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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1001319-Good-Start-For-2021-So-Far
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#1001319 added January 3, 2021 at 3:07am
Restrictions: None
Good Start For 2021 So Far
2021 seems to be starting out pretty good. Sure, there's still plenty of the same old crap, but one can hardly expect everything to just suddenly change overnight; it's going to take a fair amount of time for things to turn around and take on any semblance of normal. Hell, somethings probably never will return to what was normal. And, even as some things return to normal, there are bound to be new problems arising. Let's just hope and pray that the new problems are far less severe than some of the problems in 2020.

But, as I was saying, the new year seems to be starting out pretty good. First of all, I purchased a small snowblower to save my back from shoveling snow. It's nice that our landlord has someone come in and plow out the driveway, but the person doesn't plow behind my pickup and doesn't get very close to the garage. He, or she, also leaves a lot of snow around the dumpster and the mailbox. Of course, we are responsible for removing snow from our sidewalks and patio. So, I decided to get a small snowblower to clean up around the garage, behind my truck, around the mailbox, and around the dumpster.

I also figure, and this is just based on how things usually go, but if I'm shoveling all that snow, it's going to snow frequently and we will get a lot each time. But, with a nice little snowblower that makes it almost fun to clean up after it snows, we probably won't get near as many snowstorms and they will probably not give us a lot of snow when they do hit.

Also, I received a check in the mail from the telephone co-op I used to be a member of. I haven't used their services in a few years, since we moved, but I still got a dividend check from them this year. Not just a couple of Andrew Jacksons, but five Benjamin Franklins and four Andrew Jacksons! It's like getting paid back for what I spent on a snowblower.

I also gathered up all my ice fishing gear and did a test fit in the sled I purchased to haul it all out on the ice. It's a tight fit, but everything fits and will ride nice. Well, almost everything, I will still need to find a place to stow a thermos of coffee and a couple of bottles of water, and my tackle box. I won't have any problems fitting in the thermos and water, but I'm kind of short on space for my tackle box. I can't believe I forgot it when I did a trial set-up today, but I did.

I'll figure it out tomorrow, I think there's room in the very front, but if that doesn't work out, I can always set it on top of my five-gallon pail or on top of the minnow bucket and use a bungee cord to hold it in place. I also checked out the area I want to ice fish and it's plowed out to the lake and there are a couple of wheeled fish-houses out kind of in the area I want to fish. That's a good sign that the ice is thick enough, they had to use something to pull them out there. Not only that, but their fish-houses easily outweigh me and all my gear. I'm also pleased that they didn't set up in the area I want to fish. Their close, but missed the mark for the bottom contour, at least by the map I looked at.

Now, however, it's getting to be time for me to wrap this up and head off to bed. I have quite a bit to accomplish tomorrow and if there's time, we may have to go do a bit of shopping with the gift cards we received for Christmas. My wife has one for Dick's Sporting Goods for a new bike she asked for, and I have one to use for whatever I decide I want to get. I was thinking about a new camera with BlueTooth and wifi, something with a little better zoom than our old one.

There I go, rambling on again. Good Night

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