with total excitement.
“Yeah, I thought you knew he was here?”  I replied, but Meg wasn’t listening. Her attention was no longer on me.
“He looks hot… I love the blonde, did he dye his hair?” she uttered walking straight to Jude. I sighed and took a sip of my cranberry juice, watching her as she swung her way towards Jude. I smiled, thinking how fearless Megan was. From the first day she set her eyes on Jude, she got hooked. Although Jude never noticed how taken she was with him, she still believed that one day her strawberry blonde hair, vibrant green eyes together with her slim figure would win him out.
“Rae,” Chrissie called pulling me to the hallway. We linked arms and walked to the dining area. Chrissie smiled faintly folding the white napkins carefully before placing them on the main table.
“Mum, why isn’t Henry here?” Chrissie looked at me and sighed. Henry was my brother who left home to study medicine a few years ago and never returned. At least if he couldn’t come for Christmas or my birthday, I had hoped he would be here.
“Sorry sweetheart, your brother’s doing his F2 final assessment and so he couldn’t squeeze any time off,” she stated. “Now let’s see,” she said in a louder tone, steering away from the subject as usual. “I meant to ask you to be patient with your Uncle; you know he’s only looking out for you.”
I dropped her hands and folded my arms, frowning. “It’s been a year mum, can’t he give up?  If Leo wanted to kill me, don’t you think he should have done it by now?”
“Hey,” Chrissie unfolded my arms. “Like I said, he’s doing what he does best; protecting you. You know with him it’s more about not disappointing your father,” she explained. “So be nice.”
I sighed and looked sideways.
“Now let’s go feed the guests before they get sick from the champagne,” Chrissie said, placing her arm over my waist.
“It’s time!” Chrissie called out standing by the doubles doors. Everyone stopped the chattering and turned us.
“Before we go feasting…” Jeffery raised his voice and everyone turned to face him. I looked down, hoping he wasn’t planning to embarrass me. “I would like to make a toast, to my favourite niece; Joanne Rae Wright or Rae as everyone here seems to call her,” he mumbled. “Funny, how I cheated years back when we were naming Joanne,” he coughed a light laugh and smiled faintly. “We had a little friction back then – her father and I; he wanted Rae for her first name and I wanted Joanne…so we did a lucky dip…filled a little basket with small tiny papers and then in the end we all had to pick one,” he paused smiling at  a grinning Chrissie. “Jack, Rae’s father picked Joanne, Chrissie picked Rae, and unfortunately for me, I also picked Rae but being that I’m a quick thinker, I lied and read out Joanne.”
“Aaahhh,” everyone said harmoniously and I turned to smile at Chrissie.
“I guess…” he paused, waiting for the mumbling to stop. His eyes were on me this time. “I guess I didn’t win after all…she’s now Rae to most of you…so it just goes to show, cheating doesn’t always pay.” We all laughed.  “Anyway, as we all know Rae graduated from high school recently and also that a few days ago she moved into her new home; the Blueberry Cottage, without my permission of course,” he eyed me smiling as everyone laughed again. I glanced at Leo who stood afar on the opposite, his brilliant smile still made my heart flutter a little. “I just want to say…” Jeff swallowed, as he continued. “I wanna say, I’m so proud of you Jo and I love you from the bottom of my heart,” he seemed to fight tears, “Please raise your glasses - to Rae!”
“Rae!” everyone responded harmoniously, lifting their glasses up, before sipping on. I rushed to embrace him and when I raised my head, Leo was no longer there, but Jude was still sipping on his champagne. I pecked Jeffrey and walked over to Jude.
“Uncle Jeff’s Jojo,” Jude sang as I approached.
“In flesh are we?” I teased.
“Flesh indeed, it’s good to be human now and then,” he smiled, squeezing my nose gently.
“No souls crossing over today?” I smirked.
“Thanks to you, they have extra time,” he smirked back. “Just kidding, I’m off today. You look beautiful by the way.”
“Thanks,” I smiled, “Where did Leo go?”
“I’m my heart, you wanna come find him?” He laughed touching his chest on the side of his heart. “Just kidding, I have no idea.”
“To think you’re an angel.” I shook my head, tutting.
“What, I’m too cool to be an angel?” he whispered back. I smirked, watching as the room turned empty with everyone gone to the dining area. I checked everywhere else for Leo and found him in the kitchen where I heard him chatting with Chrissie.
“I was hoping you’ll be my family now,” he answered to something Chrissie had said.
Chrissie immediately hugged Leo “Oh my, if only you were…” she paused realising how her words would sound.
“I was human?” Leo concluded. Chrissie nodded but embraced him again.
“Ohh never mind,” she said before kissed both his cheeks. “I love you still,” she whispered before picking up two cheese trays and heading out of the kitchen. “Rae, what are you doing here you should be at the table?” she uttered walking past me without really waiting for an answer.
“Leo,” I said as he walked towards me. He smiled but his eyes didn’t smile with him. I wondered what he and Chrissie were talking about before I walked in.
“Rae,” he answered,
“Um …I,” I stammered. It always amazed me when he looked at me like that - paying so much attention, as if my every word was worth a million dollars. I couldn’t work out what I wanted to ask and so I gazed back at him with my mouth open,
“You what?” he asked, brushing hair off my face. “Your hair looks beautiful,” he whispered, still staring at me. Surprisingly, I blushed. Considering the number of times he mentioned it, you would have thought I would be used to it by now.
“That’s the 55th time you’ve said that” I replied, putting my arms round his neck.
“You’ve been counting? I’m impressed,” he chuckled and then he leaned in and gently kissed me. I kissed him back with the same tenderness and sighed pulling off, still wanting to kiss him more. He raised his eyebrows at me. “And what is it you wanted?”
“Nothing,” I shook my head. “I guess I just wanted you,” I said with my hand trailing down his chest.
“We must go and eat, the guest are waiting,” he reminded me and we locked our little fingers, like they always do, making our way to the dining room.
Throughout dinner, Leo and I were in a world of our own, he kept whispering endlessly in my ear and I did the same. We didn’t pay any attention to most of the discussions at the table apart from when Jeffrey spoke. His eyes could almost devour Leo if it were possible. In the end, we excused ourselves and sneaked out, making our way home, back at the cottage.
“Are you sure you want this?” Leo asked carrying me in his arms, up the stairs to the bedroom before shutting the door with his foot. He gently laid me on the bed as he began kissing me softly and carefully. “Rae?” he whispered.
I paused to look into his eyes. “You’re not saying anything,” he said.
“I love you Leo,” I gasped, shivering at his touch.
He breathed and looked into my eyes again. “…and I love you,” he said, and then leaned to press his lips on mine.
As the passion increased, the kisses got deeper, so deep that we didn’t hear when the door opened.
“Son of a bitch!” I heard Jeffrey hiss. In an instant, I was in the air with Leo holding me, before he landed carefully on the ground, safeguarding me on his back as we both stared at the doorway. Jeffery stood by the door with a gun pointed at Leo. A gun I was sure had silver bullets, designed to kill vampires.

© Copyright 2011 CallaLily (UN: callalily11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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