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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/766920
by Lana
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1801169
Or just a mind that thinks too much.
#766920 added November 26, 2012 at 10:46am
Restrictions: None
Age is nothing but a number.
If you could be any age again for one week, which would you choose?

I don't really have an age I would like to repeat. My childhood wasn't the greatest, my teen years were OK, my college years were great, but I wouldn't want to repeat any of them. I have always been wiser than my age and way too immature at the same time. My kids love that, my husband, not so much, but I know he loves me.
I am happy with the age I am now. It wasn't until this year that my purpose was clear. It wasn't until this year that I truly felt I had a calling. I love being a mother and wife. I love my family with all of my heart and soul!

The moment I pick up a pen and write, well, I am truly alive! If it weren't for the friends I have met on this site, I would still be stuck in my head, hiding from the world, self conscious, and full of dreams. They say (and I am not sure who they are) great friends are hard to come by, and when you find them, then you are truly lucky. This is not the actual quote, but you get the point, right? I have my faults. I embrace them and work on fixing them. Self improvement is key, and with my friends love and support, I have come a long way. I have finally emerged from my safe little cave.

To some, it might be a little late in life to finally know what your purpose is, but I feel that it's never too late. I feel alive and happy at thirty three years of age. I am a full-time mother and wife and writer. I love with all of my heart and am not afraid to try anything once. I smile at everyone I see, and although I am not perfect, I love who I am and the life I live.

So why dwell in the past? Why do something over again? It is the mistakes and successes of the past that make me who I am today, and I am perfectly OK with it. I might be a little off my rocker sometimes, but who wants to be normal anyway? I am not normal. I am different, exciting! At least that's what my friends tell me.
Maybe that's why they like me? I'll have to ask them someday.

I love my cupcakes with frosting, and my coffee with a little extra espresso. I watch cartoons with the kiddies, (sometimes without *BigSmile*) kick-box, Zumba, and yoga in the same day. I stumble when I speak, but fly when I write. I smile when I see a stranger, and laugh at my own mistakes. I love birthdays and all the celebrating that comes along with it. One day I will jump out of a plane and take a picture of the world below me. I will travel to another country and have tea with a stranger. I will take my daughter to Paris for a shopping spree. I will build my son a ramp and teach him how to skateboard. I will be the mother whooping and hollering at my children's graduation ceremonies. I will  streak my hair a different color every month when I turn grey.  I will always have a story to tell.

I've never been happier with myself than I am now, So I would not repeat the past. I live without regret. I own up to what I have done and move on.

I will enjoy the present and work towards a fun and fruitful future.

The following are words I have come to love.

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
- Maya Angelou

© Copyright 2012 Lana (UN: lana18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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