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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1000305-Wind-Generators-or-Doomsday-Devices
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1000305 added December 16, 2020 at 1:18am
Restrictions: None
Wind Generators or Doomsday Devices?
I have been keeping track of the time I get in here to write, but it really doesn't matter, as long as I get in here, right? So, let's head straight into the topic, Wind Generators.

Yes, those huge fans that litter the landscape and create quite an eyesore. I remember the first time I came across a huge wind farm, my first thoughts were, why save the world if it's going to covered in these unsightly bastards. But, hey, if they do the job, I suppose it's a trade-off. I did some research and what it takes to manufacture one of those monstrosities, then transport it, and finally set it up and maintain it, I can't see the thing ever breaking even. Have you ever seen one burn? I have, it overheated and ignited; black sooty smoke so thick it blocked out the sun, and for those downwind, evacuation time, the smoke is toxic.

But, that's not my biggest concern. As for efficiency, it's a matter of opinion and mine could be wrong. But I do know this, they are going to destroy our world. In fact, they may have already started. I know the principle is simple, the wind blows, the blades turn, and energy is produced. But, in the process, there is a lot of resistance and there is a lot of heat generated. So, think about it, a cool wind blows across the land, but after it's powered all those generators, it's not blowing as hard and it's been warmed right up. Yep, global warming; didn't global warming start shortly after they put a bunch of those things up?

But, that's just the start. See the wind blows over the blades and turns them. That means they only turn in one direction, but if they started turning in the opposite direction, they would produce wind. So, we are safe for a while, since most wind farms are not tied together --- yet. But as more wind generators go up, more and more will be tied together through the power grids. Not to digress, but even the name says it all, wind generator: something that generates wind.

So, some years down the road, all these things are tied together, probably globally. Then, the storms start all over the world at the same time. How? Remember the resistance and warming effect I told you about, yeah, that. So, the storms are raging and lightning is striking all over. Well, lightning is electricity, lots of it and it often knocks out the power because it hits powerlines and tall structures. Well, when this happens, all this mega-electric power is released into the power grid and feeds back to the wind generators.

Now, with all this energy feeding into them instead of out of them, they are no longer generators, they are huge electric fans and they are all running at the same time and they are all running very fast. This creates a huge amount of wind, worldwide, all blowing in the same direction. At first, it seems it will shift the jetstream, but give it even longer, it's going to propel the rotation of the earth like a giant airboat and that will be the beginning of the end as the world's rotation changes, and this planet likely tears itself apart.

But say it does hold together, what's going to happen when our rotation changes direction and speed?  Do we get that extra hour in our days, maybe two or three? Or, does it slow down and we go through months of day and months of night? Does this impact our orbit around the sun? There is no way of telling, but I can tell you this, it's not going to work out as it did on Star Trek when they used something similar to make a planet rotate.

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