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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/767202
by Lana
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1801169
Or just a mind that thinks too much.
#767202 added November 29, 2012 at 10:01am
Restrictions: None
I don't let things get to me except...
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What are your pet peeves?

I don't let too much get to me. I always try to stay positive, but alas, I am not perfect and there are a few things that do get on my nerves. Shocking, huh? Well to those who know me, it might be.

I grew up in around a family of negative people. I think they thrive on complaining and gossiping. It's their drug of choice. I have my stories about my crazy family and the outrageous things they do. I try my best to not do what I spent most of my childhood watching. It's funny and sad to see my younger cousins repeat the same bad habits they swore they would never do now that they are older.
Negativity is a big issue for me. How does that saying go? If have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.
I have my moments when my horns come out, but I do my best to showcase my pretty wings. I say focus on the positive in yourself and others. There are enough people out there who are negative and surly. Kindness is a rarity you don't see enough of these days. Well at least I don't. That would be my major annoyance. The rest are little stupid things that shouldn't but do bother me. Lol. Like I said, I am not perfect.

I am only saying these things that I have experienced from the people I know and in no way mean it towards anyone else in general.

I have been really getting into my health this past year and have joined and completed a few workout classes to get me started e.g. Boot camp, Zumba, Yoga...
It is one thing to be encouraging, and I love my friends and husband for supporting me through the boot camp. That was a grueling six weeks of military style work outs. Now that I have gotten through that, I feel like I can accomplish anything. What bothers me a smidgen, is when the people I know who are extremely out of shape and overweight give me advice on how to lose weight. That like telling someone that smoking is bad while you are blowing cigarette smoke in their face. I just don't see how that will motivate or inspire me to take advice from someone who doesn't even do it. I guess that falls in the category of practice what you preach. Again I try not to let those things bother me, but sometimes it does.

When someone is speaking to me, I look them in the eye and listen to every word they have to say and speak when they are finished. Why can't they do the same for me? Please don't cut me off when I am speaking. It proves to me that you are not interested in what I have to say and only want to talk about yourself. If that is the case, I would be happy to listen, but please don't ask me how my day was and cut me off three words later. It is very rude! Thank you and good day.

Earlier I said that negativity is my big issue. I take that back. It is not my first but my second huge annoyance.
My first and foremost would be disrespecting your elders. I was brought up to keep my mouth shut and never talk back to my aunts and uncle, grandparents, or any one older than me. And I still follow that rule to this day. I really, really hate it when I see younger people talking back to their grandparents. And it kills me to see them talking back to their parents. As crazy as my aunts can be, I never talk back to them. Even when they need a good telling off or sometimes a smack or two. It's just the way I was brought up.

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