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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1000416-A-Prompt-That-Reminds-Me-of-a-Time
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1000416 added December 18, 2020 at 1:44am
Restrictions: None
A Prompt; That Reminds Me of a Time
Here I sit trying t think of something worth writing. My pop-up fish shelter arrived today and the ice auger came a couple of days ago. It's great to have them, but not really blogable. Perhaps when I get the rest of the stuff I need and head out ice fishing I will have a blogable experience. Yes, I made it up, my term: Blogable; worthy of blogging.

Nothing blogable, so I turned to The Hub and looked at some prompts. I came across this one: You hide, but nobody seeks. Instead, they leave you alone in the woods.

This actually happened to me once. I was probably fifteen and a bunch of us kids from the neighborhood decided to play hide-n-seek. We lived in a small town on the Mesabi Iron Range, so there were woods right close by, and that is where we took up our game. It progressed through the afternoon and good places to hide were becoming scarce.

It was time to hide and everyone scattered in different directions except the girl who lived a couple of houses down. They had moved to the area that spring and we had hung out a few times but that was about it. I was actually surprised she had joined the game since she usually kept more to herself. We were close in age and I kind of had a crush on her, but she just didn't seem to be interested.

Anyway, we both ran in the same direction and every place to hide seemed taken. I heard, "Ready or not, here I come." I had to find a place to hide and quick. There was some very thick brush a bit to my left, and in desperation, I headed to it and pushed myself into it. To my surprise, she followed. I tried to get far enough into this almost solid wall of brush and tangled vines so we would both be hidden. I made another thrust forward and broke through to find myself almost toppling down some old steps.

It was dark and damp in this stairway into the blackness, so we just went far enough in so we could both hide. As our eyes adjusted, we could see that we had stumbled upon an old root cellar, the door now gone and the steps crumbling away.  We went down a bit further, but just enough to be able to huddle together out of sight.

She whispered softly that she was kind of scared of the blackness just a few feet away from us and pressed closer to me. I put my arms around her and was going to whisper back that it was just an old root cellar and nothing to be scared of, but before I could, she pressed her lips to mine. It surprised me and I must have tensed up because she pulled back a bit and said, "I'm sorry."

I pulled her closer and leaned in and kissed her a bit longer than her kiss had been. This time she tensed a bit, but then relaxed. We spent a minute after the kiss just looking into each other's eyes, then almost at the same time admitted that we had never kissed like this before. That had us giggling and hushing each other so we wouldn't be found. Then we tried it again, with a few more kisses that went a lot better. She was the first to say we should head back. I agreed but told her I would like to return and explore the root cellar more. She took my hand as we headed back and asked if she could explore it with me.

We were so caught up in our conversation that we didn't notice everybody was gone. They had given up looking for us and gone home but we did get teased a bit over us coming back together; we denied it all. We did go back a couple of days later to explore, with a flashlight and some candles. The root cellar had collapsed in the center, so no big adventure there. We did find kind of a natural trail that took us to a small cliff in the mine pit where we found a cave, but it was so low you had to crawl into it, and of course, there were bats.

We did quite a bit of exploring together that summer, in more ways than one.

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