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by kat
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1972989
My thoughts ~ Imagination is even more valuable than knowledge.
#807035 added February 13, 2014 at 11:30pm
Restrictions: None
working, writing and cleaning house as necessary

I am so far behind in my blogging that I have decided that I will turn this week into one single blog for all of the days I have missed.  So here goes.

Yesterday I cleaned my living room in anticipation of a puppy buyer who was supposed to come to my house.  It had been so long since I had taken my brain away from my writing that it was hard to focus and not think about my book in progress.  It turns out that the puppy buyer had something come up and didn’t end up coming but if I keep on top of it I will be ready next time.  Maybe by then the ice will have melted and we can meet and greet puppies on the lawn instead of in my living room.  If I had known they weren’t coming I would not have spent so long on house work.  Sometimes, however, it is good to walk away from a project and my house sorely needed the attention.

So today I sat here staring at my computer trying to focus on the project I have been working on.  My little girl was trying to take up where we left off yesterday and started dragging all of the chairs out of the dining room so she could “clean”.  I was so distracted by the fact that she was messing up my freshly cleaned and vacuumed living room that I could not focus on anything.  When the school called for me to come and retrieve my ill son I was glad to put the computer down and go get him.

As my car was broken from the flood the day before, I took my daughter’s car knowing I only had a few minutes before she had to leave for work.  When I got hoe me I was wishing I had insisted that she go get him.  She had helped little Isabel build a fort out of chairs and blankets.  I have always hated forts for many reasons the biggest being that I usually have to clean up the mess left when the fort has been abandoned and collapsed.  My eldest child laughed when I walked in and protested.  But then I gave in and let them keep the fort.  My life would be so much easier if I didn’t have a five year old and an eighteen year old who wishes she was five. 

Because I have been suffering from writer’s block regarding my fantasy project I have been doing a lot of research for the historical fiction piece I am planning.  As I research I miss my dad and his fantastical stories and I wish again that I had taken more time to listen to his stories and record them before he passed away.  I can still hear his voice talking about his little porcupine that the raised or complaining about my brother’s raccoon.  I miss everything about him and everything he stood for.  It makes me want to focus on my mother and her stories but I am afraid that I will forget my dad’s so I press on hoping to have time for both.

My ancestors and the stories I have heard of them inspire me.  I write to record everything I know before it is lost.  I can write down every story I know about my parents and their parents before them and still miss out on writing a great tale.  I also write in hopes of entertaining children and young adults.  I know I have a gift, at least my sixth grade teacher told me I did, and I want to share this gift while I can.  I started blogging to exercise my mind, to take a break from my regular daily writing.  I have found that it is rewarding to write about pieces of my day.  Someday I may look back on this blog and see a fantastic story just waiting to be created.

Today was a good day as I got past the paragraph I have been struggling with for days in my book.  The writer’s block ended with a ton of new ideas of where to go with my story.  My fingers flew and I have now finished most of the ideas I had brainstormed a month ago of where to go with this book.  My living room is still somewhat clean despite the fort and the pile of blankets I have yet to put away.  I have a lot of research done on my family and am ready to start a couple of stories in the historical fiction genera based on my family history.  The flood has dissipated and left in its place a mucky muddy quagmire that will dry up in time and my car is fixed.  Once the battery is charged and I can start it to make sure it is going to stay running I will be back on track; going to work, writing, and cleaning house as necessary.

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